Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Black, white, and golden Sunday

We have a lot of things happening regarding the dogs this week, the most important of which involves R.
What a sweet and loving boy he is. I hope that we find the cause of his health problems and that it's not too serious. Hopefully, his tests will come back tomorrow, and leukemia and lymphoma will be ruled out.
And, Shyla will keep shining too. I couldn't resist trying another black and white photo of her, while keeping her glowing eyes in color. This one was taken at sunrise this week.
Her eyes radiate such happiness when she's in our forest and mountains.


  1. R is such a beautiful boy, the second photo is one to print and frame, for sure. Shyla glows, even in B&W. Greetings from Jean

  2. We are waiting with hopefullness that all results are good on R. We were thrilled to change the month on our Calander and find his beautiful face greeting us all of February.

    Paws and fingers crossed
    Bert and My Vickie

  3. We have our paws crossed that R test results come back with good news. Shyla you look beautiful in black & white
    From Milo & Jet

  4. That second portrait of R shows him uncharacteristically pensive! A good one!

  5. Those pictures of R just have "good boy" written all over them. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

  6. Sending all our best prayers and thoughts for good results for my buddy R. Of course I love the warm glow of Shyla's eyes.

  7. What beautiful photos, especially of R! I hope his lab test results come back clear!!!

  8. We hope for R it's something simple that has just been missed or got a little out of whack and isn't serious.

    Our prayers are with you.

  9. Paws crossed your results aren't too serious, great pictures x

  10. All our paws are crossed here too!! Sure hope that good news is here soon!! Love your pictures!

  11. They are both so gorgeous. We are keeping everything we've got crossed for R.

  12. Our fingers and paws remain crossed for you, R!

  13. Woof! Woof! Hope the results are good. LOVE the second photo. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  14. I have my fingers crossed tightly for good news for R!

    And I LOVE that photo of Shyla even better than last week's shot! It's gorgeous!

  15. We are keeping paws crossed that the results come back good.

    We love Shyla's picture - especially her GOLDEN eyes! :D


  16. Thank you for explaining the blood tests, KB! I know today is a big day on your homestead & you will never be far from my thoughts or prayers.

    Try to remember... there's NOTHING on this earth that you & R can't handle together... nothing!!


  17. We are praying extra hard here today for all of you. We gotta believe that R is going to be just fine.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  18. All our feets are crossed for R
    Benny & Lily

  19. We all are keeping our fingers and paws crossed for a good outcome.

    As always - great pictures! Shyla is doing fantastic and hopefully all that she is learning will be a help to you, but here's hoping you won't need that.

  20. We are hoping for nothing but the best results of testing for R. He is our best boy and looks too healthy to have anything seriously wrong.

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  21. Cant wait for the results.....hope for the best...will be a natural explanation I think.....
    Great pics ...

  22. Biting my fingernails over R's tests so you don't have to. Hope you find out soon - good or bad so at least you know!

    Hugs and licks!

    Btw - love that pick of R - he looks like a happy go lucky boy indeed!

  23. I've got my fingers crossed for good news on R's tests.

  24. We are sending R lots of love and prayers! Shyla looks so cute as usual!


  25. They are both so beautiful.

    Hoping to hear good news soon....


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