Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, December 31, 2012

Thankful beyond words

It has been a year of change for our family, and not all of it has been easy. The composite photo below, made by my friend at Dream Valley Ranch, sums up the biggest event. Angel K is watching over young Shyla.
Despite the passing of K, there were a silver linings to 2012. Of course, one of them was meeting Shyla. She has helped heal my heart.

A second, huge, silver lining was the outpouring of love and support from all of you throughout K's journey. You may not realize what a monumental difference it has made to me. The wonderful bed that you sent to K for resting after her chemo treatments was her favorite place to curl up for the remaining months of her life. And, the absolutely incredible painting of K that you commissioned hangs above that bed today. I gaze at it every day and smile at K's beautiful face.

There's another gift that many of you don't know about. My two pups want me to tell you about it. Since one of its creators (Jo) has made me aware that she and Stella adore photos of R, here he is shouting about the gift from the mountaintops!
When K was nearing the end of her life, Jo and her friend Mary had the most incredibly generous idea. They wanted to make a quilt (snuggler) to commemorate K. And, they did it! It is absolutely gorgeous and suits our house and us perfectly.
Almost every square of the quilt is different, except that each square has a blue patch of starry sky at its center. The lining along the edge of the quilt is a brown dappled fleece, and the back of the quilt is a soft and gorgeous chocolate fleece (just like K's chocolate fur). We don't normally let the dogs have access to the quilt - it's too precious - but I posed them with it for these photos.

The "K Quilt" now occupies a place of honor, on our sofa by the fireplace. One day recently, I arrived home to find that R had sneaked up onto the sofa (not allowed in our house) to lie in a sun puddle next to the quilt. I snapped his photo before I reminded him of the rules.
I am so honored and touched by the kindness of Jo and Mary. I see how their talents and unbelievably hard work formed each square inch of this quilt - and I feel humbled by their generous spirits. I love snuggling under the quilt as much as I love gazing at it. But, most of all, I love that Jo and Mary made it in memory of K.

It has been a year of amazing generosity, and I am grateful to all of you for your support and love. When I started this blog, almost 4 years and 1206 posts ago, I never dreamed that I was joining such a supportive and tight-knit community. I am so very grateful that I did.


  1. Your words today will touch all our hearts, and bring tears, moments of remembered sadness, joyful days, heartfelt thanks and more. The quilt, I think it is called ,in quilting terms " Log Cabin" and your friends ,with generous and loving hearts and hands, created a perfect gift. Thank you for sharing it with us.Fond greetings from Jean.

  2. I remember when Jo first told me about this quilt. It is incredibly beautiful. What a loving gift in honor of K!!!

    Happy New Year! Thank you for your friendship and all the fun we have had.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, Lightning, and Mom Kathie

  3. What a beautiful and thoughtful gift...truly from the heart. And I love that There was so much meaning in every part of it. Simply lovely.

    K is truly Shyla's guardian angel-watching Shyla slowly take on some of K's wonderful traits-both in her overall look and in her demeanor, speaks volumes to me that she and you are meant to be.

    Sending lots of love to all of you and special high four paw slaps from the monsters over here to R...they have been texting him all sorts of naughty ideas and your parental filters must have missed the ones about getting on the furniture :)

    Happy new year to all of you!
    Sue and the crew

  4. So smiling here!

    It has been quite the year -

    Of course, Happy One Three from M-F-T

    And me of course -

    As for the sighing, it so does - she got the walks!

  5. A long time ago, a quilting teacher told me that BLACK was the color that made all the other colors sing. Now, its obvious that R KNOWS this and is doing what he can to make it look its best. Mary and I can appreciate that, R.!

    Great post, KB!


  6. Oh KB what a beautiful post. There is no doubt that K is Shyla's angel. And that quilt is so beautiful, both physically and in meaning. I have to say that I was smiling real BIG to see R on the couch, even if it is not allowed. He looks so peaceful. I can't tell you how you have blessed me and my MOM. Just the thought of you and your pack always brings a smile to us. We are so thankful to be a small part of your journey. We wish you the most joyous of New Years filled with wonder, adventures, love and happiness overflowing.

