Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, September 13, 2013


Life is not normal right now. I'm sure that some of you have seen footage of the huge floods that ripped through our neck of the woods.

Because we live up high, the floods themselves didn't threaten our home.  However, the photos and videos of the devastation below us are almost incomprehensible. I cannot imagine what the world will feel like when we finally can go down the mountain to look around.
We are cut off from most of the world because the roads between our mountain and the plains have been badly damaged. So, we are "stuck" at home, with no landline and no cell phone reception. However, we are among the lucky ones who have electricity and internet (although we expect that those could fail at any moment).

We had a rain-free period today, and Shyla and I took full advantage of it!
We actually have managed to get out for some exercise every day, despite the weather. Neither my spine nor Shyla's spirit are capable of being sedentary.

This morning, after we rode to the top of Hug Hill, the clouds began to part, and we could see some small hills nearby.
We then rode through a pine forest over to another vista point, and the sun started to shine!
After days of rain (12" so far), the sun was like a gift from the universe.
Now, more rain seems to be in the forecast. I hope the forecast is wrong! There's so much that needs to happen, like search and rescue and rebuilding roads to connect the mountains and the plains.
Don't worry, we have enough dog food to last for a while in isolation. I think we'll run out of human food first!


  1. We keep you in our thoughts and prayers as well as those directly affected. It's so hard to understand that what we see on the news isn't just a movie but is really happening.

  2. Stay high, and stay safe and dry, I think of all those lower down, our TV last night showed some devastating scenes. Nature throws some awful curve balls at times, and we cannot escape her fury. Love the photos of rain drops in Macro, super. Greetings from Jean

  3. Mom Kim here - thank you so much for this update. I have been thinking about you all and hoping and praying for your safety. Boulder and all areas around are favorite vacation areas for us plus we have cousins in Golden. I have been glued to the tv - cable news channels for updates. Hope your food doesn't run out - might have to resort to eating the dog's food :)
    Mom Kim

  4. We continue to say prayers for those affected and make our donation to UMCOR to help provide relief and help. Beautiful leaf photo.

  5. You are in our thoughts and prayers! Like you said, the devastation is incomprehensible! Cannot even imagine...Sure hope you have plenty of staples to keep you until they can repair the roadways! Thank God you have electric and Internet right now...at least you can get news! Your pictures are awesome and Shyla is looking beautiful. We will pray for the rain to stop! Stay Safe!
    Xo Jeanne, Chloe and LadyBug

  6. Glad to hear you are all safe. I hope you can get some supplies in before too long.


  7. Oh what a disaster you have. Hope that you will manage with all. Good you still have internet so we can follow what happens over there.
    Great Pictures, like the one with the waterdrops

  8. While I felt strongly you wouldn't be flooded, I was looking for a little update from you and happy to see it. My heart goes out to those folks who have lost their homes. Its just hard to imagine it all.

    If you need some How to Make Something out of Not Much, let me know, I used to be pretty good at that!
    Cheers and hugs,


  9. Hi again!
    Today on our morning news 9 AM they showed how it looks like in Colorado.....what a disaster. About 80 people are missing they said....

  10. We've been watching it on television. Glad you've got enough dog food....BOL!

    XXXOOO Daisy, bella & Roxy

    We're sure they'll share if necessary.

  11. We have been watching the news and saying our prayers.
    We love your beautiful collar, Shyla! You make us smile ☺

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  12. Wow - I hadn't heard about this. Glad you are high and dry and I am sure that you must have extra stock on hand. Stay safe!

    We only hear the local island news, like the world doesn't exist beyond. I sometimes think that it is a good thing but I do feel a bit out of touch.

  13. Gheez. I hope it doesn't rain any more there, and your electricity holds out... Floods are unforgiving!

  14. Hi Y'all!

    So glad y'all had Internet to let Blogville know you are safe! Hope y'all are able to get more supplies before they run out!

    Paws crossed for y'all!

    Hawk aka BrownDog

  15. Please stay safe and our thoughts and prayers are with everyone.

  16. I hope it stops raining before all your fans have to arrange for an airdrop of supplies for y'all!

  17. Oh, those videos on the news are just terrible!! All those homes and peeps gone. It is incomprehensible.
    I'm so glads to see you made it outside while the sun was shinin'!! cool.
    Ma is always amazed by your beautiful pics. Ahhh....
    Ruby ♥

  18. Checking in with you - the news coverage of your area shows devastation. The poor farmers on the plains are in a lake of water with livestock standing knee deep. Here in the mountains, it has just finished hailing and is now once again raining. I managed to go for a 5+ miler this AM and got back before the deluge. We live high, so no danger of flooding but the Blue River through town is over its banks in many places. It's Octoberfest here - lots of people in town who are getting drenched. Stay safe, KB.

  19. A friend of mine lives in Manitou Springs and this is the second time within a few weeks that their town was flooded. It really is hard to believe. My friends on the other side of Boulder seem to be okay. Those horrendous rains! It's really ironic, because we really need some rain here, everything is bone dry. I hope you keep safe!

  20. The damage is unbelievable! We hope you are not isolated for long. That last photo is beautiful.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  21. I can't believe what I'm seeing. The footage of the destruction is terrifying. I'm so glad you are OK!! I hope you keep your electricity and the rain stops for you.
    The worst thing yet was footage on Google News of a horse tied to a fence in the flooding - I almost couldn't watch but happily he was rescued. But then we heard that over a hundred people are unaccounted for. You are in my thoughts. Stay Safe!

  22. The more I hear about this rain, the more I worry about you guys and everyone there that is effected by it. I can't imagine all that rain!

  23. You have been on our minds a lot these days, and you remain in our thoughts and prayers. Take care and stay safe.

  24. We think of all of you- all the time--- hoping all is ok.
    Now we want to say thank you for all the love and caring you have sent our way.


  25. Praying without ceasing, my friend! Please stay safe... all of you!!



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