Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, December 2, 2013

A Change of Scenery

We had a brief change of scenery from our snowy mountain peaks and pine forests to the rocky canyonlands of Utah.
I adore the desert sky. It's so dark that the Milky Way stands out, and zillions of stars glitter overhead.
I have a few stories and photos to share... in future days. I hope to be around to visit many of you very soon!


  1. Beautiful pic! My first time stopping by. Nice to meet you!

  2. Both of those pictures are amazing.


  3. Those are the most beautiful photos. I was in Utah many years ago visiting a friend. It was summer and we laid on her back porch and I couldn't believe how gorgeous the night sky was. We saw several falling stars. No matter how much you describe it to someone they can't understand the beauty until they see it themselves. I hope you guys had a great trip. Glad you made it home safely!

  4. That sky is so beautiful! I've never been to the desert, but I'll admit it freaks me out a bit. I'm a Florida girl, and not seeing vibrant green, lots of water and tons of humidity is weird to me. :p

    Nola's Mom

  5. Beautiful. I love being under a deep dark night sky. Looking forward to hearing your stories.

  6. Very beautiful. We hope you enjoyed your time away.

  7. Beautiful, so glad you did get some time away before you really coldest winter days set in. That first photo, superb. Thanks for your lovely comment, so appreciated. Greetings from Jean

  8. I hope you are battened down and withstand the gusts we are supposed to have. We are hoping the storm warning doesn't fizzle. So far, not much is happening here. Glad you had a break. I, too, love the desert sky. Happy season to you, KB.

  9. We think your star photos are the most amazing of all!

  10. That is an absolutely breathtaking shot. Shyla looks very stoic, too!

  11. We see your shadow behind you on the rocks, Shyla! Such beautiful shots, KB!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  12. Oh my goodness! We would love to come and visit your part of the universe for just a little while...your pictures truly are breathtaking!! Hope you and your family had a Happy Thanksgiving! xo Jeanne, Chloe and LadyBug

  13. Living in East Coast suburbia, I've never seen a sky like that. So beautiful!

  14. What beautiful sights! I hope you had a wonderful time! :)

  15. The sky near your house is probably even more spectacular

  16. Yep..the Utah desert is pretty cool. We love it.

  17. Your night sky shot about made our mom fall over. It is GORGEOUS!
    We're about to have a big change here, too - from 60s and sunny to expecting a big cold front and SNOW!!! Ha roooooo!
    Play bows,

  18. Wow! We never get to see a night sky like this one! (too many streets lights!) Very beautiful!

  19. It has been too, too long - these photos are simply incredible and we look forward to seeing more! Have a wonderful time in Utah!
    Sammie and Ava

  20. It's just so......golden!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  21. YOU wrote: "I hope to be around to visit many of you very soon!"

    I am looking forward to it! Counting on it!

  22. You do a great work with your photographing. Top job!

  23. Another incredible night shot. I didn't get a chance to play with my tripod this trip, but I'm hoping I'll get another chance next month when we return to The Wave... (Can you see me drooling?!?)

  24. Hi Y'all!

    As you've guessed by now, I'm catching up with y'all.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  25. Such a fantastic night sky!! I agree, the night sky in the desert is something very special.

    We have been to Canyonlands several times, mainly in the winter. It's an area that has captured my heart. However, since it is quite a drive from her, over Thanksgiving week we went to the Valley of Fire in Nevada - tent camping. Quite chilly during the night, but very comfortable during the days. I love the desert.


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