Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, April 18, 2013

A Spring Snow Day

It snowed and snowed and snowed. It was still like a blizzard yesterday evening for our hike.
Finally, this morning, we had some sunshine, and no snow falling out of the sky. It was 0°F but the sun made it feel warmer. We had at least a couple of feet of fresh snow - moisture for our forests and meadows. Simply glorious.
The snow had coated everything, in a very sticky way, making sculptures all around me.
Shyla was feeling playful, and "hid" under the snow, with her eyes barely peeking at me.
Then, she suddenly leaped off of her perch, landing gracefully in the snow. It makes me cringe to see the next photo despite her gracefulness, out of fear of her hurting herself. But, I guess that she knows what she can do.
As the snow started to solidify under the warm April sun, Shyla galloped on the packed trail at top speed.

I haven't taken any action photos of R lately because his elbow has been sore. He's been taking it easy, with no off-leash romping. We do a little training together each day, and that's when I can unleash him briefly.

This morning, he decided to taste the snow that was on his nose during training.
He has a typically quirky habit. I usually have him stay a little distance from me while we are working on his training. Every now and then, after he thinks that he's done a stellar job at something, he charges me to get his treats RIGHT NOW! It makes me laugh!
See, he still has some Cracker Dog in him!

He's getting really good at waving, so I hope that I can show you that soon. I'm teaching him to wave as a rehabilitation exercise for his elbow that had surgery about 4 years ago and flares up every now and then. Waving requires him to use its full range of motion and it helps strengthen the fine control muscles around it.

I think that he's getting better and will be back in action soon!


  1. Snow galore, they both so enjoy it all,... 0F, about -20C, way too cold for me!!! I think the weather man is telling you not to pack the winter gear yet, Greetings from Jean

  2. EVERY photo is stunning. Shyla all cover in snow. R sending snow flying like a hockey player on the ice.

  3. Beautiful and we love the reactions of both Shyla and R. You are all MUCH hardier than we are!

  4. What can I say, it is the highlight each morning to read your blog and to see so much fun your delightful dogs are having in the snow.

  5. Gosh, you really got snowed on in the first picture, Shyla! Your entire nose is white! And we suspect that R has the same white nose only he's licking his clean. Beautiful shots, KB!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  6. Super photos! Love Shyla's "peeking" face, and R's enthusiastic charge :) And what a great idea to come up with a fun PT training exercise for R. I'm going to rethink my own PT...maybe treats would help? ;)

  7. Oh my gosh! That bit about R totally cracked me up! That sounds SO much like Kuster. He thinks he does a really good job at things, too, and he's not shy about letting you know it! Thank you for my morning belly laugh!

  8. Hi there, great photos! I love how their personalities come through, I think I know a little bit about Shyla and R even though I've just "met" them.

    I live in Northwestern Ontario and we are getting hammered with a snow storm right now. My dog is loving it! He would be in heaven on the mountain where you are. Crazy April.

  9. The snow is so beautiful but I bet you are ready for some spring scenery and greenery!

  10. Woof! Woof! The beauty of SNOW and the JOY brings to a dog. It suppose SNOW more there this weekend and heard all the ski resorts reopen. It's Colorado the snow will melt soon. Happy Friday n Weekend. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  11. I'm curious how late you get snow. Beautiful photos. The snow on the branches is a particular favorite. R cracks me up. I love it when they know they did good and can't contain it.

  12. Great photos!

    Hahaha - Blueberry will sometimes charge me too!

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  14. Great photographs making the most of yet another snow. Love that R and his sense of humor.

  15. Wow, look at that snow! It was in the 60's here yesterday and today, and I hope that it stays.

    Looking forward to seeing pictures of R's wave!

  16. So glad you are making the most of the snow! We're almost done with it, only some flurries forecast. Are you anxiously awaiting spring?


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