Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, February 4, 2013


I learned today that the veterinary school was actually doing three tests of R's blood. The first one showed that R has lots of crazy blood cells - not a big surprise - we already knew that.
The second test was a lymphoma test, and it came back as normal, which is good news. Unfortunately, the test does have a "false negative" rate of 25%... so in a quarter of true lymphoma cases, the test comes back as normal.
We're still waiting for the third test, which is more specific to leukemia. It should come back tomorrow or Wednesday.
The bottom line is that there is definitely some kind of disease in R that is causing his lymphocytes to be reactive and a few of his red blood cells to be deformed. Thus, the vets say that we'll need to keep searching for the disease, even if the tests currently underway are all normal.
We hope, with all our hearts, that it turns out to be a treatable disease. So, it's worth celebrating every cancer test that comes back negative (like today's test).
As you can tell from these photos, I had the honor of spending more time outdoors with R today than usual. It was a blast, as he ran along side my snowbike. Although he makes some funny faces for the camera that reflect his comical character, he has a heart of gold. I adore the boy.


  1. Live in the moment and for the moment

    We will keep enjoying each of them with you

  2. I will continue to keep R in our thoughts and prayers and hope that pending tests reveal a treatable disease.
    Love all of the great photos of him!

  3. I do hope the cause is found and it is readily treatable. He is indeed quite a guy. There's something so enjoyable about a dog with a real sense of humor.

  4. From the mom - R is such a gorgeous boy - I know you have heard it from me before but these pictures of R bring it out again; live in the here and now - live in the moment - R is clearly doing that and enjoying every moment he has been given. I pray that all the searching the vets do come back normal or they find, as you say, something that is treatable.
    Hugs to you and give R and Shyla both some extra hugs and a squeeze from me.
    Mom Kim

  5. Hang in there....crossing my paws and praying for good news.

    I love that last shot....just lovely. My favorite part on a dog.

  6. And we too adore R! We will NOT stop praying for your sweet boy.

    We love all the silly faces. He seems to be giving any disease the "raspberries."

    Hope you can feel our love and hugs long distance...

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  7. Paws crossed for some good news. Enjoy your runs, beautiful as always!

    Wyatt and Stanzie

  8. Those first two photos crack me up! We are keeping paws crossed

    Stop on by for a visit

  9. Dang that boy is a cutie. I love all his different facial expressions.

    I bet he had a marvelous time riding with you today.

    WE will keep our paws and fingers crossed for a cure.
    Bert and mY Vickie

  10. One of the reasons I love R is because of all the faces his pulls! He is a larger than life character and I adore him. I hope that you can find out what is causing the problems! I have a feeling that R is going to be around for a long time to come.

  11. We love him too! Praying hard for R and for your family

  12. Thank goodness for the negatives, and all hopes and many many wishes for another tomorrow.He shines, and his photos so suit the words above,he could well be a model. Well, he is, a perfect model for his photos, and in turn for us to see. Your words, " a heart of gold" so true. Greetings from Jean

  13. So far, so good...

    ::fingers crossed::

  14. Good news! Let's hope it continues that way. And that R really does make some funny faces. :)

  15. I love R's face, and all of the faces that he makes!

    Fingers crossed for every test result!

    A 25% false negative rate is, in my opinion, unacceptable. I hope that they're working on an improvement to that!

  16. I am crazy about the third photo of our boy, where he is sitting at attention. King of the Cracker Dogs!

    We are gonna have to get over this stuff, my boy, just need to forget being ill, and get on with your wonderfully goofy life. Hear me?


  17. Hugs to your gorgeous boy.

  18. I love all of R's expressions!!! I can see the enjoyment in his face!! Sure am glad that the tests came back negative...prayers will continue for good results and good news!! xo Jeanne, Chloe and LadyBug

  19. R is soooo expressive. We love it. He sure looks like he enjoyed every moment with you today. Keeping him in our prayers.

  20. We are hoping with all our hearts that whatever it is, they can find it and it is treatable!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  21. Wow, K is really amazing and fabulous dogs, you have a two great buddies in your life K and Rocky! Stay healthy and cool K! we love you!

    kheyla & Chasu


  22. Yay for victories... each & every one!! Yay for taking one day at a time too!!

    Still hanging with all you dear folks over there... human & canine alike.

    One day at a time... and if that's too much, then one hour at a time.


  23. Excellent on the negatives but it is always a worry not to know what enemy one is fighting. We have everything we've got crossed here...

  24. You have the most gorgeous shiny black coat, R! Our paws remain crossed for you!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  25. R is quite the character! praying for good news....

  26. We will keep sending prayers and keep our paws crossed for R that the cause of the crazy blood cells is discovered soon. We so understand your worry as our Rusty went to the vet yesterday and a large mass was found by his liver/spleen. He is having surgery today and we know there's a big possibility he'll never wake up after the surgery if the vet finds that the mass has spread to other organs.

  27. Glad to see that you and R had a fun day in the sunshine.

    Our fingers and paws crossed for some answers soon and hoping for good news.

  28. Woof! Woof! Crossing my Golden Paws that it is treatable. Just have to keep on searching ... just like life. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  29. We are thinking of R every day. We are also happy to hear they are researching the cause further
    Benny & Lily

  30. What are you singing, R?? We're keepin' our paws crossed, buddy...

  31. Love his expressions!

    Will continue to pray - here's to hoping for a treatable disease! In the meantime, he looks like he's having a blast!

  32. I am railing at the Gods for you. And I am also praying that what will be found is treatable and will not cause R too much trouble.

  33. He is really handsome....very beautiful....nice pics of him....great news and hopefully the last test is ok too

  34. He is really beautiful. We are so glad this test came back negative and we hope something treatable is found soon.

  35. We've grown to care so much about R through your photos and words, and are sending lots of positive thoughts your way. Hope you can determine a cause for his abnormal blood cells and find an effective treatment.

    We're also concerned about you, KB, and hope you are getting help with your neck and spine issues.

    Susan and Wrigs

  36. Woohoo! Howls of White Dog joy at this bit of good news. We will continue to send positive energy and believe that the rest will fall into place. Please don't give away the marvel of today worrying about what is yet unknown.

  37. Positive thoughts and energy going out to you and to R. Hope this will be something treatable and not dangerous.

  38. Has R been tested for Lyme's disease? It has been known to give false negative results and has been linked to cancers such as very rare lymphomas. Type of lymphomas with odd shaped blood cells where an 'antibody' destroys them. Sometimes the giving the antibiotic for Lyme's has brought a growth of normal looking blood cells. As with any info, ask your vet. to do more research about it. (The Ab was given to a loved one of mine and it turned around their health) Praying for answers for you & R.

    One who loves dogs, too.


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