Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, August 5, 2013

Bear Families and Photo Contest

Both of our bear families have been active nearby recently. The first one, Cinnamom and her two cubs, visited a bear marking tree. Thanks to Mrs. Tales and Tails for suggesting that name. The second family, Mabel and her one cub, passed an anthill, and the cub dug around in it for a little while. Both video clips are included in this movie which you can watch at Youtube or here.

These two female bears have been living very close together this summer. Usually, female bears have defined territories, and fights will erupt when one invades the other's space. Mabel has been the predominant female in the area over the years, and I wonder if she will prevail in keeping her territory.

One other interesting note is that females with adjoining territories are usually related, often a mother and daughter. The mother "gives" some of her territory to her daughter after the family breaks up. So, it's possible that Cinnamom and Mabel are related. That doesn't stop territorial squabbles - they each will still defend their established territories.

On another note, the first clip in the movie was taken with a trail camera that you all helped me win last year! Last year, I entered a photo in the Trailcampro.com contest, and many of you voted for it. Thanks to you, we've been seeing really fun footage of bears marking the special tree shown in the movie above all summer long.

I am entering the contest again this year. Here is the photo that I chose to enter.

I'd like to ask you to vote for my photo again. I'd be SO grateful, and we'd all get to enjoy even more wildlife footage next year if I am lucky enough to win.

To vote, please click here. Click on "VOTE HERE". You'll need to vote for one photo per category. I'm in the US and Canada category, and my photo is #91! In case you don't want to spend the time to go through the photos in the other categories - I suggest #16 in the Deer Category, and #55 in the International Category. Don't worry about giving them your email address - they are an awesome and trustworthy company who will not spam you - I promise!

Thank you so very much! I love trail cameras and I'd adore to win another one. I am so grateful to you!!!!!!!!


  1. So happy to vote for you. I love your blog and your pictures!

  2. Really loved the video of all the bears. That Cinnamom sure knows how to shimmy:)

    We are off to vote - and of course we would vote for you!!!

  3. Were going to vote for sure- beacasue of you we are able to see so many of natures wonders that we would never be able to see.

  4. Love the name Cinnamom! And, we voted.

  5. Always love those bears. Even the up close and personal shots! Was she marking the camera as hers?

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  6. We viewed the photos and each one
    shows the beauty of nature.
    They all deserve a Thank You.
    But because we can go on nature adventures with your trail camera photos along with Shyla and R we voted for you.

    xo Cinnamon

  7. I also voted for you, it was a great picture. BUT! I agree with Linda, if you win, we all share in your pictures! Good luck to you, a tough competition.

  8. I voted and hope you win. What amazing photos were captured!

  9. I don't know how you manage to pick one picture! You have so many good ones, but I'm off to vote. I was going to ask if you thought Cinnamon and Mabel were related, but it seems that you think it's pretty likely.

    I saw this video on the news and I figured if you hadn't already seen it that you would get a good laugh from this one! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIdIAFwTjJA

  10. WE are off to vote again for you. It is a total all around win for us when you get new trail cameras.

    Love the bears, my nose is tickling though thinking of the ant hill.

    Bert adn My Vickie

  11. It was a close one, between that highly scruffy mountain goat and your entrant, but yours won my heart.


  12. ok, i am off to vote for you. you so deserve winning. I love what you do with the camera that you won last year! thank you for this wonderful footage!

  13. I voted too, all best wishes for success.. super video, they are very active!! Greetings from Jean

  14. Great picture! We voted, KB!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  15. Like the shot of the lion. Hope you win again.

  16. We just voted. Wishing you good luck again this year.

  17. I voted for you!

    I absolutely LOVED looking at all those photos! A lot of amazing footage was captured! So cool! Thanks for letting us know about it!

  18. Of course we'll go and vote bcuz we just love all your pictures. And another camera for you means more fun for us! That was a great picture you sent in.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  19. SO COOL! Me and Indy will be sure to vote - can we count as two votes??? hahaha - hope you win!

  20. I love the cub coming in for a close up. Especially the bear tummy!

  21. Cool! Off to the voting booth
    Benny & Lily

  22. I will be happy to vote for you.

    Loveys Sasha

  23. I love how "glassy" the mountain lions eyes are. Very pretty!


  24. The bear video is wonderful! Voted for your mountain lion. Good luck!

    Susan and Wrigs

  25. I love your blog and was happy to vote for your pictures.

  26. Hi Y'all!

    I see I didn't come back to comment once I left your blog to vote...went to check and see y'all were 3rd. Congratulations! Wish it was another win!

    How y'all doing anyway?

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog


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