Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, November 8, 2013

See Beautiful

It is "See Beautiful" Friday again. The past month has flown by but it has not been an easy month. For me, it's been a month of relentless pain, forcing me to try hard to look for the beauty around me. It would be easy to hang my head and march through life, feeling like the world was bleak.

I feel lucky that I live in a place that I find so gloriously beautiful almost every day. The beauty in nature and in my dogs pulls me out of my despair, time and time again.

The Rocky Mountain area has tumultuous weather, including Chinook winds that sweep down out of the high mountains every winter. They've hit this week as you can tell by Shyla's ears. Although the wind is easy to hate, I convince myself that I love its fury every winter. I love the beauty of Shyla's ears flying in the wind.
This morning, we had the early morning light and the wind at the same time. Shyla was a good sport, letting me photograph her with flapping ears.
The lulls in the wind feel so peaceful.
This evening, the wind had died down, and we were treated to an incredible sunset over the mountains.
After the sun had gone down, the entire eastern sky turned pink and orange. It was Nature's glory on full display.
As we started to hike home, I glanced over my shoulder to the west. Oh my, the beauty was beyond words.
The moon added to the beauty, peeking through the dusky sky as a thin sliver.
The beauty of our world makes me so happy. I dreamed of living someplace like this when I was young. Now, I'm living the dream.


  1. How incredible. It is amazing how the beauty of the world, and just being with our dogs, can make everything seem so much better. I hope you feel better soon, or at least get a treatment plan figured out.

  2. Indeed the beauty of our world and our dogs. Best to you! Much love - Becky and Cricket

  3. Beautiful sunsets, and in dark moments, nature can lift us up and heal our souls. Take care, hope the pain lessens, and you can enjoy the coming winter. Greetings, Jean.

  4. Hi Y'all!

    Oh what an incredibly beautiful world you grace. Thank you for sharing.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  5. just fabulous beauty! and that's just the dog! :D

  6. Beautiful photos. We like photos of the ears in action!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  7. The beauty of Nature soothes to the deepest level.

  8. Made us SMILE seeing your photos. Reminds us on how amazing to witness the changing "sky" Beautiful Precious photos especially you experienced it with your dog. Happy Seeing Beauty. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  9. You are such a positive person and find so much beauty every single day, KB. You are an inspiration to all of us ♥

  10. There is no doubt that you live in a beautiful place! Thanks for sharing it with your gorgeous photography!

  11. I am sure your amazing positive attitude is helping you with your pain. Thanks for sharing your beautiful world!

  12. Beautiful skies! You live in a beutiful area. Lovely pictures

  13. I adore those silhouette pictures! Beautiful.

  14. I have such great respect for the way you see, share, and create beautiful for others - even in tough times. Thank you so much for that. Wishing more seeing beautiful for you this month!

    Lydia @ See Beautiful

  15. Incredible photos! Some people would not be able to see the beauty through their pain. I wish so much that you could be pain-free.

    Susan and Wrigs

  16. Really love that first photo! I'm glad you consistently find the good among the bad (pain). I saw a video of the winds in your area blowing across water. The sound even more than the site of the waves made me want to shiver and sit by a fire.

  17. You are wise to look for nature's beauty as a balm for the spirits, and you've found a great deal of it here. Thanks for sharing. Hope you have a great time on your trip to southern Utah.


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