Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Memories of K

My trip through my photo archives brought up many photos of my sweet Angel K.It made me realize that I now remember her in her prime rather than when she was sick.
What a joyful dog she was. She lived with a zest and love that taught me so much.
When I see her photos, I miss her but, mostly, I smile at the memories that fill my heart.


  1. I spend a lot of time looking over photographs of Ellie. It helps.

  2. Photos, a vivid memory that can be bitter-sweet, but wonderful to have. Greetings, Jean.

  3. Such a beauty. It took me a long time before I could look at pictures of Gizmo.

  4. That's when you know you've "arrived", dear friend.... when you can look upon your dearly departed family members' pictures & think about them with smiles instead of tears. I know K is happy to see this.

    Love~ Andrea

  5. She was a beauty, that's for sure. It takes time to get to the smiles. Working on that here too:)

  6. That is how I feel when I see pics of Twix now. I too think of her in her prime and not when she was sick when I remember her (which is several times a day). Sorry we havne't been by to visit, things have been busy here. I'm sorry R has to have surgery too but I know Shyla will be the perfect nurse for you both!

  7. I am still grieving the loss of our precious Wendy, and today your post has reminded me today that eventually that sadness leaves and the good memories return--Thank-you for that.

  8. Special dogs are rare but you were fortunate to find her.
    We remember her fondly and smile.

    xo Cinnamon and Linda

  9. I am so so happy the smiles out weigh the sadness. Of course she is always a part of you.

  10. Its wonderful when you can get to the smiles, laugh at the memories and just be thankful you had K as long as you did.


    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  11. And we thank you for sharing sweet K's journey with us.
    When you smile - we smile too.
    We are always beside you

  12. I just got caught up on your last few posts. Best wishes for you and R on your respective surgeries! What a good idea for a calendar, to use past photos of your dogs. It's so hard to lose them. K must have been truly unique.

  13. Oh hows I miss dat girl, hers always had a passion fur everything hers did. I am so glad you posted these fotos of K.

    I seen R has to has elbow surgery...I is sure my mum can gives him some tips...hehehe. Seriosly though, I knows he will be just fine and be back to his normal self real soon.


  14. We love the pictures of her smiling. She was a very special girl ♥

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  15. We are happy to hear that the beautiful memories of K are shining through.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  16. The good memories are what will always remain. Sometimes it just takes a little longer to get there, but somehow we do.

  17. It is funny how the human heart works, isn't it? I guess if we couldn't transition from grief to fond memories, continuing on wouldn't be possible. Although I must confess, I can still have a good cry over my sweet old boy Dylan, depending on my mood when I look through his photo album. He predated most of the digital era....

  18. I was recently paging through some of my photos of my lost dog partner Willow. I was shocked at how she looked towards the end of her life. I think sometimes memory can be very kind to us. And I'll be happy if that is also true of how people will remember me. Only the good stuff! :)

  19. She was do beautiful and special. I can't stop looking at pictures of Benny

  20. She Always will be in you heart!
    I still miss my old dachshunds and are thinking sometime on them.

  21. She was lovely! And the beauty of memory is that it phases out some of those less than wonderful things and leaves us with the good things to cherish.

  22. Hi Y'all!

    What a beautiful smiling face she had.

    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog


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