Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Fog, fog, fog

We had a surprise little snowstorm last night that a coyote walked through outside our window. The world around him looks so peaceful and soft.
This morning, Shyla and I headed out into a murky world of fog and snow. A fresh 4" of the fluffy stuff had fallen by the time we woke up, and the world was eerily beautiful.
I was on my snowbike, the most fun way for me to travel at this time of year. Several of you asked about snowbiking and how it affects my neck and wrists. Generally, it's absolutely fine. I have my bike specially set up to suit my spine problems, and my back/neck generally feels better after riding than before it. I think of biking as the best pain medicine that I can take.

I've never had any wrist troubles before this year, despite lots of snowbiking. I'm not sure what caused the wrist problems. I'm still wearing wrist splints most of the time, including during riding. My wrists are definitely improving, so that's a good sign. Overall, I believe that biking helps keep me strong, which in turn, helps stabilize my spine for everyday life. So, I see it as a plus.
Back to today's snowbike ride. The fog was otherworldly, and I felt as if I could barely see the trail ahead of me. It was freezing fog, also known as "pogonip", and it caused Shyla to build up frost on all her whiskers, including her eye whiskers.
Some of you have also asked about how Shyla's paws fare given how much she runs in the snow. When the snow is fresh and soft, her paws are absolutely fine. However, when the snow melts and refreezes, it develops a crust that can hurt her paw pads. I've been rubbing her paw pads with Bag Balm every day to keep them well moisturized, and it seems to be warding off paw pad issues. If the conditions get really rough for paws, both dogs wear boots. They hate boots, though, so I avoid boots when I can.

I'm hoping for sunshine tomorrow both in the natural world and in my heart. A foggy worry has settled on me, as I contemplate the future and my health, and I hope that tomorrow is a better day in that regard.


  1. Oooooo that last photo is stunning. I haveto say my MOM really like fog. Don't ask me why, she can't even explain it. But we both hope the fog in your heart lifts and disappears.

  2. Brr, I'm cold just looking at the pictures!

  3. That last photo should be on a canvas on a wall somewhere! What a stunner of a shot! I hope that some sunshine finds its way to you tomorrow, too. I know how much I miss it when I don't have it, too.

  4. Wow I have to agree the last one is incredible. I love the one of Shyla, ears flying and frosty face. I think it is very brave of you to be out there on your bike. I have never seen a snow bike. You have such a positive attitude!

    Anne and Sasha

  5. Love the photos of the snowy bliss...hoping very much that your worries are lifted soon and you can enjoy the soon to come spring flowers! Thinking of you my friend...

  6. Such beautiful photos!!!
    Bag balm on the footies- good idea.
    We are right beside you all the way- with your health issues,
    We send you hugs.

  7. Sending clear, warm sunshine from CA! And another kiss from Otto.

  8. How interesting about pogonip. I was also interested in your mention of bag balm. I've just started applying it to my Nikki's pads because they are always so horribly dry looking. I think of you often with your physical challenges. I know you'll continue to do the best you can for yourself. Know that you have many, many friends hoping for the best for you.

  9. It is a unanimoue vote. that last picture is wonderful.

    WE hope you see many types of sunshine and light tomorrow.

    It will be an interesting and educational day for you


  10. Love the last photo! So beautiful. So glad the bike still helps you. Just know we are thinking of you. :)

  11. She looks like a different dog, with the frosty whiskers.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  12. She looks like a different dog, with the frosty whiskers.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  13. Stunning pictures -

    Hoping the fog lifts out of your life soon and your health improves.

    Nadine & goldens Neeli & Elle

  14. I like the foggy pictures! It's so fun to see Shyla running through the snow and fog, having a great time in what a lot of people would term "lousy" weather. We can learn so much from our dogs - enjoy the little things. We hope things are going well for you.

  15. Those fog shots are beautiful. Fog is such an interesting phenomenon as long as you don't have to drive in it:)

    Hope there is an abundance of sunshine in your day today and all your tomorrows.

    Gotta love those ears in that frozen whiskers shot:)

  16. So amazing! We absolutely love your last photo. The beauty that surrounds you every day is incredible.

    Frozen Shyla makes a great pupsicle :)

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  17. Love the last photo and the Shyla photo... you capture the essence of winter, both in play and in fog.
    Be strong, be well. Hope the sun is shining today.

  18. I have a bad hip and one knee that's had ACL replacement surgery and cartilage removal/repair. Biking is the only exercise I've ever enjoyed. I feel better when I ride than when I don't. The key, as you've discovered, is setting up the bike correctly.

    Best wishes to you for fewer health worries. Best wishes and good thoughts, and I wish I could offer more...

  19. Oh! I love all your snow and dog play photos! That would be a spirit lifter! I hope your test results are a lifter upper too.

  20. The momma just loves that last shot! I hate wearing boots too and when the snow thaws and refreezes, I have to wear them.

  21. Grat pics as usual...lots of snow but Shyla likes it.
    We got some today again and its very cold nights....

  22. We love the frost on your eye whiskers, Shyla! What beautiful photos!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  23. Snow biking must be so cool! We are filled with the fog monster for 4 days now, all day
    Benny & Lily


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