Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, December 30, 2012

A big hiking day

Yesterday was a long but fun day. It started at sunrise with my Shyla. I'll never stop loving the sunrise light, and this is the time of year when it glows so very red.
We played in the snow. I asked Shyla to stand on a boulder, and then I released her. She's a high-voltage amazing athlete at her core. I didn't expect her to do this!
Fortunately, her fractured leg is getting stronger and stronger. She was absolutely fine after her leap but I'm sure that the vet would chastise me. From now on, I'll show her how I want her to leave the boulder (the easy way!).

I've been giving Shyla steadily increasing periods of running during our outings. Before too long, I'll be able to snowbike with her. That will be a day for celebration!
Later in the day yesterday, after Shyla's and my early outing, we hiked up high on snowshoes with our friends, up to where the air is thin and cold.
The air was so still - almost a miracle in our neck of the woods at this time of year. However, previous winds had blown almost all the snow off of the plateau where we were standing.
The views always awe me from these vistas. I want to go back again when I'm feeling better.
Unfortunately, the hike was more than I should have done, and I suffered a setback in my recovery from pneumonia. This has been one of the longest respiratory illnesses that I've ever had.

So, today was a mellower day, trying to get back to where I was before in terms of recovery. On "mellower" days, I take more indoor photos than usual... Look at those teeth!


  1. What an athlete that girl of yours is becoming. Hope you feel better soon. I seemed to have caught the "bug" been down most of the day with body aches and a cough that is unbelievable.

  2. Beautiful Photos as always . That clean, pure air would have been a tonic for your lungs, but maybe a bit too much too soon. Wonderful to have friends who share in the superb outdoors at your place, and can hike, wait for photo stops, and enjoy the snow, hills and superb sky together. Greetings from Jean.

  3. Yet another incredibly special day!

    Thanks for sharing -

    Now, take it easy!!!!

  4. I never thought I would see the day that Shyla was caught in a yawn.

    I am glad you enjoyed your snow shoeing trip but as you already know, pushing to far to fast......

    Now get some rest.


  5. That Shyla is incredible. Pure passion in that photo. I sure hipe you get better. MOM knows what it is like to be sick for so long. She still is sick too and taking me hiking on Saturday didn't help I guess. You know what would be cool? If we all could hike together someday.

  6. Love the spunk of that Shyla! It was good to read that you were feeling up to a hike but, uh-oh, it's too easy to over do it. Take care and hope you are better soon.

  7. Ann....from...Outer Banks of NC....said.....just another day in paradise.....just love your snow covered mountains.....with the romping and playing....rolled all in one(a fantastic adventure)...I can just smell that fresh air....Have fun...all of you ...ah..just wait till you feel better....healing thoughts and prayers coming your way.......HUGS

  8. I hope your vet doesn't read your blog or he will already know about Shyla's exuberance. Those sure are beautiful pictures. Now take more indoor pictures and get some rest.


  9. I hope you are feeling better. Happy New Year!

    Anne and Sasha

  10. I can't wait to see her run next to your bike. If she's acting like this and she's still on restricted activity, I can only imagine the limits of her enthusiasm, athleticism, and energy!

  11. What a beautiful, beautiful place! Hope you start feeling better

  12. Hi KB. These are wonderful photos, as always. That Shyla is a dynamo! And you - have a bit of a rest. Pneumonia can hang on for months.
    I would like to wish you and the runner and the "kids" a very wonderful New Year!!!

  13. Stay warm, rest up, give the dogs a pat for me [tell Shyla she is beautiful] -- get well soon, and have a wonderful New Year!

  14. Shyla thinks she has wings and can fly!
    What a spitfire of energy she is!
    The view from your snow shoe trip is amazing,,, how wonderful to have friends to enjoy it with you.
    Hope you get to feeling better soon.
    Nice pearly whites on Shyla

  15. Hard to keep a lab from showing off her agility. I'm glad she is feeling bouncy and no harm done with her daring dismount.

    Mango Momma

  16. Happy New Year, KB! Shayla is so full of energy! Looking forward to sharing more adventures with you in 2013. Hugs to R, too!

    Piappies - Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie

  17. Beautiful!
    Wish you a great 2013 with your familiy.
    Happy New Year!

  18. Weeeeeeeeeeeee - look at that leap! We bet you enjoyed that, Shyla!
    Such beautiful pictures, KB!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  19. Take care of yourself as well as you take care of your dogs...your body is trying to recover, and your lungs shouldn't have to work extra-hard just to pull enough oxygen out of (literally) thin air!

    Okay, off my soapbox now.

  20. Sounds like you need a few good days of rest...snuggle up with Shyla and feel better soon.

  21. I sure hope you are feeling better by now, and not overdoing it so your body may heal. But what's this about snowbiking with Shyla?!? Does this mean your spine is up to it again, when your body catches up?


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