Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, December 28, 2012

Sunrise and Heaven

We saw a peaceful sunrise this morning. I love the brief time of quiet so early in the morning - it's like heaven on Earth.
Shyla and I wandered the hillsides. Deer had pocked the snow with their hoof tracks overnight, and Shyla was intent on their scent.
But, she's so trainable that I can draw her attention away from the forests where the deer reside during the day. I had just told her to "leave it" in the photo below, and she was determined to keep her nose and her eyes away from the direction of the deer!
Shyla's intense look was quite a contrast to R's laid back look.
I finally completed my Chocolate Labrador calendar today using K photos for the first half of the year and Shyla photos for the second half. While I was making it, I ran across this sweet photo from one of the Duo's last trips to Hug Hill together. It melted my heart.
They were gazing at heaven together.


  1. My eyes are filled with tears, reading this. You and all your dogs are blessed to have each other. Hugs from SoCal, and have a wonderful New Year --


  2. What a great image and concept

    Of course, they were also discussing their plans for YOU!

  3. Just love that last shot. It's such a very special moment they shared together.

  4. Maybe K was telling R where to look, and there she would be, with a gentle reminder to "look after KB and Runner " too. We read their unspoken words, told in their eyes,and R says it all with those eyes,squeezed shut as if to say "you know what I am thinking".Lovely pic of the Duo, memories always of K, in photos and your heart and sent to us in your blog. We have been so fortunate to "meet" K, know her, and share. May the New Year of 2013 be filled with happiness, memories, and new beginnings for you all. Fond greetings from Jean

  5. And I have tears in my eyes too, because we have learned to love all of you- with all our heart....and the photos speak a thousand words...

  6. Oh my gosh, the contrast between Shyla and R made me smile! Thank you so much - I needed a giggle tonight!

  7. Oh to be a fly on that rock and listening to their conversation. Wonder if this was K's way of passing the baton to her younger brother who has now become the big brother. KB this is such a beautiful love story--thank you for sharing it.
    May 2013 be filled with lots of romping in the rockies for duo and you.

  8. OH man, you just had to put that last picture and comment in the post, didn't you. I hate it when I get teary.

    So excited about the calanders, cant wait to get mine.

    bert's My Vickie

  9. That is a beautiful photo of those two.

  10. Ann...from...Outer Banks of NC...said ..... seeing R and K on Hug Hill.....the beauty of them together...(awakens my heart) and you can feel the warmth and love they shared.....and I believe these are special moments that R remembers and it radiates joy for him too... when he goes there.....I am so glad Shyla is in your lives.....all of you sharing a wonderful life with each other..... .....HUGS

  11. Oh my goodness...love the contrast between Shyla and R!! That last picture has me in tears too...

    Hopefully the new year will bring new joys for you all!

  12. Shyla certainly does have an intense look!

    The last photo is really nice. Isn't it surprising the memories that can come flooding back from one photo of a pair of beautiful dogs.

  13. That last shot melted me, too! And I love the idea of Shyla trying so hard to please you that she'd turn her nose away from the scent. That is one smart little cookie you've got there!

  14. The sunrise is so beautiful but we love that last photo best. It's so special!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  15. You're right, that last photo is very moving. I can almost hear K giving R tips on how to manag the next dog that comes along.

    Mango Momma

  16. As always, so beautiful!

    You are doing an amazing job on training Shyla. The focus in her eyes is incredible.

    And sweet R.... Licking his chops thinking "venison for dinner??" I think not R, but you can keep dreaming.

    Yup! That last picture did me in. Such a sweet and beautiful memory.

    Lily Belle (and Mommy)

  17. some buddy is enjoying all that snow
    Benny & Lily

  18. The last picture of the Duo is awsome....super!
    Great sunrise you had, we have only some rain and cloudy wheather...no sun at all...

  19. Photos like that make you wish you could share in their secrets.

  20. Hello KB, Just dropped by to wish you all a Happy New Year! It's been cold here in Breck. We went cross country skiing today. Hope you are feeling much better. I love the last photo of K & R - perfection.

  21. This will be a very special calendar for all of the spirit and love that resides in the photos. That night into dawn time is one of my favorites, too, but more sedately. White Dog and I often sit on the porch together close together and open ourselves to the first light blessings of the day. It is the most amazing part of the day.

  22. I hope you are feeling better. That last shot is priceless. Happy New Year to all of you.

    Anne and Sasha

  23. The last photo makes me wonder if they were having a conversation, and what would they have talked about?


  24. Lordy, I always need a tissue when I come to your page. Not that I mind....

    Love the pix.

  25. Hi KB, beautiful photos and isn't it wonderful coming across photos that make our hearts beat that little bit faster and bring us sweet memories and love. Thanks for sharing. No worries, and love, Carol (Stella and Rory).

  26. I agree with your thoughts...heaven on earth...thanks for sharing this, this year KB....your family has had a rough ride and Shyla and R are there to help.
    Happy New Years and all the best in 2013.


  27. What a wonderful shot of the duo for your calendar. I just know K is looking down at your every day. Smiling down at you.

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