Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, December 28, 2013

A Look Back...

I am, finally, putting together my calendars for the coming year. I've spent hours going through all the photos and choosing my twelve favorite photos of each dog. It's a long process because I enjoy remembering the story behind the photos that capture my fancy.

I love this one of Shyla in the Utah desert last March. We were in a new campsite that we'd just found, and the sun was setting over the desert. There were slickrock slopes surrounding the campsite that glowed like honey in the setting sun. Shyla and I enjoyed the warmth of the sun as it slipped below the western horizon.
I also love the next one. It shows the Labraduo playing in the wildflowers, with R sporting his usually toothy look that he uses during playing. It makes me laugh how he was looking at me out of the corner of his eye while pretending to be so ferocious to Shyla.
I dream of the days when the meadow looks like that, and it's so warm that we can relax, letting the dogs romp for as long as they want. My dream is that both R and I will be at full strength come spring so we can enjoy it to the fullest!


  1. That's a wonderful calendar. We might do that next year.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  2. I have a feeling that you both will be! That picture of R and Shyla made me laugh. What a pair of characters!

  3. I face the same problem every year . . . each picture is special. We are dreaming of spring and summer too!

  4. a positive attitude goes a long way!! you both will be healed and well by next spring…stronger than ever.

  5. Calendars sound like a great idea! I've also been going through the photos for 2013 for an end-of-year blog post, and it really is an emotional experience. Lots of joy, some head-shaking, and some sadness...but mostly joy. And so many of Piper's pictures make me laugh :)

  6. The hope of spring! We hope you are all 100 percent as well!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  7. You have so many awesome photos. Two good shots for sure

  8. Springtime, and YES, you both will be healed and able to play again in your magical mountains. I can only imagine how hard it must be to select the 12 photos, have you ever done a mosaic or collage for each month? Maybe selecting more would be just as difficult. The two, today, super as always. Cheers from Jean

  9. I honestly don't know how you would ever pick just 12 pictures. You take so many amazing and beautiful photos--And I've seen 'professional' calendars that aren't as good as I know yours will be! :-)

  10. The first motorcycle event of the year is called "Spring Breakout"... and that's what it truly is. I pray your own spring breakout is a good one for all of you, dear heart!!

    Love ya~ Andrea

  11. It must be quite the challenge to pick out a few photos when every one that you show here is so awesome.

    We hope the spring brings happy times for you too, and maybe even sooner.

  12. It makes us very happy that you are in the "thinking, and preparing, mode" about your calender. We love these photos too!

  13. The action photo is so great. I am so lucky, my daughter makes me a "Sasha" calendar every year. It is one of my favorite gifts.

    Anne and Sasha

    Happy New Year!

  14. The White Dog Army sends it strongest energy as wishes that you and R are back to full speed quickly and that your entire family is blessed with health, joyful wonder, and bounty enough to share (as you do nearly daily with your glorious photos)

  15. I am certain that you will be. Let me go a step further, let me guarantee it for you!

    Now that will bring me real Joy!

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  16. You have so many stunning photos to choose from! Your calendar is going to be wonderful!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  17. Happy New Year mates. We hope the new year brings all you wish for.
    No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  18. We share in your dream that you and R will be in great shape by the time the wildflowers are filling the meadows!

  19. We know that with all of Blogville praying for you both, it will be a glorious spring!

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  20. Every year, I say I'm going to put together a calendar for myself and for gifts and every year... With all the wonderful photos you have to choose from it must be hard to pick just 12! Maybe some months are a collage?

  21. Spring is coming sooner than we Think.....
    Already I have noticed some difference that it is lighter longer

  22. Hi Y'all!

    Paws crossed for y'all!

    Hawk aka BrownDog


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