Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Welcome 2013!

There's nothing like seizing the first day of the year, getting out early to see sunrise. We almost made it... the sun was just above the horizon when we arrived.
K had her favorite places to hang out at sunrise, and Shyla has different ones. She loves this boulder. In contrast, when she visits K's boulder (the one in the blog banner photo), she looks uncomfortable. Every dog is different.
The sun only shined from below the cloud cover for about 10 minutes, and we reveled in its glow.
The air was chilling, down around 10°F with a light wind. Shyla soon showed me that a paw was getting cold by holding it in the air. We practiced some long distance recalls to warm her up. It works every time!
After we lost the sun behind that cloud cover, we hiked to a faraway trail camera that was almost snowed in. It was pointed at a bear day bed which was heavily used last fall and early winter. Moreover, when I first pointed a trail camera at it in September, there was a fresh bear scat next to the bed - so it looked like a very promising spot. However, to my dismay, over the past 4 months, a squirrel visited the bear day bed approximately 4000 times and a single bobcat dropped by for 10 seconds. That was it. Oh well, you win some and you lose some in the trail camera game.
The day bed is under the canopy of the tree behind the bobcat. I was hoping so fervently to get some bear photos here. But, there's hope for bear photos because I get to make my annual visit to the bear den soon, and I'll find out if a bear chose it for this winter. I'll also check the trail camera that is posted there year around to see how many bears visited it this year. It's usually a popular spot for bear visits.

After our long cold hike this morning, my girl was ready to snooze when we arrived home.
Happy New Year!


  1. Oh those eyes. Those beautiful beautiful eyes.
    What a way to start the year.

    Bert and My Vickie

  2. I'm still under the weather. We did check our trail cam to find a couple of rabbits and a coyote!! Score. Will post soon.
    The last shot melts me heart.

  3. Beautiful photos! Happy New Year to you, too!
    Nola's Mom
    PS. What camera and lens do you use?

  4. Your photos make me love Shyla and that is a blessing. She's so fun to watch and the snow on her nose lets us know she is having a great time too.

    Happy New Year.

    xo Cinnamon and Linda

  5. Just about every morning MOM and I greet the sun peeking over the mountain top even if we are just sitting on our back patio. We know exactly how you feel about it. I love Shyla on her boulder. It is perfect and of course who could not melt at that last photo. You would have to have no heart.

  6. K on her boulder, shadows behind, standing tall and proud, loving her mountain hikes, Shyla with paws out, as though to say, I can sit here very comfortably, thank you.Sunshine to start the year, perfect. Greetings from Jean.

  7. Hi kb....happy 2013 to you all! I had an not so great ending to the year, I fell in my parents driveway on Christmas and broke my leg! It was pretty ugly and ended up requiring emergency surgery 2 days later. Needless to say I am so glad 2012 is over......i am pretty much imobile in a hard cast, and trying to stay ahead of the pain. Its gotta get better right?? Love the last Shyla pic, she is so sweet. I am not at work so if you want to email me use my personal one: dmpfromri@yahoo.com

  8. Oh, KB - that cold paw pose had Shyla looking pretty pitiful. WOW to your sunrise. So cold here this AM. Bob and I skied. We got frostbite coming down each run and had to warm our faces riding up the lift. More brown spots on my face, I fear! Wishing all good things to you in the new year.

  9. Oh Shyla is SUCH a puppy!! I love her gangliness (?) and silly positions!

  10. Happy New Year to all of you. I love the early sun pictures of Shyla.


  11. We thought about you when we were out hiking today. As a matter of fact, Morgan struck a pose in your honor! lol I'm glad 2013 started off so beautifully for you. I wish you many good things this year!

  12. Here is to a New Year filled with happy times, good health and good friends!

    Your pix are always beautiful and I really love them all.

    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  13. Your world is a part of our life....
    do you know that?
    We feel the crispness, and the suns glow- as you speak about them.
    And your girl is beyond beautiful.
    Look at how beautiful she is!

  14. Woof! Woof! We are also enjoying beautiful sunrise on our morning walk and of course our favorite sunset on our evening walk. Happy 2013! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  15. Looks like a gorgeous morning! Happy new year!!

  16. What a great way to start a new year!!

    Anne and Sasha

  17. What a beautiful sunrise and gorgeous pictures of Shyla!
    Happy New Year, KB.

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  18. HAPPY 2013! Sorry we has been away...da family haded da FLU!
    It's always so fun to sees Shyla out trainin'. I not know hows ya'll do it in da cold though...hehehe.


  19. Happy New Year! Shyla looks so cute! I love her animated eyes! Hope you get some bear pictures :)

  20. Shyla's boulder looks as though it is made of gold! And he seems so comfortable on it!

    Looking forward to so many more wonderful adventures in 2013!

  21. Shyla always reminds us of K. Such special pups!! Happy New Year
    Benny & Lily

  22. Shyla looks lovely on the last picture....
    Wow the bobcat is a beauty....
    Tomorrow we can go out with Ayla and Trym for hunting training...the snow is gone :-)

  23. Gorgeous photos (of course)! Those eyes of Shyla's certainly give her a wild look. We've been lazy lately--haven't been on the trail in time for sunrise for days. It's just SO nice not to have to worry about beating the heat. Hope Shyla's leg is continuing to heal well, and that R is doing well. :-)

    Susan and Wrigs

  24. Even 10 minutes of sunshine is more than I've seen for a few days now! Beautiful New Year pictures.

  25. Thanks for the reply!

    Wow, talk about filthy rich! I can't even imagine having that much money, LOL.

    It sure looks like you have fun with your camera! Of course, it's skill more than equipment. :)

    Yup, I am very much a Nikon person! Cannon just didn't fit as well in my hands as Nikon did.
    I have a Nikon D3100, and an 18-55mm Nikkor lens. I really, really want a telephoto lens, but lenses are so expensive it's not even funny!

    I hope you kick the sickness soon!
    Nola's Mom

  26. What a majestic pose Shyla has taken atop that boulder! And I'd sacrifice 4,000 squirrel shots in a heartbeat to get a gorgeous cat shot like that!

    Best wishes to you in the coming year!


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