Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, December 30, 2013

A new chapter

Yesterday, I wrote about memories of K, my sweet heart dog who changed me forever.

While I still cry for her sometimes, I also realize that the ray of sunshine in the story is that I met Shyla after K's death. If the timing had been any different, Shyla and I would have never known each other.
I feel fortunate that Shyla leaped into my life a couple of months after K's death.
Shyla was/is a different dog than any I've had in my life before. She's super sensitive - some would say that she's "fearful". However, I don't think that "fearfulness" is written in her genes. I think that she didn't get a lot of exposure to the world when she was young so her naturally sensitive soul is easily scared by the crazy things in the human world.

My dog trainer likes to say that you usually get the dog who you "need" at any point in your life. My trainer feels that I was a perfect match for Shyla. I'd had enough experience with training Labs that I could learn to help Shyla navigate the world. And, after grieving K, I was ready to open my heart to a sensitive girl like Shyla.

Now, unlike when I first met Shyla, she usually looks at the world with hopefulness and enthusiasm. She sometimes gets scared in the midst of her enthusiasm. However, her hopeful and usually happy demeanor warms my heart because I know how scared she was when I first met her.
I feel honored that Shyla now trusts me (and our whole pack) completely, and for that I feel nothing but gratitude. Each morning that we see the sunrise together, I feel grateful.
That's the ironic part of loss. When and if you're ready, a new chapter of life opens up after a loss. I am still capable of feeling guilty about that part but I mostly realize that this is what K would have wanted for me - a new furry friend who makes me smile and laugh, who watches sunrises with me, and who loves to snuggle.
And, for that, I am grateful.


  1. one never replaces the other, but they all find a way to fill our heart. this was kismet. :)

  2. When a special furry friend leaves, they always take a piece of our heart with them. But they always make sure to send another to fill another part of our heart. K has done that for you through Shyla.

  3. K always knew that your heart would find some extra space when the time was right, and then Shyla entered your life, Sadness can slowly abate, some is always present, but joyfulness with new days is telling us all of past happiness, and how else would Shyla have come to live with you. New beginnings may come as older times have gone, life changes, and for you, a wonderful new girl who shines with love and joy. New Year Greetings, Jean.

  4. That's awesome. I truly believe everything happens for a reason. And now you know that for you, the reason was Shyla.

  5. And your right- this is what K would have wanted--- that Shyla come into your life- and you be able to help her. K would not want you to be without a snuggle buddy- and I think it was destined that the Daughter of the Mountains come into your life.

  6. Both of your chocolate girls have been very special.


  7. You have such an incredible way of saying truths for all of us. Your trainer is right too. I think we are given the gift of a special dog for each stage or needs of our lives. I've opened up my heart to Bert and the new life he has lead me into, yet I still cherish all that was Jamie. Surely there must be something or someone who is the master of this design.

  8. You already know that I absolutely and completely agree! It's the same for us with Flattery and missing Blueberry. I can't say that I'd trade the experience of knowing either of them, but sometimes I'm greedy and wish I could have them both at the same time.

  9. Hi KB, don't feel guilty mate. We all love and grieve and if we're lucky enough, love again. And we never stop loving the ones who have passed. I think it's the new love that helps us get back on track. Isn't it amazing that we can just grow more and more love and it can be so wonderful. Take care and Happy New Year to you all. No worries, and love, Carol (and Stella and Rory)

  10. Unfortunately, loving animals does open you up to heartache...luckily another can teach you to live again.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  11. K knew you and Shyla needed eachudder so never feels guilty bouts dat...I knows it's hard though.
    You have so much love to give and K knows that, she wouldn't want you not give it away to anudder dog.

    Shyla has really progressed since you brought her home, you have done wonders with her.


  12. We're feel certain that K is smiling down on you, KB. You were absolutely the right mom for Shyla. She's a very happy girl and it shows.

  13. I relate completely. When I think back to what Piper was like when I adopted her and brought her home (10 years ago, Christmas Eve, can you believe it?), I feel such immense gratitude that she was able to gradually blossom into a dog who genuinely expects to be loved by people. The example of such a triumph of spirit is always an inspiration to me. I've seen similarities in your progress with Shyla, though the issues were entirely different. Go Shyla! Go Piper! It's a brand new year ahead :)

  14. Hi Y'all!

    Just stopped to say have a fun and safe New Year and thank you for visiting us!

    Only the fortunate of us end up with someone who fulfills our needs and we theirs.

    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  15. I understand what you mean... Jessie was my heart's mate, if a dog can be that. We had a soul to soul relationship. The dogs that have come into my life since her passing are very special to me, and very different from Jessie - but the heart expands to make room for them all. :-) Happy New Year!

  16. I believe each of my pups has a different lesson for me. They don't replace each other, but rather take a new piece of my heart and teach me something different. Happy New Year!

  17. We don't talk about it much but all us doggies have a purpose. We are very clear in it. Sometimes the humans figure it out and sometimes they don't. Happy New Year!!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  18. It is so magical when a fearful dog starts to trust and open up. I had this experience Pip and now with Ruby. Both had very different kinds of fear, but gosh when they finally learn (Ruby is still learning) that they are safe - its amazing!

  19. Lovely Pictures!
    I wish you and your familiy, Shyla and R all the best for 2014!
    Happy New Year!
    Hugs Majsan//

  20. When any of us have had the good fortune to share the connection and love you shared with K, there is no greater tribute to that friend than to develop an equally beautifully bond with another.

  21. How wonderful and from the heart your expressions of both K and Shyla reflect upon life and how we unite of heart and mind.

  22. So beautifully written! Again, your words remind me of losing Twix but of how happy I am that I have Taffy.


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