Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Start...

Early in our trip, when we were in the mountains above Salida, Colorado, we visited a campsite that I associate very strongly with K. We took her there for a short camping trip about three weeks before she died. We'd been there every year for many years before that, and K was absolutely joyful during our entire stay there. She ran around with zip that belied her health condition. She showered me and the Runner in kisses. She slept contentedly in the sunshine after romping in the wildflowers.

We visited again late last summer after K was gone, and it was hard, very hard - I shed many tears. But, this time was different. My soul is healing, and my love for Shyla is growing by the day. She seemed to love the meadow where we camped as much as K did.
Shyla is growing into a trustworthy and wonderful companion. We mountain bike together in the mornings on our camping trips. On most trails, I trust her to run along side my bike reliably. Our first ride of the trip was through an aspen grove with humongous trees towering over it. Shyla had never seen anything like it.
Then, after riding with Shyla, I took a riskier route that wended along a ridge above treeline for many miles. The wildflowers were blooming, and the thunder storms were keeping their distance. Little did I know that the first few days of the trip were going to be the best weather that we'd see. You'd never guess it based on the clouds in the photo below.
In the evening, we'd take a hike as a pack. R looked distinguished as he surveyed the wild kingdom below us at the high point of the hike.
And Shyla looked like she was ready to fly!
The first few nights were clear, and we could see a zillion stars and the Milky Way stood out like never before.
I love the slow-moving days of camping, when we can be outdoors all day long. We are so in touch with Nature's rhythms, like the moon phase, the position of the North Star, the direction that the clouds tend to travel, and the animals that live all around us. I also love the start of a mountain vacation, when I know that we still have many days left to enjoy the alpine beauty. These photos were from the very beginning of our trip!

Last but not least, in case you missed recent posts, I'd be so grateful if you could vote for a photo that I entered in a trail camera contest. I explained how to vote in the last paragraph of a recent post. For those of you who have already voted, the contest says that it will accept one vote per email address so you don't need to try to vote again. Thank you so much!


  1. Beautiful shots! We are going to try and hit Colorado next year. You might have to tell me some great places to go.

  2. That picture of the Milky way was amazing! I am so glad that you are able to find peace with Shyla!

  3. Amazing picture of the Milky Way. I was happy just to see a few extra stars when we were out in PA this weekend..

    P.S. - voted for you!

  4. OH I long for a long trip in the mountains, but since I only get the short ones, reading about yours will have to do.
    And I was just thinking, is it fair if I vote for you again from my moms computer. It is after all a different email. mmmmm fair schmare off I go to vote....

  5. They are both so beautiful.
    Benny & Lily

  6. I have never seen the beauty in stars like the beauty you show us with your camera!
    Amazing photos and we love the photos of R and Shyla- enjoying nature all around them.
    (we voted too)

  7. Who wouldn't love visiting there. It's magnificent.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  8. Magnificant Pictures. THe stars are awsome.
    You have great places to visit.
    Shyla and R looks great.
    This weekend one of the pups Stella will stay because of her Dad and Mum are away on a wedding. It will be very fun to have her

  9. What beautiful shots - every single one of them!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  10. Shyla is looking so much more mature in some of the recent pictures - and happy, as always!

  11. We love camping too. We haven't had a chance to do it this year at all, and are seriously missing it!


  12. What beautiful shots! I'm glad the trip was good for your soul! :)

  13. Gorgeous photos! Glad you can revisit some of the places you shared with K and enjoy them without so much sorrow. I know it's hard - you've come a long way and I am so glad to know that you are healing. :)

  14. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!

  15. Wow. I hope in my lifetime I get to live or at least stay in a place that beautiful, and experience animals and photography.

  16. Hi Y'all!

    Just catchin' up. Been tryin' to keep up with y'all but haven't been commenting.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog


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