Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, August 19, 2013

The Monsoons, Butterflies, and Stars!

As our time in the high mountains progressed, the weather became stormier, often looking foreboding first thing in the morning. Usually, during the monsoon season, there's a safe weather period every morning and then storms in the afternoon.
We still sometimes got some morning sunshine, a wonderful treat for chilly campers.
Then, I'd assess the clouds and decide what kind of mountain bike ride to do. This sunrise light didn't look too foreboding so I set out on a longer ride.
By afternoon, the clouds behind our camp were looking very foreboding. Usually, there are many layers of mountains visible behind our LabMobile at camp.
Most afternoons, we'd retreat to the LabMobile to ride out the storms. We call R the "van boy" because he loves the LabMobile so much. He didn't mind the storms at all!
After the storms, Shyla and I would venture outside to take in the world. We discovered that butterflies tend to hunker down on flowers during storms. So, right after storms, I could photograph them pretty easily.
Wow, there were some beauties!
On lucky days, the clouds would clear out for sunset, and I could take photos of my two favorite furry pack members in the setting sun.
And, if we were super lucky, the clouds would stay away, and we could watch the stars. This was a little before the height of the Perseid meteor showers but there are still a few meteorites in this photo. There are also a few airplanes. This is a time lapse photo taken over several hours and then blended together.
The meteorites are the short, non-circular lines, like in the lower left-center.

Can you believe how many stars there are in the sky? The universe is spectacular!


  1. Your photos take my breath away. I can only imagine how you felt being there in person. The LabMobile...that cracked me up.

  2. And she yet again succeeds in making my day.....thanks

  3. You are a master at taking photos, KB! Every single shot is absolutely gorgeous!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  4. I wish I could see so many stars! Living on the East Coast, the light pollution really drowns out many of the stars.

  5. I always love your star pictures! Those butterflies are gorgeous, too. I'm glad you guys had such a good time out there! :)

  6. Beautiful as always, and extra lovely pictures of R today!
    Melon and Cocoa

  7. R is a special favorite to me and I loved his pictures today!

    When you get the afternoon storms,do you get wind, hail, or just a nice downpour?

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  8. We are hoping to buy either a trailer or a "labmobile" to take the pups places too. Beautiful photos!


  9. Such beauty! It's amazing how quickly conditions can change--especially during monsoon season. The night sky at that high elevation must be breathtaking. That photo of R is really special.

    Susan and Wrigs

  10. Love your mountains there. Very similar to here in their majesty and beauty.

  11. What beautiful butterflies! And that star picture, oh my. It's so easy to loose site of the simple beauties of this world.

  12. I didn't know that about butterflies! The next time it rains I will have to look at my flowers! :)

  13. Cool lab mobile. We see those nutty clouds above our mountains but they never come over by us thank goodness
    Benny & Lily

  14. R looks so content sitting in HIS chair in the LabMobile!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  15. Spectacular indeed. Love the photograph of R in the van.

  16. Spectacular! That is how we feel about these photos! The stars and butterfly and clouds- oh gosh!

  17. Love the stars and the photo of R chillin' in the car.


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