Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sunny and Starry Sunday

Today I want to flash back to our recent mountain camping vacation. It was a glorious trip, as we enjoyed solitude, wildflowers, stars, and each other.
Around sunset each evening, R would hang out in his favorite place, the LabMobile, while Shyla wandered around our campsite with me.
 I adored the sunset glow of her fur.
Then, after dinner, I'd set up my camera to take photos of the stars over the mountains. The photo below was taken over hours. It's many exposures, all stitched together to make a single photo.
You can barely see the jagged horizon of the San Juan Mountains, including the Lizard Head, with the North Star hanging over them. It was a mildly cloudy evening, and you can see the orange glow of some clouds that hovered on the horizon.

I love this kind of photo because it reveals a sight that I can't see with my eyes alone.

Thanks for all the kind comments on my Shyla update yesterday. As many of you remember, I was pretty distressed to discover her fearfulness shortly after I met her a year ago. I was filled with doubts and worries but your advice and reassurance helped immensely. Now, a year later, I see that we've made huge progress by patiently staying the course. I also must give a lot of credit to my trainer who has guided us so gracefully through a challenging year.


  1. Hi Y'all,

    Shyla's coat glows with light like dear sweet K's.

    Y'all come by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  2. She definitely glows, but I don't think I've seen any light that doesn't flatter her yet! I never get tired of your star pattern photos, either!

  3. Your photos are simply amazing! I'm loving getting to know you guys. Our painting from Kathleen is probably one of the best purchases I've made in my entire life. At some point, I will re-post the time when that gift was opened. I'm so happy you received one of her masterpieces too!

  4. Beautiful photos. Beautiful girl:)

    It is so nice to hear that her fears are abating. We have noticed a lot of change for the better with Lightning although we do think he will always have his quirky fears:)

    Happy Labor Day Weekend.

  5. Holy Smoke! What a wonderful picture of the stars.

    We're so glad that Shyla has made so much progress. I do remember your early days with her and all the uncertainty. Her love and her bond with you has contributed to her making such great strides.

  6. You are a gorgeous girl, Shyla!
    The stars photo is just amazing!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  7. Shyla looks beautiful, but slightly annoyed to be having her picture taken again. She looks like she wants to run and play and explore! Who can blame her?

  8. beautiful photo of the heavens and earth as well as your most pretty pup. so glad things are working out for you and Shyla!

  9. I don't know which is more beautiful - Shyla or the skies! Such gorgeous photos!


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