Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

A Sign from the Heavens

Because of winter weather in the Utah desert, we had to try to slip our camping trip into a window of good camping weather. On the day that we had initially planned to depart, the Utah desert was getting 6-12" of snow dumped on it. The snow went on for days and the temperatures were very cold. In fact, the snowfall was equal to the usual total snowfall for the entire winter in the canyonlands area.

So, we waited while anxiously checking the forecast every hour or so. Finally, we spotted what appeared to be the last day of bad weather in Utah and the start of a week of sunshine. So, we pointed the LabMobile toward the Utah desert, driving through the remains of the snowstorm.

We arrived in the afternoon, and when we approached our first planned camping spot, it immediately became obvious that it was impossibly mired in snow and very sticky mud. So, we revamped our plans, heading for a spot that we call "K's Rock".  We've named it that because remember a wonderful time there with K on her last trip to the desert. It turned out that K's Rock was planted in the midst of a relatively dry area. We had no problems driving, mountain biking, hiking, or running on 4WD roads and trails near K's Rock. So, it felt like paradise.

We thought that we had hit the weather window perfectly. The first night seemed to promise an amazing vacation of clear skies and relaxation. As many of you know, I love night photography, particularly in the desert on a clear night. So, I pulled out my tripod, and I set up my camera to take many exposures of the night sky, with plans to make photos of the the stars "spinning" around the North Star by combining the exposures. I haven't yet processed all of those exposures because one image captured my full attention.
I was lucky enough to capture a meteor plummeting into the Earth's atmosphere behind K's Rock.

A sign from the heavens? I think so. K is always with us. Always and forever.


  1. Beautiful photo and especially beautiful sentiment.

  2. How very beautiful AND special - we are sure it was a loving message from K.

  3. Wow-that picture of the meteor actually made my heart skip a beat!!! Definitely a sign from the heavens!

  4. Always and Forever, that is for sure!!!

    Anne and Sasha

  5. Wow! just...wow! A sign for sure:)

  6. OMD! How amazin' is THAT?!
    Absolutely a sign....
    Ruby ♥☺

  7. Oh my gosh- you really captured some moments- and they were spectacular!
    What a Grand Day!

  8. Oh my gosh! What a perfect capture! I'd be thrilled if I caught that. She's looking out for you for sure!

  9. A special moment in time.
    I'm glad you were able to capture
    a loving message from "K".
    Peace be with you always.

    Love and Licks
    xo Cinnamon

  10. Your timing was so right, and I do truly believe this is a message from beloved K . So glad you managed to fit the trip in with safe camping and travel. Fond greetings from Jean.

  11. That took my breath away. And how perfect it was by K's Rock.

  12. That K doesn't fool around! Beautiful message.

  13. How beautifully awesome!!

    I still miss that girl.

  14. Well slap me across da face...dat foto is amazin' and I mean I say dat cuz there really is no udder word to describe it.
    It is a sure sign dat K is watchin' overs ya'll.


  15. An amazing sign from above for sure! You truly couldn't miss that sign from K. BEAUTIFUL!!

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  16. that's really awesome! and i see your 'angel k' on your sidebar. so sweet.

    (as for following a blog with google friend connect button vs. feedly, back when google reader was alive and functioning, it would automatically add your 'follows' to your reading list. when google shut down reader, feedly sprang up as a replacement product but they're not part of google, so no automatic 'follows' are added there. you have to do them both separately.)

  17. You really needed to plan that trip correctly. It must have been so beautiful and peaceful. How the heck did you capture the meteorite !

  18. Very cool. What part of Utah were you in? They were getting snow in the snow, while we were dry in the north. Go figure.

  19. That is simply amazing! Thank you so much for sharing the image and the thought.

  20. That brought tears to my eyes!!! So incredibly beautiful!
    Thank you for sharing this special image!

  21. Right place, right time, right sentiment! K was watching, too!

  22. What a cool photo! Sadly, my camera phone refuses to take pictures like that but I have seen some pretty amazing things while night hiking.

  23. Wow! She showed that she was there....how lucky you are!!

  24. That is cool, and you got a photo too!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  25. wahoo, that is a gorgeous photo! What a place to be!

  26. Great photograph! Yes, there are always signs if we look for them.

  27. That is an amazing photo! I'm so glad you were able to get K's message when she sent it.

  28. Always and forever is absolutely correct, KB. What a stunning photo!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  29. Incredible! And you painted K's Rock with light, too! What an amazing shot!

  30. Hi Y'all!

    An amazing moment! So glad I took the time to catch up on all the posts I missed.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog


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