Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, April 27, 2013

A Spring Saturday!

I hope that you all are having a glorious day. It truly feels like spring here. Indeed, I am writing this from my deck. Flowers are sprouting from under the melting snow.

Spring Beauties were the new one for today. They are tiny (1 cm across) so most people don't notice them. When you look closely, it is hard to believe that this delicate and intricate flower is one of the hardy species that can survive spring snowfalls.
This morning, Shyla and I had a romping good snow bike ride before it got so warm that the snow was sloppy. We stopped for a game of fetch. She is so intense about retrieving now. In the next photo, she is about to pounce on the toy that I've thrown. Look at how she spread out her toes to prevent her paws from sinking too deeply into the snow.
She galloped back to me carrying the toy. I find it hard to believe that she was not happy to retrieve things when I first met her. But, it's true - she didn't like retrieving then.
Here's another round of fetch in the dappled light of a pine forest.
Full speed ahead!
I hope that, where ever you are, you are enjoying your weekend like we are.

For the record, today is the first spring day that we've thrown open the windows, and I am sitting on the deck!


  1. I'm so glad that you're finally having Spring!! This morning, while walking the 'old dogs' I had a chance to notice that our cactus are beginning to bloom. Photos to follow - one of these days!

  2. The expressions on Shyla's face are priceless!

  3. Oh we are having a very beautiful Spring day today. A nice hike with MOM and then bee's. Oh the bee's gallillions of them and me and MOM were right in the middle of the... on purpose. I'll post about that soon. I think about all the joy's Shyla would have missed out on if she had not landed in your life. I guess you would have missed out to.

  4. What a beautiful spring you're having!

  5. Love that shot of the spread out toes.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  6. She didn't have someone who was happy with her retrieving things. Now she does and it has become a joy to give you presents! :D


  7. We think it is coming our way tomorrow - we have 70s and 80s on tap for a couple of days. It will be nice to be rainfree.

    Not much fetching goes on here, but Thunder was having a great time here earlier tossing a tennis ball up in the air by himself - we think he knows tomorrow is a special day.

  8. The joy Shyla feels in retrieving or the joy of spring, both rewarding to see!!

  9. Fun with Shyla, she looks as though she is laughing, and sunshine warm enough to have an open door, , wonderful. Cheers, Jean.

  10. Shyla is like a happy little clown and she knows she can make you smile!
    She is right!

    ps your photos- oh my gosh are splendorious!

  11. We had balmy weather today, 68 degrees and the snow is really going fast! Its lovely once it gets started here.

    Sister Shyla is adorable with her prancing about and her expressions. Where was the Black Prince?

    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  12. We are so happy that spring has finally sprung for you, KB! That little flower is so gorgeous and so are you, Shyla!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  13. Wonderful to see the joys of Spring has arrived in your location and Shyla will be able to bound around the scene.

    Have a great weekend.

  14. We just love the spread toes picture. Looks like she is putting on the brakes :)

    Happy Spring Day to you too!

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  15. Just gorgeous, we are hoping spring pays us a visit soon.


  16. We had our first day of real spring too and really enjoyed all the time outside. Enjoy!

  17. I'm happy for you that you're finally getting to enjoy some spring weather. Those action shots of Shyla are stupendous!

    Susan and Wrigs

  18. Our Sunday today is just like this ~~~ flippity gibberty beyond exciting!!!



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