Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Paw Power

I've been putting "Humpty Dumpty back together again" today. My photo library melted down this fall, and I spent a long time today reinstating the photos that were lost so that I can make my chocolate lab calendar. Thank goodness for back-ups.

I ran across this one of Shyla's graceful legs and paws. When I saw it, I thought of our friend Pip. This photo is for him - to send him the power of the paw.
This was the next photo in the series as I called Shyla to me from her perch on the rock. This photo was taken at about the time when I began to see a real fire in Shyla's eyes - a confidence that I hadn't seen before.
I always enjoy going back through my photos near the end of the year. Of course, this year was bittersweet, as I relived the loss of K through my camera lens. However, reviewing my photos has also shown me how much Shyla has gained confidence- and that wonderful vision has taken some of the ache out of reviewing the year. She has a heart of gold.


  1. Love looking back on photos too
    Benny & Lily

  2. So good to see K again in your photos, and so special, for Paws of Love to be sent on again to another.Your Golden Girls do indeed have hearts of gold, you as well.Yes, reviewing, sorting, sadness and joy all together in your photos,and Shyla's progress will show so well. Fond greetings, Jean.

  3. I need mountains for my Addie to stand on so I can capture some of these GORGEOUS moments like you do. I can't WAIT to take her somewhere beautiful!

  4. Your beautiful Shyla- her confidence growing so big.
    We love going back and looking at old photos too,,, it is good for the heart.
    We hope your all feeling better.

  5. Oh gosh, if only my paws were as graceful and agile as beautiful Shyla!! I so appreciate your good thoughts and wishes! Thank you!

    Your pal, Pip

    From Pip's assistant ...
    We were SO INSPIRED by your (and K's) grace and courage during her illness and passing. We are trying to find the same courage and grace as we face Pip's health struggles.

  6. I find that looking backs gives me much to look forward to. Beautiful shot of Shyla's elegant and strong legs. And a beautiful thought for Mr. PIP. He is in my prayers and my paws are crossed. She does have that spirit filled glow in her eyes.

  7. That Pip Pup is one of our most favorite guys and we keep him in our thoughts and prayers too. Thats a beautiful photo to send him and a most sweet gesture.


    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  8. Shyla has such graceful, deer like legs! What a supermodel

  9. I love every photo of yours, but that one of Shyla's little paws is fantastic. It reminds me a lot of the Pillars of Strength!

  10. Ann.....from Outer Banks of NC...said .....First good wishes and healing prayers for Mr Pip with lots of snuggles....he is such a lovely pup....you know... you could write a book KB with all those pictures you have....I sure would buy it....picture are memories that capture our hearts.... and I have so many...it would take a while to look at all of them.....I am glad Shyla is feeling better and you too as well...and precious K will be in all our hearts...she was so amazing> so full of life...and you could see the love in her beautiful eyes...I know you are a proud mama of all your adorable pups.....and I can speak for everyone here....thank you for being (you)...HUGS

  11. I know exactly how you feel looking back over my pictures of an aging Nina from earlier this year and now seeing the young and silly Millie. I try to look to the future, but could never forget the past.


  12. Watching Shyla blossom through your lens has been just fantastic!

  13. Hi KB! Hope you are doing well.
    Shyla is always looking great , shes a real model.

  14. You are such a beauty, Shyla. We love looking back at the older photos too.

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  15. Shyla's heart of gold is a reflection of yours. These things always go together...

  16. Sounds like Shyla is becoming your heart dog! I love all my dogs, they are each unique and special. And I've had two heart dogs, I'm waiting to see if I will have a third.

  17. I just revisited a few of my sweet girl Cisco. I love the warm memories!


  18. It must be bittersweet looking through all those photos, but you has lasting memories forever!!

  19. This is so good to hear KB...you are the 2nd person that has mentioned backing up photos...so guess what I'm doing this w/e!!!? This is going to take time!

    Happy New Year to tall of you!

    Ron and Sophie


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