Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, August 16, 2013

Bear Play

While I was in the high mountains, the mother bears and their cubs were enjoying an incredible berry season. The size and abundance of all sorts of berries exceed any recent season. I personally love the raspberries, which are usually tiny, but are almost as big as store-bought raspberries this year.

Perhaps partly due to the abundance of food, the mother bears and their cubs have been very relaxed lately, playing in front of my cameras.
My cameras have captured video footage of the play at two different springs. Some of the play was by Mabel and her cub, while Cinnamom also played with one of her cubs. The two sows seem to have gone back to their original territories with the springs shown in the video being close to the dividing line between them.

You can watch the footage here or at Youtube.

Our world near home is still beautiful and bathed in the warmth of summer, as you can see in last night's hazy sunset.
As a last note, I promise that I'll stop reminding you about the trail camera photo contest that I entered very soon (the last date to vote is 8/18/13). You can read about the contest and how to vote in the last paragraph of a previous post. Since only one vote per email address is allowed, there's no need to try to vote a second time! Thank you for your support!

I'll tell you more about our alpine trip in the coming days.


  1. That spring is the perfect spot for a trail cam! Love seeing the bears playing in the water, and the bobcat is beautiful. What a lovely sunset. :-)

    Susan and Wrigs

  2. That sun set is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen!

  3. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your videos. I wish everyone could see these beautiful animals doing what they do. I marvel every single time.

  4. Just love watching those bears frolic together. Have a great weekend.

  5. The bears seem to be a very playful lot right now! Those cubs are adorable.

    I love that last sunset picture, too! Wow!

    We were at the Ansel Adams photo exhibit tonight and a lot of what they said about him reminded me of you! :)

  6. Voted. I hope you win, I love the trail cam photos. There was some great photos on that website too.

  7. WOWSA!! Such amazin' video and pics!!
    I am soooo jealous of the beautiful place you gets to romp! Very cool! (or HOT as the case may be...hehehe)
    Thanks bunches for stoppin' by my bloggie and sendin' healin' vibes! They worked! I'm much better today!
    Ma hopes it will stay that way...
    Thanks again!
    Ruby ♥

  8. Beautiful sunset! The bears, Mom and cubs, are such fun to see. Mom doesn't hesitate to pop the little nipper when he interrupts her bathtime, does she?

    I've missed you!

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  9. Seeing those bears is just so special.

    XXXOOo Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  10. We love watching the bears playing in the springs!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  11. That first momma bear looked like she was telling her cub to bug-off more than play! She wanted to enjoy her time in the pond w/o him, I think. The cub was pretty adorable standing up and almost stalking her.

  12. A BEAR!! WOW! I only had seen them in the Zoo!

  13. Great video. They really like the water....
    The last Picture is magnificant!

  14. The bears are just so beautiful! You've got your cameras in the perfect locations. We've got our paws crossed that you win the contest. We voted already.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  15. wow! awesome footage! they sure love the water!

  16. Those bears are amazing. Love watching them
    Benny & Lily

  17. Fantastic footage of the bears and the bobcat!

  18. You have wild raspberries?? Lucky. I don't even know there WERE wild raspberries. We have a lot of blueberries in our mountains. I love to pick those to put in my oatmeal when we camp overnight.


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