Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Snowy Saturday

Spring time is snow time in our neck of the woods. March and April are when we get our big snowfalls that nurture the wildflowers. Even though I know how wonderful the snow is for the forest, I still sigh when the world looks like this at the start of our snowbike ride.
It took me a little while to get my bike ready to go, under the shelter of the deck. Shyla relaxed and sampled the scents.
Shyla had no hesitation about romping in the snow. She loved every minute of it!
It seemed like it snowed about 6" while we were on the trails. By the end, despite riding exactly in my outbound tracks to return home, I kept spinning out, dismounting my bike, and then trying to get started again. It was frustrating enough that Shyla and I stopped to play and do some training among some boulders before I tried to propel my bike forward yet again. I think that I'll be doing some snowshoeing this evening to pack down the trails.
It is a wet and heavy snow, typical for springtime. I was cold and tired when we arrived home but I think that Shyla could have kept running for a long time. Ah, to have the energy of a puppy...

Here she was shaking off some snow...
Whenever we have a storm like this one, I think of the wildlife who live outside all the time, through sunny calm days and wet stormy days.

Look at the coat on one of our local coyotes who was near our house on a recent evening.
 I bet that he's curled up someplace, getting covered in snow but still toasty warm.
Happy Saturday!


  1. You are surely getting snow. We still have a coating on the ground (northern Indiana) but I swear I could smell spring in the air today.

  2. That's an awful lot of snow you have there. I don't think we had that much when we lived up in Michigan. I haven't seen a snowflake since March of 1993 when we moved to Florida. And I don't really miss it much.

    Shyla looks great!

  3. We were suppose to get some of that snow, but is just jumped right over us and hit you. It is beautiful. But so where our blue skies. I am curious, how long to your morning outing with Shyla last? That Coyote sure has a beautiful coat.

  4. Hi Y'all!

    What beautiful snow! Such a furry, fuzzy looking coyote.

    Here in the southern Blue Ridge the snow has melted, remaining only in the woods in the higher elevations.

    Thanks for stoppin' to visit.

    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  5. That's a lot of snow! It was blue skyed and 75 degrees here today.

  6. And we have mud and thunderstorms:( Look at how deep that snow is next to Shyla. My pups would be in heaven.

  7. I'd heard about your spring snow on the news this morning and thought of you. I'd not thought of the benefit it provides for the spring flowers.

    Your photos are once again, lovely ones, and really show how your girl is growing up!

    I hope you all are warm and cozy like that beautiful coyote!

  8. How hard is a ride like that on your back and writs? You continue to amaze us with your drive for living life to the max.

    Bert and My Vickie

  9. Puppies and snow...there is something magical about that combo.


  10. We woke up this morning to every branch of every tree covered in new snow. When the wind came up it was like another little snowstorm.
    A few more inches for tomorrow. We
    "spring" forward on our clocks tonight, but the snow is still plenty deep in our yards! We'll be happy to see it go!

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  11. That's a lot of snow and we are happy to see Shyla enjoy every moment with the snowflakes.

    Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie

  12. LOVE the pictures of Shyla in the snow!! It sure looks like she enjoys it!! I was wondering the same thing as Vickie...doesn't it really hurt your back and wrists to go snowbiking in such cold weather? I do hope that you are feeling a bit better!!

  13. Shyla looks so happy in the snow. My pack, especially Callie would love that!

    Enjoy the snow for us and happy snow shoeing!

  14. Wow, 6" of snow while you were on the trails! How long were you out there? Shyla is so lucky that you take her on adventures every day! :)

  15. Shyla has come a long way in, really, a very short time. You are doing an amazing job.
    Do the dogs hear/sense your nighttime visitors? Do they bark you a wake in the middle of the night?

  16. You sure make that snow look fun. You don't like wearing boots in the snow?
    Benny & Lily

  17. You make snow look so beautiful . . . however, I am still ready for winter to be over . . . we have had over 6 1/2 feet of snow this year . . . . . more then usual!

  18. The photos are so beautiful- and it looks so cold!

  19. Oh SHyla, you know exactly how to live for the moment....!

  20. Lovely snow pictures of Shyla.
    The coyoto looks great....are they in your garden again?


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