Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Wandering Wednesday

We've been wandering our great state recently, and here are a couple of photos to show you the types of places we've been.
We didn't sleep anyplace lower than 11,000' for a couple of weeks, and we enjoyed incredible backdrops.
The Colorado mountains are breathtaking.

If any of you missed my last post, I'd be incredibly grateful if you could take a quick look at it and vote for my trail camera photo. It's super easy and fast to vote. The instructions are in the last paragraph of my last post. Thank you!


  1. Super photos, great place to be, glad you are safely home. Greetings from Jean

  2. I agree - the Colorado mountains are pretty awesome! First time I'm here on your blog and I LOVE your photos. AND I love that you have a painting by Harriet Peck Taylor in your sidebar - one of my favorite artists!

  3. Mom always loved the mountains when they lived in Colorado. Thanks for the reminders!

  4. So happy to see you! Looks like you had a great trip through so much beauty. Off to vote!

    You pal, Pip

  5. I feel relaxed just looking at where you've been and of course I'll vote for you!!

  6. We hope you all had a wonderful time in that beautiful part of the world. We voted. Can you only vote once?

  7. Hi OP Pack,

    You can vote only once per email address so others in your pack could vote! Maybe Ciara would like her own email address so that she can vote :)


  8. It looks like you'll have some great photos and stories to share with us now that you're back! :) I can't wait!

  9. OH man I have missed your daily posts. so glad you are back and can't wait to see your adventures.
    Bert and My Vickie

  10. Postcard perfect for sure
    Benny & Lily

  11. Very dramatic scenery!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  12. You live in such a gorgeous spot, KB!
    We voted.

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  13. Looks like the perfect place! It is breathtaking!

  14. WELCOME HOME - we missed you KB! But I see that you have been surrounded by beauty, family, and the best friends ever. Can't wait to see more photos. I voted already - hope you win!

    Diane and Indy Bones

  15. Why there you are! We're glad to hear you were just taking a nice vacation.

    We voted already bcuz we really want you to win again. That means more amazing pictures for us to enjoy!

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  16. Hi KB, Glad you are home as well. Love the photos but I always love your photos; I already voted for you and wonder if I can vote again(I'll have to check). Also realized that our vacation had an impact on my riding-I'm having to get back into the routine and into shape-I get so tired right now.
    Have a wonderful day and thanks for sharing.
    Hugs, Noreen

  17. So beautiful blog! I'll follow you:) I'm from Barcelona please can you visit my cat's blog? Thank you so much!!!

  18. Gorgeous scenery as always! I am ready to pack up and move to where you live :-)

  19. Oh, how I love any kind of thin air adventure! Looks like you may have been up high in the Elks or West Elks...

  20. Your pictures often make me think I'd love to find a goatsitter and take Piper on a camping roadtrip to the southwest. I haven't seen those mountains for so many years, now! And the first time I saw them, I was passing through and stayed for 7 years.

  21. Lovely shot of Shyla on a mountain.


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