Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, September 2, 2013

Seizing the Remaining Summer Days

R thinks that his sister can be a goofball and so he has to carry the mantle of seriousness (most of the time).
Shyla's goofiness is obvious in the next photo. What is that girl doing with her back legs?
Actually, the two of them have become truly best friends. They play together, wrestling every morning and evening, and they often "mirror" each other like in the next photo. Did they plan that nose-licking routine?
They both want to wish you a Happy Labor Day. I know that, for most parts of the country, the end of summer probably seems far away. However, here in the Colorado mountains, autumn is creeping up on us. A few flowers are still blooming, and I try to focus on those rather than the first changing leaves. These are Harebells, and they've been blooming for a long time.
The next blooming flower, an aster, has signs of autumn behind it - a rose hip and a yellow aspen leaf.
So, for us, it's time to seize the remaining days when we can relax in the warmth of summery sunshine! Believe it or not, it usually snows at least a little in September so time is running short.
Enjoy what remains of summer. We know that we will!


  1. We got to keep them in line R, BOL
    Benny (& Lily)

  2. Looks like your having fun enjoying your last days of summer. The flowers are lovely :) Milo & Jet

  3. We went hiking today, and I saw signs that fall is creeping in. There were colored leaves on the ground, although the ones on the trees aren't really showing much color yet. The days are getting just a hair shorter, too. I love seeing how the Duo interact together and how much fun they have together!

  4. That nose licking picture is the best! Of course they were planning that! Its hard to believe that it will soon be winter. I'm glad you guys are taking advantage of the dog days of summer :o)

  5. You can tell our summer is coming to an end, not that it has been a great summer by any means. The mornings are cooler. We don't get snow in September, but it is not uncommon to have a little in October.

    Enjoy the summer while you can!

  6. That is a very odd move that Shyla is doing. Poor R. But she is young and appropriately goofy. I'm glad to see they are great pals.

    Mango Momma

  7. There really is nothing like dogs that truly have a connection with one another.

    Here's to hoping the warmth hangs on for a little longer!

  8. While I am not ready for snow, I am happy to let the summer heat go. Everyone's energy goes up as soon as the days cool. I wish the long days of summer actually happened in the cooler seasons so I could enjoy being out longer on the pleasant days.

  9. The Handsome Prince (or is that Pransome Hince) used to be famous as a Cracker dog. He has such a handsome countenance its a shame to play the fool, as funny and appealing as he was. He's a big brother now, so he has to look after his little sister. They are both precious pups and deserve this great friendship.

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  10. So nice to see the two bonding so nicely together. Speaks well of both of them.

    We had a very nice summer day here today, but the heat is coming back again. As you can imagine, the pups here would be overjoyed with snow in September:)

  11. I am enjoying every last day of summer. I love all the seasons, but to me there is a melancholy feel as summer slips into fall.

  12. Great pics!! And with coordinated licks!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  13. I recognize that move by Shyla. That is the catch me if you can heel kick with the come hither look over the shoulder. Millie does that to Walter all the time to illicit play. It sure is fun to see two pups that enjoy each others' company so much. I'm ready for fall. The temps around here have been above average the past week, but lower temps are coming!


  14. I love to see Shyla and R playing and enjoying the summer days.
    And the flowers are spectacular.

  15. We are enjoying the end of Summer. Fall is my favorite, so I always get excited this time of year for cider and doughnuts and beautiful trees.

    Anne and Sasha

  16. Here we are in spring and snow will fall, both south and north, tonight and tomorrow, Beautiful flower photos, stunning close-up , that macro lens is worth whatever its weight/cost is in GOLD.!!! Greetings from Jean

  17. Shyla is kickin' up her heels!!!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  18. We love the picture of you kicking up your heels, Shyla! Actually, we love ALL of the pictures of you and R together ♥

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  19. Yes, we will KB ~~ the summer's touch is getting softer and soon the leaves will change. Have a great day and huge those 2 monsters for us, will you !!!!

  20. It is so great to see two (or more) dogs be friends. I always love it when (blind deaf) Brook gets involved in silly play. I could watch the dogs at play all day!

  21. I love these pictures of R and Shyla! That sideways kick is so darn cute, and the synchronized nose licking is hilarious. Of course, the big smiles at the end are the best. The wildflowers are gorgeous, too.

    Susan and Wrigs

  22. I know what you mean, we aren't far behind you with fall starting in the few weeks and we have been known to have snow in October. Nothing as short as what you experience, but not too far off.

    I can't even begin to imagine snow on the ground. :(

    I love the friends Shyla and R have become. It's so much fun just having two dogs who learn from each other. :)

  23. What gorgeous photos! Zimmie and I are looking forward to WINTER and the SNOW and the COLD, but Mom and Dad seem to be rejoicing in the warm days. I just don't get that. What's not to love about the bitter cold Winter?!!?


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