Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, September 6, 2013

Bear Hug

Our friend Benny is fighting cancer, and he wanted to have a Day of Hugs in Blogville. Due to our love of bears here, I called it "Bear Hug" Day.

First, the "Bear" part of the title. I put a trail camera in a brand new place, and voila, a bear appeared within days (that's fast in the world of trail cameras)!

I know this bear from past years. He's a male who arrives every fall. I've called him "Scarface" in the past.

I guess that he knows about my blog because he adopted the bear version of "The Tree" pose, and he held it for about 10 seconds to make sure his photo was posted. He wasn't scratching himself. Rather, he just stood there on three legs like a very silly bear.
After he broke his pose, he checked out my camera. Whenever I put a camera in a new place, I find that the bears check it out at first, and then they forget about it.
Finally, he was on his way.
Since it is bear hunting season, I'm glad to see him in such an obscure place where no one besides a bear-geek like me will find him. I hope that the other bears are just as smart. 

Now for the "Hug" part of the title. I had the honor of both dogs with me for my bike ride this morning.
They played and enjoyed themselves before it was hug time.
Long time readers will recognize that the place in these photos is called "Hug Hill", perfect for Benny's Day, I think!

Then, I started the comedy of trying to get a photo of both dogs and me hugging. First, I discovered that my remote trigger for the camera wasn't working. So, I had to start the camera countdown, and run around the camera to join the dogs before it clicked the photo.

R thought the whole photo thing was silly. On this try, he'd evacuated the area before I arrived in position. Shyla looked a little confused. I couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all.
Believe me, I captured a lot of Bloopers! But, I finally Bear Hugged R, after he'd knocked Shyla into the background.
Then, the two dogs decided to gang up on me, almost bowling me over, during one photo. They had me laughing and laughing!
So, even though I hate being in photos, I did it for Benny (and I had tons of giggling fun with the Duo during our "hugging photoshoot"). Benny is an amazing dog with a strong family around him. I know that they're sharing many hugs and living life to the fullest!


  1. Those are great hugs! It is sort of fun when they are resistant!

  2. Aw, R's hug is so cute! And I really wish we had bears like those, all ours are smaller and really only in the national forests.
    Nola's Mom


  3. Oh KB!

    I love thos big hugs and your big smiles over those hugs.

    Here is a big hug to Benny from Jo, Stella and Zkhat!

  4. Hugs to you for super photos, and to Benny too, our beloved animals, loving comes with sadness at times. I'm sure all hugs to Benny will be added to for many days .Greetings from Jean. p.s. you in a photo, WOW, so good to be able to put your face to your blog.

  5. And of course, we are all smiling at how happy you and the pups are having such silly fun.

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  6. Wonderful post, you are so joyful! Love the bear pics too. How many trail cameras do you have set up?

    Your Pals,

    Murphy and Stanley

  7. You made mom smile. It is quite a special day cause we really do see MOM giving you guys some great squeezes. Thanks for pawticipating and thinking of us. Just do t hug the bear
    Benny & Lily

  8. Aw, we thought you were going to show us a REAL bear hug!! But we love the ones of you and the pups.

    XXXOOODaisy Bella & Roxy

  9. Oh Miss KB you have me and my MOM SMILIN!!!! We love love this post. That last photo is a heart warmer, lip turner upwards, and feel good shot. I am so happy you have shared this with us. No doubt Benny and his family are still smilin over it.

  10. Your hug photos are making us smile, KB! We can tell that you're having lots of fun ☺
    We just love that first photo of you and R, Shyla!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  11. You live in a place that looks like the films, so relaxing, wow..

  12. Your photos are amazing. Had me laughing with you all. What wonderful moments to capture on film.

    Haven't said hi in a while but we're still reading when we can and enjoying your adventures. Love your new/returning bear friend. And I'm with you, I hope all your other bear friends are just as smart as him this season and they all stay safe.

    Best to you and the pups. (Shyla looks great - you are working wonders with her.)

  13. We can't help but smile with you. Your smile is beautiful and it was great "seeing you" again!

    What a pawsome post for Benny's special day.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  14. KB, I can see where your dogs get their joy... from YOU!!

    Love your smile. Love how you share your life here on your blog. Love how you love animals. Love you!!

    Have a great weekend & I'm heading over to give Benny a hug myself... but not nearly as neat as yours are! :-)


  15. What a lovely, happy, thoughtful post.

  16. We love the photos- and what a wonderfulness to do this for Benny.
    We see the love in your photos!

  17. My boy Feivel makes that 3-legged pose when he scratches. How weird!

  18. Howdy Everybuddy, we LOVED your photos. You made us smile along with you! What a wonderful Bear Hug day. Hugs to you all too dear mates. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  19. KB !!!!! These hugging photos are precious AND look at your smile. I laughed as you relayed the effort you put into trying to get your photos taken. I know what you are talking about. CLICK....RUN....SIT(or whatever).....CLICK YES NO!! Do again! So much fun, really.
    Thanks for dropping by and hope you w/e in going well.

    Psst~~more KB pictures please and thank you!!

    Ron and Sophie HUGSSSS

  20. Nice hug photos! Those are so genuine and full of fun!

  21. Those look like the best hugs ever! The unexpected kind!

    And Scarface is such a silly bear!


  22. What a perfect tribute for Benny, and even though you don't like being in photos, those are some charmers! The personality of the labraduo really comes out!

    And oh, my goodness, the bear photos... aaaaaaaaah!

  23. Your joy is contagious! It is SO great to see you having silly fun with the Labraduo! What beautiful, love able times you all have together! Love these!

  24. KB - oh I lov elove love these pics of you and the duo!!! You are a true inspiration to me, how you keep going and enjoy the life God has given you. God has blessed you with a strong spirit and two amazing labs that share your love of life!!!

    Simply amazing.


  25. I said I would leave all my comments in one post, but I have to comment on this one: what a beautiful post.

  26. That is so funny! i think dog's version of "hugs" is more like "mugging" us!

  27. These are the most beautiful hugs I've seen recently!

  28. Oh KB,
    Those are such beautiful pictures of you and your duo. Euphoric really. I'm sure you are going to treasure them forever.
    sending lotsaluv
    MM in SA

  29. such wonderful captures! i am smiling too


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