Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: The Never-Ending Snow


  1. At the rate you are going, the water tables will definitely benefit. And Shyla seems to thrive in the snow. It's beautiful all right.

  2. I love the last picture - what a great, solid, expression!

  3. I am sure all of snow will be much appreciated during the summer dry times, but geez...It is scenic (like photos of Finland are) and Shyla is lovely, but the WDA is enjoying sun bathing on the deck and thinking of frosty watermelon!

  4. It's beautiful...but...SHEESH, it's mid April in the northern hemisphere!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & roxy

  5. You don't look like you're minding all of this snow at all, Shyla! Such beautiful pictures!

    Love ya lots
    Mitch and Molly

  6. Stunningly beautiful, and a joy to see.

  7. I also heard that you need the water out there. Shyla is sweet in the green scarf.

  8. I'm thinking you're going to have some beautiful wildflowers this year.

  9. When I see your beautiful pictures, it makes me miss spending winters in NY!

    The sleeping flowers will be blooming soon.


  10. Our post would have to be The Never Ending Rain - it just keeps coming and coming. Photos taken in the snow are so much better than ones in the rain - and yours are always spectacular.

  11. Sending sunshine to Shyla from California!



  12. Snow! The flowers probably can't figure out what's going on
    Benny & Lily

  13. Is there any color Shyla does NOT look good in? She's just beautiful!

    SOOOOO jealous of your snow!!!

  14. Shyla needs neck warmers too.Lovely photos.She thrives in the snow, I wonder what goes through her thoughts as she zooms in the white stuff!! Cheers from Jean

  15. No matter how beautiful you make it look, we are ready to be done winter.

  16. It's so hard for me to wrap my head around the idea that it is snowing in other parts of the country. We've been having 70-degree days here on and off.

    And wow, Shyla is maturing so beautifully!

    Hope you're feeling OK, KB.


  17. We finally got sunshine this morning... how about you??? The wildflowers should be spectacular in a few weeks!!! Love the wind streaks on the aspen snow!

  18. I'm right there with you, although your snow will probably stick around longer than mine. Gorgeously clear photos! Mine are a blurry, snowy mess from today but capture the jist of dog play. I love Shyla in the red neck warmer. Definitely her color!

  19. Hi KB & Shyla!
    Wow!!! Your photos all just blew Mommy & I away with how beautiful they all are. Mommy is a photographer too, and I am her favorite subject. We've been blogging for over 4 years. I'd love to be friends. We just read about 5 posts. What great adventures you have!
    I just signed up to follow your blog and I hope you will do the same. I will be adding you to my blog roll of friends. It is a list of all my pet blogging friends.
    Hope to hear from you sometime.

  20. We feel the same way about the rain here! Soon we'll need an ark to sail away on. I LOVE that last shot of Shyla!

  21. That last - her gaze is so focused. Wonderful shots of spring in CO!


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