Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Change Never Ends

Life is always changing, as I saw today with the Labraduo. I had both dogs with me on my bike ride this morning. I expected R to be the clown and pest that he used to be when he joined me and K for bike rides. He wasn't. In fact, he was a model citizen, teaching Shyla all about good behavior. The transformation in R over the past year has been shocking.

He was leading the way today, with his younger sister on his heels.
Despite her sensitive and sometimes-timid soul, Shyla has incredible drive and intensity. I see it when she races R, like in this photo. They were chasing a toy. I gave R a head-start because Shyla is much more driven about these games than he is, and she wins every time if I don't handicap her. You can see in the second photo in the series that she was gaining on him.
She didn't have any drive at all when she arrived last year. She seemed to try to cruise under the radar, attempting to hide in plain sight. She has changed completely in that way.
I think that our agility training has been a big part of the change in Shyla. As a formal part of agility training, I did exercises to build her toy drive. There's a whole routine that Susan Garrett describes in her agility book that we did regularly near the start of our agility training. Now, Shyla is insane about working for her toy! Oh my... she's really over the top. She doesn't want to take any breaks during training, and she never wants the training session to end. Isn't it wonderful that she's found such passion for play and training?

And, she adores playing with her brother. I rarely get photos of their wrestling because it's usually in the dark of the house. However, let me assure you that the early morning and evening play in our house is intense!
After my outing with the two pups, I headed out for a solo bike ride. I found some wild geraniums still blooming, and one had a beautiful green bug on it.
His color was a cool addition to the pink flower.
I visited some trail cameras and discovered that hunters have been scouring the area. I hope that our bears stay well hidden. I captured a few trail camera photos/videos of them that I'll share soon.

Our perpetually threatening skies plus smoke from faraway fires have led to some colorful sunsets. Here's another one for you today!
Life is always a mixture of pain and beauty. I try to let the beauty, fun, and love win out over the pain. It usually does.


  1. Since I've just recently gotten back to blogging I don't know the history of Shyla but it sounds like she has come quite far in the past year. I love the photo where she is on one leg and the close up flower pics are also a favorite.

  2. I believe that love always wins over pain. And oh dog how I love to see the two of them together.

  3. Awesome photos! Isn't it just so much fun to see the fun that a great bond between two pups can generate. Thunder and Ciara had it, now I can see Lightning winning her over to be his good buddy too.

    Yes, Lightning DID in fact get out of the seat belt that quickly - just managed somehow to hit the seat belt release button and voila, I am free.

  4. Fantastic Photo's of R & Shyla racing each other :) The bug of the flower photo is also amazing. Milo & Jet

  5. I love to watch these two totally strong and healthy dogs do just what they love to do. The live a perfect doggy life, they do.


    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  6. Oh R!! You are SO buff!!



  7. Stay hidden, dear bears.

    Stay wonderful, happy, and carefree Shyla, R, & KB!!

    Love you all~ Andrea

  8. Now I'm thinking I should get Susan's book because neither has a ton of toy drive. Loki had good toy drive but I haven't worked it in a while and I'd really like to teach fetch... i really should build toy drive again in him. Love how you say she was "under the radar." don't mind me, i'm just gonna live here quietly. i'm invisible! As if!

    Where do you get your cow bells?
    And finally, I'd love to ask you some specific questions about how you ride with them because we have similar styles in being outdoors with our dogs---but I can't find your contact info anywhere. Am I missing it?

  9. We always love to see pictures of the two of you together, Shyla and R!
    The wild geraniums are just beautiful!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  10. It's hard for me to picture R as the laid back one! lol He really has grown up into one fantastic dog. I'm so glad Shyla has found her own passions, too!

  11. Such beautiful photos and beautiful dogs!

  12. I love your last statement - how true and I need to apply it to my life.

    Wonderful pictures...

    Nadine & goldens Neeli & Elle

  13. Such beautiful photos - especially of R and Shyla RUNNING! I love to RUN!!! It's very nice that R is showing Shyla the ropes. Zim and my Davy (we lost Davy a couple months ago) did that for me when I was adopted back in April. In fact, Zim's taught me all KINDS of things lately -- Mom shakes her head at some of them...
    Ha roowooroo!

  14. They look so happy together. It's good they are best buds and playmates.

  15. You've done amazing work with Shyla and we are so happy to read all about how far she has come.

    We love the pictures of the Duo. They have become a wonderful pair. R has been such a great role model.

    We hate to hear about the Hunters in your neck of the woods. Sounds like it's Orange Vest time.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  16. The K-9 where mom works are always trained with a toy for a reward. We find it funny cause we have 87 zillion toys all over the place. You go R!
    Benny & Lily

  17. Wow. All we can say is Wow!! Beautiful photos. Can't call 'em pics cuz they are more beautiful than that! Oh, and we dogs like to change just to keep our peeps on their toes!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  18. As always, beautiful photos. Particularly the third and fourth ones.

  19. Just found your blog and am totally loving it!! Love to see the pics of your labbies!!! Thanks!

  20. Oh do try to get some wrestling photos. What fun.

    Mango Momma

  21. You are such an inspiration.
    I think I must get back to my camera again.
    Sending lotsaluv to you all.
    Be safe amidst those floods.
    MM in SA


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