  7. Beautiful post -- and beautiful dogs, and a beautiful quilt! Thank you for this wonderful blog -- you really have touched so many hearts this year. Have a great New Year's Eve, and as Goose said, may your New Year be "filled with wonder, adventures, love and happiness overflowing"! Hugs from SoCal --


  8. Ann....from Outer Banks of NC....said......Thank you...Thank you...Thank you KB.....your posts are always beautiful ...I am so happy to be here reading your blog...when I came across your good friend's blog Kathleen Coy (because I love art) and I saw K's beautiful picture from (Romping and Rolling in the Rockies) I have been so thankful ever since....you are an inspiration to all that know you....and what a beautiful quilt you lovely friends have made you in honor of K....and sweet R knows that special feeling and with Shyla ..its a new beginning she won't forget...someone said today "what a blessing it is to be able to look back on a year and see how far we each have come" and I say "lets all welcome the new year with smiles on our faces and joy in our hearts because there is always something to be thankful for"....Happy New Year...HUGS

  9. Dear KB
    We thank you for sharing the incredible journey that all of you have experienced every day.
    We have all become like family- caring for each other.
    We do believe that K is the guardian angel for Shyla, R, you and the Runner!
    The quilt is so beautiful- and just looking at it- we can see love in every stitch.

  10. KB, When I was new to blogging I somehow stumbled upon you and so very thankful I did. You are a treasure as is your pack and you constantly inspire me! I just wish you were closer. Like you, I never thought I'd find some much friendship among bloggers; especially when we lost our two dogs-Sadie(my heart dog)and sweet Reggie. Now I get to experience the joys of a young dog with all of you.
    Hugs and New Years blessings to you.

  11. Woof! Woof! A very thoughtful present. We treasure your beautiful posts. Glad to be bloggie friends. Happy 2013. Golden LOVE. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  12. I'm not the least bit surprised that you were showered with so much compassion, love and generosity during K's illness and passing. I've found that other people who write dog and cat blogs just understand the bond that we have with our pets. K was certainly one of my favorite blog stars, along with R and Shyla, too.

    That quilt is gorgeous! What a fabulous way to remember K!

    Happy 2013!

    P.S. Bunny wanted me to let you know that the dog you admired so much on the blog today was Zip, not her! ;) He's almost exactly double her size and she doesn't want people getting the wrong idea! :P

  13. What a gorgeous quilt in memory of K and you both look beautiful with it, R and Shyla!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  14. We are grateful to have been given the opportunity to share the journey with you. Your love for your animals and for the beauty around you shines through in every one of your photos and it is a privilege to be a part of it.

    Happy New Year! May it be peaceful, healthy and full of love.

  15. Our first tears in the new year flows reading your beautiful post.

    What can we say that hasn't already been said above. You're an amazing woman KB and to share so much of your life with all of us makes US the blessed ones! There is so much that we learn from you, and for that I thank you.

    We hope and pray that 2013 will bring all of us much Joy, Love, Health and Happiness.

    Thanks for being our friend.

    Lily Belle, Muffin & Family

  16. What a gorgeous quilt and such a thoughtful gift made out of love for K. I wish you and your the family the best in 2013 and would like to thank you for all the joy that your pictures and post have given me:)
    Hope you are feeling well.

  17. What a lovley quilt. Good job from your friend.
    Now is our snow gone.....

  18. What beautiful, heartfelt words. That quilt is gorgeous! We wish you and your family good health and happiness in 2013!

  19. Oh my! Absolutely beautiful! The post, the quilt, the pictures... All of it is beautiful!

    Mamma heartbeat

  20. What a lovely quilt! I love that last photo of R snoozing on the couch with the quilt backdrop. Wrigs says, "They have rules about not getting on the couch?! Imagine that!"

    Susan and Wrigs

  21. Happy New Year!

    That is a beautiful post and what a gorgeous log cabin quilt! (my favorite pattern) Obviously a lot of love went into making that.

    I've only recently found your blog but have enjoyed it and am looking forward to more.

  22. I'm so glad you joined the blogging world. The world is richer for it. And I'm so glad your blogging buddies are so thoughtful (doing things I should have thought of but didn't!!!). The quilt is beautiful, and that painting... oh, my!

  23. I'm so glad you joined the blogging world. The world is richer for it. And I'm so glad your blogging buddies are so thoughtful (doing things I should have thought of but didn't!!!). The quilt is beautiful, and that painting... oh, my!


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