Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, March 11, 2013

Snow Play!

Yesterday was a glorious snow day. Shyla and I played on the trails. In the distance in the photo below, you can see the ski slopes where most people were playing.
We played on the deserted trails. Shyla had absolutely boundless energy for romping in the snow.
Seriously, at every opportunity, she looked like this...
Snow stuck to her snout all morning long from porpoising through the snow. And, when I called her, she used the packed paths to sprint at top speed to me. Shyla is so totally at home in our mountains...
In the midst of Shyla's happy romping, I stopped to dream of the Columbine seeds lying below the layer of snow in an aspen grove on our land. I dream of Columbine flowers blooming there someday.

Toward the end of our time in the forest, the sun started to heat up the "snow bombs" hanging from the pine boughs.
As they heated up, this would happen. Occasionally, Shyla and I would get showered by a falling snow bomb.
All in all, it was a glorious day. Shyla's happiness was contagious!
I thought of our fun today, as I took care of grown-up stuff - that nasty thyroid biopsy. It was nowhere near as much fun as our snow day yesterday! Now, I wait for results - but I am not the kind of person to let worry stop me from having fun with our Duo.


  1. Khyra SO gives Shyla the fluffy tail seal of approval for channeling her Inner Siberian so well!

    AND paws khrossed as you wait -

  2. I can see that beautiful blue sky. What a wonderful day. Sending good thoughts and wishes your way.

  3. Magnificent pictures. I love every single one.

  4. I love Shyla's snowy snout! Hope the biopsy results are good (not sure whether you are hoping for positive or negative results).


  5. Love those action shots in the snow....that tongue.

    She looks like she's having such a wonderful time.

  6. Oh Shyla, you look like you are having SO MUCH FUN!!! Most of our snow has melted and what's left isn't so pretty anymore. I just love these pictures!

    Your pal, Pip

  7. Wonderful pictures, and Shyla girl is just a delight to see having her fun!

    On Saturday we woke up to heavy snow, with every branch of every tree and bush loaded with snow. It was beautiful until the wind came up and then it was like another snowstorm!

    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  8. Thrills my heart to see this darling dog romping so happily. I hope you are feeling a bit better and I'm so glad you have Shyla!

  9. So much fun for both of you.
    The beautiful photos that your camera takes- we love them so.
    We are right with you as you wait for your results.. we love you all.

  10. I'm just catching up on more than a week of blogposts, and find so much has been happening in your world! Great pictures, especially the ones of the two beautiful pups together. And the bobcat mama and her growing-up son - fantastic! My fingers are crossed for the news you most want to hear on your test results. Meanwhile, more snow and more romping ahead, I betcha! :)

  11. We hear a lot of people say snow it's their pups paws, sometimes causing bleeding. Does this ever happen to Shyla?
    Benny & Lily

  12. The eyes, I alwaasy love the eyes. So much is said in her eyes..

    beautiful pictures, and so much joy in each and everyone.

    A special joy to us was the one where you were thinking of the columbine seeds below the beautiful snow banked agains teh tree.

    Bert and My Vickie

  13. If our snow were as pretty as yours, I would get a lot more excited about it! lol Right now we're getting lots of rain that's washing all of our snow away. I'm ready for a little spring green here, but when I see your pictures, I do long for a little of that pretty snow! I think Kuster does, too!

  14. What beauty! Sending good thoughts your way....

  15. Oh my Oh my the snow on the snooter! I can never see to much of that. She just oozes happiness and that makes me smile every time. Hoping and pray you test come back all good.

  16. Shyla, I got to go to the beach yesterday for the first time! I ran on the sand and the water like you get to in the snow! It was glorious! I was a tired boy last night and I didn't get in any trouble at all! Please give your mom an extra kiss from me.


  17. Great photography, I was really amazed on your every single shot! Shyla was really enjoy playing on the snow and I'm sure that you had a great time together! keep it up!
    Puppy Bond| Einstein E-Collar

  18. Hi Shyla
    Looks like your having a fantastic time running threw all the snow the photo's are pawesome
    From Milo & Jet

  19. We just love to see you having so much fun in the snow, Shyla!
    We're sending lots of positive vibes your way, KB!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  20. Her joy is contagious even through pictures!

    Hope the results come soon.

  21. Sending good thoughts your way as you await your results.

    Love Shyla's enthusiasm and love of life.

    Nadine & goldens Neeli & Elle

  22. We love that snowy bearded look on Shyla! She sure does know how to have loads of fun.

    Got our fingers and paws crossed here for your biopsy results.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  23. Ann from Outer Banks of NC that is one happy pup KB..you and R and Runner have made Shylas life the most wonderful thing and to see a pet so happy does my heart so good God bless you for being the person you are HUGS

  24. I hope you get good news on your thyroid.

  25. Your posts are the best cure for a bad mood! I defy ANYONE to watch Shyla romping in the snow without grinning.

  26. I like your snow beard ;o)

  27. Your pictures make me want to go play in the snow... good luck with the thyroid results. I hope it will be better than expected.

  28. What fabulous photos! Shyla's joyful exuberance truly is contagious. The aspen grove photo might be my personal favorite--so beautiful and peaceful. Sorry you had to go through a biopsy, but hoping for good results!

    Susan and Wrigs

  29. Beautiful pictures, what a great day you had. Shyla really likes snow I think.
    We had -18 C this morning brrrr...

  30. We always love your pictures. So full of life and joy!

    Wyatt and mom

    Paws crossed for your "good" biopsy results.
    Our 11 year old Stanzie, just got her biopsy back today...Good News! :D


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