Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Happy Summer Days

Yesterday I told you about my bike ride to an incredible campsite in the San Juan Mountains of Colorado. It was a long journey but it was worth it! The view captivated me for our entire stay at the campsite.
Not only was there a great view but there was also a lake very nearby. Our Labs thought that was divine!
It's interesting - for the entire time that K was alive, she took the lead in retrieving objects from lakes. R would wait on the shore to try to grab hold of the object when she brought it in, even after he was fast enough to win the swimming race sometimes.

Now, R always takes the lead in retrieving, and Shyla plays the role of "poacher" on the shore. Even when we throw two objects, Shyla doesn't go after the second one. Rather she waits near shore for R. Perhaps this is a common older-younger dog interaction.
On most retrieves, Shyla swims out to meet Rono about 10 yards from shore so she gets wet!
We had lots of fun playing in that lake while the weather stayed good. As you'll hear in the coming days, we were in for a huge change in weather which made swimming not fun. Snow will do that.

Back in camp after a day of mountain biking, running, and swimming, I adored the sunsets that bathed Shyla in warm light that made her chocolate fur glow. Some evenings, the sunset was clear.
Most evenings, it was not.
But, the unrelenting clouds led to some incredibly fiery sunsets.
We had such fun in this campsite. It's one of the "happy places" that I keep in my mind to get me through tough things like root canals. Everything about the spot where we camped is etched into my memory, and I think of it many times during the year. I love it!

P.S. Today is the last day to vote in the Trailcampro.com contest that I've entered a photo in. Please read the last paragraph of my previous post if you want to vote (one vote per email address). Thank you so much! I promise that this is the last reminder.


  1. It is funny how the dynamics of games change when the players change! That sky is divine!

  2. That is such a beautiful place! Wish it was cool (and dry!) enough to do things outside here.
    Nola's Mom

  3. Oh, what fabulous photos! Love the one with "R" trotting with his stick all wet and sleek!

  4. sunset and silhouette, fantastic, and snow??? Thought you were in summertime mode. Those two surely love the water, what a super place to camp. Greetings to all, Jean.

  5. Your labs are wonderful!!! They must be such a joy in your life.

    Thank you for your thoughtful comment on my Egypt post. It was good to read about your friend - a different, additional perspective that is much needed.

  6. Beautiful! I especially love the picture of the stick sharing. I did go and vote for you and I wish you luck.

    Anne and Sasha

  7. Oh my goodness! What beautiful pictures!! That is like Lab Heaven!! Love the Stick Picture! I will go over and vote too...good luck!!

  8. Those 'Happy Places' are great to have in your mind, you can go whenever you want.

    I Daisy, am the chief poacher around here. I chase nothing, but grab whatever another pup is retrieveing.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  9. Stick fight! We just love the picture of you swimming out to meet R, Shyla. You are so adorable!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  10. The photo number 4.. NO WORDS it's incredible!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. What a great time to remember. I'm sure R and Shyla enjoyed it also.

  12. My corgis are both good fetchers in the water. It is their passion! However, my younger, bossy one, Jimmy, would get the stick every time if I didn't hold him back. If John is along for the walk, Jimmy has a bit more respect and we can get them to take turns without needing to keep a hold of Jimmy's collar.

  13. Beautiful shots. The dogs look like they had a blast!

  14. Beautiful pictures - what an amazing place to vacation!

  15. What a great camping experience! The dogs look like they had an excellent time!

    Did you say...snow????

  16. I'm with Blueberry's human...snow?! Sure loooks like everyone had a great time. I too have a few favourite places that I can visit in my head when I need to "get away" and relax.

  17. Good job R, step up and show sissy how to get the stick
    Benny & Lily


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