Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Power of Water

Meteorologists are calling the "deluge" that I mentioned yesterday a "100 year storm" - meaning that storms of this size happen only once every hundred years. At least 7 inches of rain have fallen near our home since the storm started.

Fortunately, we are dry and fine.
 But, it's still raining, and there's no end in the near future.
We live up high, not down in the canyons that the floods are sweeping through. We are "sheltering in place" since the roads down to town are closed and/or dangerous.
 We hope with all our hearts that the floods don't take any more lives or homes tonight.
Thanks to all of you who have inquired about our safety today. We are safe although we are sad to see what's happening in our world.


  1. Glad to know you are all safe. I thought you were probably well above it, but not sure.

  2. Such a wet mess - raining hard here in the mountains. However, it seems to be the Front Range and Denver suburbs plus Boulder area that are flooding badly. Stay home and be safe.

  3. I am so glad you are safe and dry. I am praying that this ends with no more loss of lives. It looks incredible just to see it on tv, I can't imagine being there.

    Anne and Sasha

  4. Not sure, is that better than snow?
    Benny & Lily

  5. Benny and Lily: Usually, snow would be better but this is equal to about 10' of snow... so maybe that wouldn't be better...

  6. I cannot imagine that many rain drops falling from the skys.
    I am glad your all safe- and that your roads stay right where they belong, and that your roof does not leak,.

  7. Mom was thinking of you this morning when she saw the news. We are so glad you are ok and we pray for this to end soon.

  8. Mom Kim here - did not know just how bad it was until I watched your news and then immediately thought of you all. I pray for your safety and that the rains will stop soon. It seems like there is either not enuf rain or once it starts then it never stops.
    Please stay safe
    Mom Kim and the Beaglebratz

  9. I didn't see the flooding on our news, but lots on Google, I too think of those in lower areas, and hope you stay safely up there. Greetings from Jean

  10. Glad to hear you are all safe. I was thinking of you all when I saw the news reports, but figured you were above the flooding. I hope the roads clear soon so you can get to town if you need anything.


  11. So glad to see you are safe. We have thougth of you all day today and yesterday too.

    Please stay home where you are safe.


  12. Very happy to know you are safe. Prayers still coming your way however. I have to say that I love love Shyla's eyes in that photo.

  13. Glad you are safe and sound. And securely sheltered! Take care --


  14. We've been watching the floods on the news. Glad you're safe.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  15. Oh THANK YOU fur lettin;' us knows ya'll is okays, I was thinkin' bouts ya'll and was worried!
    We is hopin' along withs ya'll dat everybuddy will be okays.


  16. Glad you're high and dry. Some of the pics I've seen look awful.

  17. Mother Nature is sure throwing a curve ball once again!

    We are glad that you are safe.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  18. I have been on vacation and out of touch w/ Nat'l news. Hope everything dries out in your area!

    How do Shyla and R do when they have a couple days w/o the usual exercise?

  19. I was wondering about you...my cousin in Boulder was completely flooded out of his house, water up to the ceiling in his basement. He and his roommates and all the pets fled to Denver last night! Glad you're up high and dry.

  20. So glad you are all hunkering down - I am praying for all those affected by this terrible weather.

  21. Wow, stick to the high ground and stay safe. We never watch the news so I may have to jump over to a news site and see whats going on.

  22. Very glad to hear you're in a safe area. We thought of you when we heard the news. Stay safe and stay dry!

  23. Oh, this is indeed good news!!!! I've been thinkin' abouts you guys and all that WATER!!! Wows. I'm glads you guys are safe, and thanks for those beautifuls pics to brighten our day!
    Ruby ♥☺

  24. Thank goodness that you're all safe! We are praying that this all ends SOON!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  25. We're glad you're safe, too. We are having another summer of drought here in Iowa. Please just try and forward the rain!!! (We had more than 7 inches in May, but hardly any since then and haven't even had to mow since the 4th of July!)

  26. Thinking of you and hope that you continue to be safe, and those affected by the floods find their way to safety.

  27. Yes, it is hard to believe all the rain that has fallen and the problems it is causing. Glad you are ok!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  28. Glad to hear you are safe. The news reports and videos have been frightening. Our thoughts are with all those affected.

  29. Good you are safe!!! Must be very scary to live in areas with that. Hope the rain will stop soon.

  30. Water is so incredibly frightening... especially when there is no "shut off valve" to stop it.

    This past summer we had 6" of rain fall in 90 minutes here in northern Indiana. The road washed away a couple blocks from our house. We were without power for nearly a week.

    Mother Nature left me in awe.

    Stay safe, dear KB & fur family... and I'm glad you're high up. But I too am sad for those not so fortunate.


  31. We are so glad to hear you all are OK. We finally last night (Sun) got the rain that hit you - it was spotty for different parts of KS, but we measured 6.75 inches in our rain gauge. It was CRAZY - and much needed. We are glad to be sitting on top of a hill today.
    Play bows,


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