Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Spring is only here briefly...

We are having a few days of spring before the next snowstorm which is supposed to arrive mid-week. I'm not thinking about snow right now. I love the sun and warmth.

I watch the main wildflowers in our world closely. These wild crocuses ("Pasqueflowers") close their petals tightly whenever the air is cool. I'm guessing that their ability to rapidly pinch their petals closed is part of why they can survive the sub-freezing temperatures and snowstorms that are inevitable during our spring.
Then, like me, the Pasqueflowers relax and soak it up when the sun hits their skin.
This morning, Shyla and I celebrated the sunshine and warmth by visiting Hug Hill, where she ran around happily. It's fun have having a young and exuberant dog by my side. I'm reaching a point where I can simply revel in her youth, speed, and good health rather than thinking about the past. Shyla is at her peak, and we're both enjoying it.
Although King R didn't join Shyla and me this morning because he's still on restricted activity, I thought that his fans might enjoy seeing this cute photo of him. The dusky sky is reflected in his eyes.
It's hard to believe that he rules the pack with an iron paw after seeing that heart-melting photo!


  1. oh` be still my heart R's little eyebrows are so expressive.
    Wishing you some sunny days ahead.

    xo Cinnamon

  2. We had a beautiful day here today and tomorrow will be nice too but in the 80s. Then winter comes back here too with a plunge in temps and idle chatter about snow - that won't happen.

    Shyle sure looks like she is enjoying her time outside today. And yes, we are fans of R - love those eyes.

  3. Pretty awesome how that flower survives. Thanks for sharing. I like the way you share so much...I keep learning from you. Thank you. Shyla's beautiful and you capture it so well ...then there is R... Love his eyes and the picture reflected within them.
    Ernie' s mom Barb

  4. Pretty awesome how that flower survives. Thanks for sharing. I like the way you share so much...I keep learning from you. Thank you. Shyla's beautiful and you capture it so well ...then there is R... Love his eyes and the picture reflected within them.
    Ernie' s mom Barb

  5. Hmmmm do not even know how I got the comment in twice.. :-). ;-/

  6. He rules with a loving heart. The best kind of ruler. Enjoy the sunshine and warmth. But I know you will with Shyla being your guide.

  7. OH my more snow. Thankfully you have a few spring days for your wildlife to get food, then snow again.
    Oh R.....you have my heart
    Bert's My vickie

  8. Oh the flowers,,, I think we can smell them right now!
    So glorious,, and R's eyes say so much!
    We love seeing Shyla fly like the wind!

  9. You better put your paw down R so little squirt knows you're the boss.
    Benny & Lily

  10. I love the fuzzy exterior of the flowers. Shyla sure looks like she enjoys galloping on your hill.


  11. Super pics of the flower, love the macro shots, R you are so handsome, love those eyes. Greetings, Jean.

  12. Beautiful flowers...Spring should have properly found you. Hopefully, no more snow.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  13. The pasqueflowers are so beautiful! Mom had a couple of them in her garden at one time but they didn't last. Yours are so beautiful in their natural setting!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  14. The joys of mother nature captured so beautifully.

    Alongside Shyla and R - their status we long to see.

  15. Those are pretty flowers and I think that seeing those would make it seem like spring. Now, for that storm that is coming with more snow...yuck! Glad you are enjoying the sunshine and warmth.

  16. I never get tired of seeing your beautiful pictures!

  17. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!

  18. Wow - great capture of his innocent expression!!

  19. Lovely flowers.
    We can see you in Rs Eyes when you take the Picture....great

  20. Amazing last photo of R!

    Loved the pasque flowers too! Such a lovely touch of spring.

    take care
    Clive & Co


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