Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Weather synopsis: "Ice pellets"

Shyla and I went out into a world of freezing fog this morning ("pogonips"). Indeed, Weather Underground usually has a word to describe the forecast for the day at the bottom of the little picture for the day. Usually the word is "sunny", "partly cloudy", or "snow". Today, it was "ice pellets" for our area.

Those "ice pellets" had coated almost every surface with incredible ice sculptures. Those are aspen twigs behind Shyla.
The ice pellets were still hanging in the air so the world was spooky.
But, I do love how alien it looked!
Here's what it did to the remaining aspen leaves. Wow!
Unfortunately, my spine was killing me, making my mood dark. In these situations, I keep pedaling because it usually helps.

It didn't help my pain but I was distracted by the amazing beauty. I don't know why the fog caused ice spikes on most things, rather than just coating them.
Near the end of our ride, the sun started to peek through, burning off some of the fog.
Unlike the start of our ride, I could see more than 10 yards away, and it was beautiful!
I left Shyla at home and kept my hope alive that pedaling some more would ease the pain. I climbed upward through a pine forest toward a hilltop. Unbelievably, I could see that the sun was shining up above me!

While I was still in the forest, the ice on the pine boughs was illuminated by the indirect sunlight. My trail was a tunnel lined with frost like this.
As I approached the top of the climb and was just about to emerge into a meadowy area, I saw the frost melting off the treetops. Do you see the drops in the next photo?
When I emerged into the meadow, I realized that I'd popped out above the clouds. Wow!
Looking at this landscape, I cannot believe that I rode my bike while wearing only shorts and a sleeveless jersey just a couple of weeks ago. It looks like bona fide winter here!
Alas, it was only the highest points in my ride where the sun really shined. As I descended, I slowly reentered the clouds.

I love the mountains, even when the world is cold and damp. The world is sublimely beautiful and is rarely the same even from one minute to the next.


  1. Hi Y'all!

    Wow! What a magical, mystical country! So beautiful it looks more like paintings...

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  2. Those ice pellets are strangely beautiful.

    I hope your spine gets to feeling better.

  3. Cool ice crystals on those leaves. But Brrrrr.

  4. It is really, really beautiful, and I really hope you are feeling better and your day is ending on a good note!

  5. Wow - those photos are amazing - that really must have been a magical ride. Wish your spine would feel better.

  6. Wow those photos are totally amazing!

  7. It looks like an alien landscape! That is amazing. I am so glad you stopped and took pictures of some of it to share with us!

  8. Wow! I don't even know what else to say. I can only imagine what it would be like to see that beauty in person. I hope you are feeling better.

  9. Absolutely beautiful!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  10. I hope it eventually eased your pain. What a beautiful world! The first couple shots of Shyla are just jaw dropping. It makes me want to get up early and take photos of frost...nah...lol

    Do you think Shyla would be interested in taking part in a NaNoWriMo event I'm doing? We're hoping to do a round-robin of dogs, each writing a short piece of a "novel" written completely by dogs! If you think you'd like to take part please e-mail me at bossdog AT roccoshouse DOT com. I think it'll be a lot of fun and I hope you'll join us!

  11. What beautiful photos! The ice spikes on the leaves are just amazing!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  12. I not think I has evers seen anything likes dat. There was one particular foto dat looked like it was deep down in da ocean.
    Your fotos are just beautifuls.

    I hopes your back and your mind is betters today. Days like dat can make your whole world feel likes it be crumblin'.


  13. These are some of your most beautiful shots! The icy fog creates such a fairyland, one I've never experienced. Thank you for sharing it!

  14. Captivating viewing and the photography stunning.

    I do hope your pain eases.

  15. Your photos are gorgeous! Your world, magnificent.

    How can something so cold and harsh be so delicate and beautiful at the same time?

    I hope your back feels a little better now.

  16. Your little piece of Heaven is beautiful!

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  17. Gorgeous! It's that kind of magical wintery sight that makes me feel better about my nostrils freezing together. ;)

  18. Mom says "freezing fog" is her very favoritest type of weather here in Collie-rado. She said she never saw anything like that until she moved here. Every time it happens, she just stares and stares at it. She tries to take pictures but they never turn out as good as yours.

    Hope you feel better!

    Wiggles & Wags,

  19. I'm so glad you fought the pain and went out to enjoy such beauty. Those are some of the most incredible "pogonips" I've ever seen! What a beautiful world, and to find sunshine at the top... WOW!

  20. What a stunning landscape! Wish you'd been able to enjoy it without pain, but glad you can surround yourself with such beauty.

    Susan and Wrigs


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