Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, November 7, 2013


Shyla plays hard. She never runs at half speed - it's always full speed ahead!
During our morning mountain bike rides, she seems to float across the meadows like an angel on Earth. Physically, she's at her absolute prime.
But, she can also look ferocious, completely by accident. This was the instant before a sneeze. It made me chuckle.
And, when she gets home from romping through the meadows, she snoozes in sun puddles with her brother. They are such good friends. Aside from the pair of littermates who were in our family years ago, these two have the strongest bond that I've seen.
As I looked at the photos from our day, I realized that Shyla completely loves her life, all parts of it, and I am so happy about that!


  1. The sneeze picture is so cute! I love them sleeping together, I wish my two would!

  2. Love all your pictures, but that last one is a real keeper :D


  3. She models what we should strive for! Total love of life.

  4. Carpe diem! The critters know it.

  5. And you are largely the reason Shyla is so happy. Kudos to you and the trainer.

  6. She has a great family!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy and Stanley

  7. They look so content and happy.

  8. Oh yeah! You sure do look like a VERY happy gurl!! And that sneeze pic is HILARIOUS!! Ma gets me like that when I'm biting bubbles!!
    Ruby ♥

  9. Two happy and loved labs!! Beautiful :)

  10. It is clearer than your beautiful mountain skies, she is happy, and LOVES her life.

  11. Loving our lives...every part of it! Isn't that what we ALL want for ourselves and those we love? Shyla and you are both blessed.

  12. I'm glad R isn't afraid of cooties!


  13. Hi KB, just caught up on your blog. So happy to hear you so happy about Shyla overcoming her shyness. I'm sure you will have her greeting people appropriately in no time - I guess I have to work harder with Katie's jumping up at people, she still does it even though she gets no attention when she jumps up and treats when she sits.

    I always love reading your blog, thanks for sharing.

  14. We love the picture of the two of you snoozing together. Loving life completely is a wonderful thing ♥

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  15. Love the snoozing pups' picture!

    Nadine & goldens Neeli & Elle

  16. I love that last photo of them snoozing together! Does life get any better than that? Have you thought about getting her to make that face on cue? I can just picture her "smiling" on cue!

  17. BOL I didn't think that was being ferocious

  18. I laughed so hard at the sneeze picture that I spit out coffee thru my nose! Sleeping labs = pure love. I think so far that is my fav pic of both of them.

  19. Shyla should be happy. She is living a dog's dream life! Plenty of exercise in a beautiful environment and living with someone that loves her dearly and takes perfect care of her. It really can't get much better than that! She's a very lucky dog! R, too!

  20. Oh, we love, love, love that last picture! What sweet pups! And we're so glad that Shyla is so happy - we can see it in her beautiful eyes!

  21. She really is a beautiful girl!

    Monty and Harlow

  22. Hi KB!
    Ha ha funny Picture on Shyla....
    Love her action Pictures.
    Have a nice weekend!!

  23. that last shot is just heart-melting. and the others are just pure bliss. nothing better than a lab... :)

  24. Soooo adorable and certainly shows the enjoyment of togetherness.

    Have a lovely weekend.

  25. Hi Y'all!

    So beautiful the love and affection those 2 have for each other. I can only think that they mirror their Human's relationship with each other.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  26. Nothing makes us happier than you sharing your beautiful world with us.
    All the devotion you give to capturing photos to share with us,,
    and also nothing makes us happier than seeing R and Shyla snuggling

  27. The transformation in Shyla has been incredible to watch. How did you manage to capture that sneeze?! It is so sweet to see the bond that R and Shyla have forged. We are so happy for all of you.

    Susan and Wrigs


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