Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Straddling the seasons

We are in that crazy season where we are partway between winter and spring, as symbolized by Shyla's leap.
We've had snow and sun recently. One day, Shyla was almost blinded by the sun, closing her eyes for a photo!
Although snow is good for our world, I'm looking forward to true spring with wildflowers and warmth! I hope that some of you are feeling that warmth!


  1. Ha ha great Picture on Shyla....hope you are well.
    Tyra is now really showing shes getting puppies...her belly is some bigger now :-)

  2. Super photo and great title that fits it so well, Surely you are having some warmer days by now, sunshine in her eyes, lovely. Cheers from Jean

  3. Hi KB, Oh how I love spring!!! I am very anxious for it; although next week I will be in Northern Ca. and enjoying green hills and flowering trees. I've missed coming by and seeing how your girl is doing; I hope you are feeling well and your back is behaving!
    Sending hugs your way today!

  4. We love spring too! It's nice and toasty right now here in Florida.

    Shyla, those picture's of you are fantastic!

    We hope that everyone is feeling fine!

    Happy Easter to our friends.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  5. We're ready for green grass and spring flowers here, too! I love Shyla's leap. :) And I hope you have a Happy Easter tomorrow!

  6. What a clever photo!!!

    The pups here do love their snow but I am so ready for some springlike weather and a dry yard (not too dry but at least mud-free).

    Happy Easter.

  7. You'll have to buy her sunglasses.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  8. That first picture is super cool!

  9. Shyla- you are so beautiful and happy in your photos---
    you love life!

  10. Shyla's photo is a beautiful symbol of lie "between." Soon you will see the shoots of emerald and the tiny brave bright colors that dare to push winter aside...in those moments we pray you experience the hope and renewal that we do everytime we encounter nature's rebirth.

  11. Maybe Shyla needs some Doggles!! Beautiful photos! Hope you are feeling better!! Happy Easter to you and your family! We have not had any spring weather here in Upstate NY...we have had snow!! No flowers as of yet. I am SO looking forward to seeing some blossoms!!

  12. We can't complain, its beautiful where we are. Your in between seasons make for beautiful photos.

  13. We still have a ton of snow, and although some is going, its not quite enough for me and Stella!

    If it stays in the 40s, it will go, even slowly is OK as long as it GOES!

    Happy Easter,

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  14. Spring has finally sprung at our house. We hope it springs soon for you, KB!
    We love your tongue wrap, Shyla!

    Love ya lots
    Mitch and Molly

  15. We've been getting our share of the sunshine, Shyla! We love your closed eyes photo. Happy Easter to all of you!

    Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie

  16. What a great way to put it - straddling the seasons! While it has been warm here (highs around 50 F) we still have 2 feet of snow to melt . . . it is very odd!

    Enjoy this transition time!

  17. Love the photo of Shyla and the partway between seasons photo.

    Hope your resting up and starting to feel some of the energy that Spring brings with it.

  18. You closed your eyes just in time, BOL
    Hoppy Easter
    Benny & Lily

  19. Ann from the Outer Banks of NC...Happy Easter spring has sprung here too our tourist season is getting ready to start it is so slow during the winter months that we are so thankful it is getting warmer and everyone is coming here for a vacation have a wonderful day hope you are feeling better and maybe it would be nice and so cute to see the duo in sunglasses Smiles and Hugs

  20. Oh yeah! That sun is really hot, but the air still has a chill to it. Perfect weather.

    Mango Momma

  21. Its been very nice here snow's all gone sun shining just like there! Happy Easter! Love Dolly

  22. Howdy Mates, we love Spring too but we are in our Autumn so we just have to love that and the wonderful colours we are seeing. Happy Easter to you all. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  23. Just came by to say "hi!" Thought maybe you'd be gone to the Swell or Moab.

  24. We finally got some nice spring weather over the weekend but on the way to work this morning it was snowing, just a bit.

    Great bobcat pictures yesterday!

  25. We're already feeling too much warmth here. Wrigs had to rest under a bush for a minute at the end of our hike this morning. Our hopes for one last snowfall are fading.

    Susan and Wrigs

  26. Her pose says it all - delightful and a joy to see - may the sunshine warm us all.

  27. I am ready for the snow to be gone. We're seeing the earliest of spring flowers but they are blooming right next to remaining piles of snow. Transition, indeed.

    Great action shot to illustrate your point.


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