Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, September 14, 2013

See Beautiful - A Day Late

Due to the floods, I completely forgot that yesterday was See Beautiful Friday. It's one of my favorite blog hops so I was sad to have missed it.

I make a conscious decision to try to see the beauty around me, in all sorts of situations, even when floods are inundating our world. You can see the See Beautiful tag that Shyla is wearing below sent to us by our friend Goose.
Despite our stranded state in the midst of floods, Shyla and I have still been out romping in the forest every day. From Hug Hill, the Continental Divide looked awesome this morning.
I was on Hug Hill for quite a while this morning, talking with our vet (it's one of the only places that I get good cell service and our landline is out). Shyla has a relatively minor ear issue that looks like the a small infection to me. However, we can't drive to our vet now due to closed roads. Our vet called around, trying to find some meds up here in the mountains for Shyla. Alas, the mountain vets are sold out of almost everything because so many people and their pets are stranded. So, we are using a "home remedy", hoping that her ear gets better without prescription meds.

As I stood on Hug Hill talking with the vet, I could see and hear a train of helicopters shuttling people out of the high mountains and down to the plains. Some mountain towns are in really bad shape, with no water, power, phone service, food, or access in or out. The residents in the worst shape were flown out today.

After our protracted time on the gorgeous vista of Hug Hill, Shyla and I pedaled through the forest. Aside from nightly fussing over her ear, she seems fine.
After a journey through a very wet pine forest, we came out into a meadow area. The meadow trails had become streams. I've never seen anything like it. One trail had about 10" of water on it, flowing downhill toward the big canyon that had flash floods and is still blocked.

This trail's stream was pretty shallow but I thought that the water that Shyla was kicking up looked beautiful.
On our way back home, it was still sunny, and this flash of beauty caught my eye. The sun made aspen leaves glow!
After we made it home, I wanted to ride some more to see how the torrential rains have affected our world. But, almost immediately, a thunder storm moved over me from the west. It didn't seem too close so I kept riding. Then, it started to rain - again. I wish the rain would stop due to the flooding but the raindrops were beautiful on the wild geraniums.
I was finally chased home by by an intense, almost torrential, rain squall. I walked into the house, drenched for the umpteenth time in the past few days. I found R sleeping warm and dry, looking like an angel. He's much smarter than I am!
Even in the midst of a crisis like these floods, beauty can be found.


  1. Wow, just wow, Great shots and I really hope you dry out soon.

  2. My heart goes out to all those in Colorado. Beautiful photos.

  3. Glad you are still safe (and mostly dry!) and with power--We continue to keep you all in our prayers that you stay safe, and for all those affected by the terrible floods...

  4. Great photos as always. Praying for all in Colorado.
    About Shylas ear. Is it possible she has a food allergy? My sisters dog is allergic to wheat and gets yeast infections in her ears. Just a thought. Hope you get it all figured out and soon. Stay safe.

  5. Wonderful to find beauty in the midst of disaster. Here's hoping the home remedy works for the ear. Take care, all of you.

  6. It's never too late to see beauty all around us. Glad to hear you are all still fine. I hope Shyla's ear gets better soon.


  7. I'm happy to know you guys are still ok. I'm most definitely with R. Staying inside, warm and dry, while napping! Thank you for sharing your beautiful world!

  8. Oh, I am sooo glads you guys are still okay! I wish I could somehow send you my ear drops for your ear ~ I know that isn't funs. Sendin' healin' thoughts your way, and paws crossed the home remedy works!
    Ahhhh on the photos! Just lovely.
    Ruby ♥

  9. Yes Yes even in the midst of floods, rain, fire, or whatever there is beauty. You have an eye for it and love that you share it so freely. Shyla makes that tag look oh so beautiful. You all are in our thoughts and prayers.

  10. You do have a knack for Seeing Beautiful! Hope you guys will be able to get down your mountain when the time comes. Sending safe thoughts. And a kiss for R.

  11. Hope you will manage Everything during the disaster.
    We follow it in Sweden.
    Here is a link from our net news with Pictures.


    Beautiful Pictures from your tour.

  12. When you first spoke of Shyla's ear, I thought, Oh, I can send them something and then realized you had no snail mail either. You pix are very beautiful, hugs all around and zzzzz's to R!



  13. Stay safe, stay dry, dear friends (both human & furry)!!

    As for Shyla's ears, I always used a mixture of two parts apple cider vinegar & one part water in my dogs' ears. Standard Poodles are known for have-a-tendency-to-get-infected ears... so each time I groomed them (every 6 weeks), I would swab out their ears with cotton balls soaked in the vinegar/water combo. If the ears are infected, sometimes it would sting a little but not for long. The vinegar caused the water to evaporate inside the ears & the acid in the vinegar caused a "hostile environment" for bacteria to grow. Worked like a charm for us for many years.

    Holding you all close as these storms are hopefully working their way out.


  14. Wow! Sorry to hear about all the flooding. Your pictures never disappoint - thank you. Most importantly, I hope that Shyla's ear responds to the home remedy soon. Keep safe, KB. We'll pray that the rains ease.
    sending lotsaluv to you all

  15. We hope the home remedy works and your ear feels better soon, Shyla!
    What beautiful pictures, KB!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  16. R does look like a fellow who chooses his occupations wisely ;)
    Hope the ear problem is under control soon. And the rain stops!

  17. Mother Nature is really upset with the world. But still she reminds us that beauty still exists. All we have to do is stop and let it in.

    Take care up there. Hope Shyla's ear improves quickly.

  18. Such beautiful pictures for your See Beautiful posting. After seeing such beauty, it's so hard to believe there is such destruction happening below you. It breaks our hearts to watch the news these days.

    We sure hope that Shyla is feeling better real soon. Hope your remedy is working to cure her ears.

    Oh that R! He sure is a wise pupper.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  19. Glad to hear you guys are okay and sorry to hear that those in surrounding areas are not.
    Thankyou for sharing the beauty of our world with us and helping us, in turn, to see beautiful.
    Stay safe.
    Melon and Cocoa

  20. We were thinking about you...glad you are doing alright in the midst of such tragedy. Love your pictures!

  21. Very beautiful indeed - and I love Shyla's bright collar. I used diluted apple cidar vinegar when my Golden got yeast infections in her ear.

  22. We heard about your floods on the news and were wondering how you were doing. Stay safe and we hope it passes soon.

  23. We sure hope Shyla's poor earache is better! We are getting ready to go to church and see Goose's mom. That is how we see beautiful, when she lets us attack her!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  24. Absolutely beautiful! You get to see beauty every day! I sure hope up are safe and have enough supplies! I, too, was going to suggest apple cider vinegar. Hope Shyla's better! Xo Jeanne, Chloe and LadyBug

  25. I'm just glad that you're still okay! Every time I see the news, I worry a little. It sounds like nobody in Colorado has seen anything quite like what's been going on. I have my fingers crossed that you get a break and more sunshine soon!

  26. Beautiful photos you found amongst all the rain and storm--and scariness.
    and beautiful R and Shyla

  27. That is a lot of beauty! Even in the darkest of times, there is something beautiful out there, waiting to be discovered!
    Shyla, you look stunning in your See Beautiful tag! Zim and I each wear one, too. :)

  28. I love seeing beauty through your eyes.

    Anne and Sasha


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