Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, March 29, 2013

Wildlife Friday

Some of my favorite bobcat photos... On the first day that I had my cam in this location, a bobcat arrived and began to sit. Look how he curled his stubby tail under him.
He sat for a spell.
 Always alert, he scanned the world.
Finally, he departed, giving us a beautiful view of his face.
I love our bobcats!


  1. Hi!
    Very good quality on you camera.
    Great to see the bobcat.
    Hope you are ok and Everything you know this Easter weekend. HUgs!

  2. I always love the little glimpses we get into the wildlife around you! :)

  3. Bobcats and mountain lions....nothing like seeing them in the wild. Best way of course is onyour cams. SAfest way for us to enjoy them.

    Bert adn My Vickie

  4. Oh, he looks so well-fed and healthy. Great photographs.

  5. Love the pics. Have a good weekend KB!

  6. Your bobcat photos are really amazing. I know you are loving your camera!

  7. He is so handsome and he really does look quite healthy. Great photos.

    Happy Easter.

  8. Wow! You all out west have got the wildcats, for sure!! Excellent 'cat pictures, as usual!

  9. I love your Bobcats too!!

    ♥•✿HAPPY EASTER!!✿•♥

  10. Great photos. It must be so exciting to find you have them on your camera.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  11. He is very handsome and we really enjoyed the pictures.i have not seen one up close but have seen the paw prints at our cabin. Thanks for sharing. Hope things are going better and you all have a great weekend.

  12. Very fine bobcat pix.

    Happy Easter holiday to the four of you!

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  13. That one is a BIG kitty.

  14. Easter Greetings to you all, the bobcat is so beautiful, do they cause any trouble so close to you? Hope your hands are healing . Cheers from Jean

  15. He is a very handsome kitty!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  16. What a beautiful cat. I love all the wild cats! Thanks for sharing.

  17. Lovely! Do you have any of your close-to-the-house cameras sending images to your computer? I'm experimenting with my GoatCam in the barn, and it is very illuminating. For example, I recently discovered the source of the mysterious rust-colored spots on the lid of the oat barrel...it's grey squirrel pee.

  18. Beautiful cats! I'm glad you share your pictures with us :)

  19. Are those photos from your spycam? If so, wow!

    Powerful and magnificent animal.

    Mango Momma

  20. What fantastic shots! I love bobcats. I believe we have a pretty healthy population of them here, though we rarely get to see them. (See lots of scat, though.)

    Susan and Wrigs


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