Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, March 8, 2013

See Beautiful

I'm participating in See Beautiful Friday, a once-monthly blog hop.
The most beautiful thing that I experienced this month was seeing Shyla grow and gain confidence.
At times, I could see the dog that she will become as her confidence has blossomed. She already is sensitive and loving but sometimes she is too fearful to show to anyone but her closest friends. Her very closest dog friend is R, and their bond has grown amazingly in the past month.
Her brother is one of her touchstones - helping her be strong.
He even "lets" her win some of their races.
Seeing Shyla grow, under the guidance and love of her brother and us, is truly beautiful.


  1. Beautiful pictures of a beautiful relationship.


  2. I know our shy dogs have blossomed with the companionship of some of our more confident dogs. I'm so glad Shyla and R have each other!

  3. I love that last picture!

    Shyla looks so much smaller/more feminine than R! Is it just because she's female, or is she a lot smaller? I know with Nola and Auggie, Nola looks much smaller/more feminine because she is.

    Nola's Mom

  4. Oh KB I have read a lot of beautiful post today, and each was wonderful and beautiful. But I gotta say this is my favorite and has touch my heart in a most beautiful way.

  5. I do see beautiful every time I visit you.

    Thank you

    Anne and Sasha

  6. Beautiful indeed!!!! Love those pictures and especially love their bond!

  7. We see beautiful quite a it on your blog
    Benny & Lily

  8. We are with Benny & Lily!! We see beautiful on your blog every single day!! Your duo is beautiful and we enjoy seeing them blossom!!

  9. Its great fun to see the growth of the two dogs. R, is no longer that goofy pup but a mature and handsome big brother. Shyla is gaining strength and courage every day.

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  10. What beautiful pictures of the duo....you catched them running together so well. I think its difficult to get the sharpness.
    Have a great Saturday.

  11. Beautiful photos, beautiful post -- thank you!!!

  12. We just love to see pictures of R and Shyla together!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  13. Woof! Woof! It's beautiful to watch someone gain and gain such confidence. Having great relations is also precious. Happy Seeing beauty. Golden Thanks for joining our Friday. Hop. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  14. Your pictures are always so beautiful! I really understand your comment about Shyla's confidence increasing with R's presence. I find the same thing with our (shy & scared) boy Forest. if I pair him with Hiker, he's a different dog - confident and relaxed.

  15. It is a beautiful thing to see the progress Shyla has made because of your patient guidance. Glad she has R as her best dog pal. They are both amazing.

    Susan and Wrigs

  16. Inspirational and a joy to view as well as to read.

  17. Gorgeous photos, gorgeous writing...

  18. Hi Y'all!

    The silhouette is my favorite!

    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog


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