Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, October 28, 2013

The Duo's Bond

We are in the first day of three that are supposed to be just below freezing, gray, and foggy. Fortunately, we had wonderful weather over the weekend, and memories of the sunshine can help us through these yucky days.

I am now sitting by a warm fire after a trip to the physical therapist to have my neck worked on. My neck discs have been a serious problem for a few months with wrenching pain radiating down one arm but I'm still holding out hope that I can recover without surgery. My physical therapist is not as optimistic as usual but I am keeping my hope alive.

For the moment, I'm going to lose myself in a few fun photos from the weekend to help me forget about the aftermath pain from the work my PT did on me today.

I had the honor of hiking with both dogs at sunset a few times last week when the weather was perfect. It was warm and the forest was quiet. We enjoyed the solitude and peace of the mountains.

During Shyla's first months with us, I commented that she played very hard with R, so hard that he would shy away from her sometimes. Well, Shyla has dialed her intensity down and R has dialed his up. So, they are now perfect playmates. They wrestle for a long time every morning and evening, while we humans have our breakfast and dinner.

When they're off-leash outdoors together, they love racing each other. For some reason unknown to me, they both stick out their tongues as they start a sprint to me.
R uses his wily ways to win some of the races but Shyla wins some too.
After the sun dips below the mountains, the dogs like to scan for wildlife. Fortunately, they are both very good about not chasing whatever animals they spot.
It's been so wonderful to see their bond grow. Indeed, as I am writing this, they are play-growling at each other as they wrestle. When they get tired from wrestling, they often snuggle together on a dog bed. They seem to truly love each others' company.

Somehow, although it didn't seem possible when K died in July 2012, our family feels content again. K gazes down on us from the wall above "her" dog bed in the beautiful Kathleen Coy painting that many of you gave to us. I know that K helped raise R to be the dog that he is and that she helped shape us humans to be who we are today. So, K lives on in all of us, and I smile whenever I think of her.

And I always think of her when we sit out on our sunset rock watching Mother Nature's glory like we did last evening.


  1. What a great post connecting all the souls. Me and Stanley play like crazy and are bestest brothers. It is good to not be an only dog! We hope there is a good resolution to your neck pain!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy and Stanley

  2. If I could get my two to sleep together, I would be soooooo happy! They do play all the time, so I guess I have to live with that. Wishing you the best with your neck.

  3. It's so fun when they start playing and being together, It took Roxy a while to love Torrey, but she would miss her if she was gone.

  4. Aweee...that just warms my heart. Loki dialed his play WAY down for Juno too. I sometimes think he wishes for a hard core wrestler, like he used to have with his Malinois buddy. they would wrestle so hard and tumble and be the best of buddies, but with Juno, he just dials it way down. It's amazing to watch. Sometimes he's a bit gruff with her, but it's usually to try to correct her for going into a stream or because he gets a weird case of zoomies and desperately wants her to chase, but he's only very vocal and not very physical when he's rough. Still when I see her even wince, i call him off and he's good about stopping play. Its weird how they've bonded. I know when Juno came to us, she didn't relate to Loki at ALL and was bonded to the sled dogs she saw that day, not Loki. But just yesterday, as some friends took a walk on our trails on our property, Juno refused to go with them, without Loki, who was with me in the house (I was lagging behind getting shoes on). only when he showed up, did she go. Amazing to watch the bond, isn't it? Love R's face. He's got permanent puppy face!

  5. Sounds like K did a mighty fine job with all of you. Beautiful post and pictures. Lovely.

  6. You explained it so beautfully how R and Shyla have become. And its a beautiful thing for a heart to feel.

    The sunset is go gorgeous-- and we think of K all the time too- yes- all the time- because she taught us lessons we all work on individually.

  7. Ciara had that same bond with Thunder, as Phantom also had with Dakota. Ciara and Lightning do very well together, but the closeness still needs some work. It is probably going to take a bit more maturity from the young knucklehead:)

    Love the photos.

    Hope your neck is better.

  8. Its great for me to see the pups together. They just look so beautiful in what ever they are romping through!

    Hoping big time for your neck/arm to get all better.

    Cheers and hugs,


  9. Two together, one great photo, and K will always be there, she is a part of your heart and in ours forever. I'm so glad R and Shyla are a team, what a huge bond they must have, I often wonder what goes through their minds? Beautiful sunset. Cheers, Jean.

  10. Yepers K was a wonderful teacher. And how beautiful they both are together. I love to see them together. I think the tongue sticking out is the anticipation of the run and the win.

  11. Yep best friends. Good luck with your neck problem. Mom tore her neck in 2006. The severe of severe pain. Horrible. As a result, a pinched nerve in her left arm and slight. Numbness in her finger. She understands

  12. Pee S the only thing that saved mom was cortisone shots

  13. Fabulous synchronised photos of the gorgeous pair.

    There is clearly a golden aura around your family and each dog that comes in turn gets drawn into that aura. It's just wonderful to see.

    Crossing paws, hooves and fingers for the PT to bring needed relief.

  14. A beautiful post of togetherness and that includes 'K' memories shared reflect of those we retain in heart.

  15. We are so happy that you and R are the best of friends, Shyla, and we hope that you are in less pain soon, KB!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  16. That sunset is just amazing! Such beauty!

    To your comment about agility and not being able to run. Are you familiar with a website called Clean Run? It is "the" site for agility products, esp. training info. They have DVDs and books to help with lots of topics, including distance training. Try this page: http://www.cleanrun.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=category.display&category_ID=224 . You might find something of interest.

  17. I love seeing dogs make their way in the world, and find their peace. It sounds like R learned his lessons very well and he'll be a great mentor for Shyla! Those pictures are all gorgeous!

  18. Mom's jaw dropped when she saw that last picture. It's pretty good living where we do, isn't it?

    I'm so very much happy that Shyla and R get along so good. I would LUV it if Brudder Ranger would play with me but he says that's beneath him. Sigh.

    Wiggles & Wags,

  19. Oh my goodness what a beautifully written post and your photos are amazing...how do you get the light effects. I will never understand lighting.
    Hugs Madi and Mom your bfff

  20. I love this post! That last picture is just stunning. :)

    Glad both dogs have met in the middle and fully enjoy each other's company now. It takes time, but the healing does come. Thank you for sharing.

  21. Hi KB, I hope you are still in front of the fire because it is still so very cold out today. I love how close your duo has become; I know that Hunter loves it when he plays with Lily-our daughter's dog. In fact, sometimes I wonder if he is bored with us, not because of misbehaving but he often is just so mellow and content to just hang out.
    Hope your neck eases up a bit.
    Hugs, Noreen

  22. Hi Y'all!

    Beautiful sunset. Y'all have some of the most fantastic sunsets!

    Do y'all think Shyla and R are reflecting the relationship you and the Runner have together?

    They say dogs reflect their owner's personalities...from that perhaps we can assume that they also reflect our close relationships.

    BrownDog's Human

  23. I love seeing the two together and I love how R's ears fly back when he runs. Maybe they both stick out their tongues because they are hoping you will give them something yummy to eat! That last photo is one of the most beautiful I've ever seen!

  24. And now R is helping raise Shyla... How wonderful that all the bonds are strengthening and that your family can enjoy happiness once again.


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