Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, December 27, 2013

Great news and not-so-good news

When I watch Shyla leaping effortlessly through the forest, it makes me smile. Although I have to be so careful of my movements, she doesn't think twice about jumping just for the pure joy of it.
As you can see from the photo above, I've been having fun working with backlighting in photography. I love the glowing snow that Shyla kicked up as she jumped, even though her face isn't in perfect focus. There's always something to improve!

Speaking of joyful spirits, we got great news and not-so-good news about R from the vet. On the great news front, his deformed red blood cells and angry white blood cells that first appeared about 16 months ago finally disappeared!!!!! We are overjoyed because the clean blood test means that the bad blood cells were probably not due to cancer. My bet is on a toxin in his food (it happened in the midst of all the terrible canine illnesses/deaths due to recalled dog foods) but we'll probably never know with certainty. We're simply happy about R's good fortune!
On the "not-so-good" news front, R had elbow xrays. They showed bone pieces floating around in the elbow joint space where he had elbow dysplasia surgery about 5 years ago as a puppy. The deterioration of his elbow is no surprise - even when elbow dysplasia is fixed surgically, a dog's elbow tends to degenerate over time. We've been seeing the tell-tale limp when he gets up from a nap which is why he had xrays.

So, R needs elbow surgery. They'll use a scope to do it with minimal trauma, cleaning out the bone chips and fixing up the cartilage. He and I may be recovering from surgery together. When we asked who would be the nurse, Shyla raised her paw!
Except for her wild streak, she'll do great!


  1. awww. sorry about the duo surgical needs!

  2. I guess misery loves company. I'm sure Shyla will be a perfect nurse to both of you.


  3. Isn't it great that the procedure is available for R and can be done with minimal surgery? You go, R!
    And I think Shyla might need a little cap, like on Call the Midwives ;)

  4. I hate that either of you must go through surgery again, but Shyla's going to be the best nurse!

  5. Oh, this is great news about the blood!! YEA! Well, the elbow (or Hell-bow if your Puddles' Moms! bol) is not so good, butts at least there's a path to recovery, which is FABulous news! And I thinks Shyla will make the bestest nurse EVERS!
    Ruby ♥
    pees: the photos are GREAT!!!

  6. Great news that it is not cancer! Good luck with your duel surgeries. I will be thinking of you all.

  7. I am so happy about the blood test!! I am sorry about surgeries of course, but I know Shyla will be the best caretaker you could ever want. She will see to all of your needs followed by kisses. I will pray for all of you.

    Anne and Sasha

  8. Good news about your blood R. Hope everything works out with the elbow. I think I would rather elbow surgery than bad blood

  9. I think that Lily hit the nail on the head! An elbow is somewhat fixable and bad blood is not! So, in the big picture, it's good news.

  10. I can see huge amounts of TLC coming from " Nurse Shyla" or should it be " DR". I guess the good news is you and R will be recovering together, is there a date set yet? Winter, going into Spring, maybe the best time for recovery with new growth all round. Greetings, Jean.

  11. Oh, that is wonderful news about R's blood results. We will all hope for his surgery to go smoothly and for him to recover quickly.

  12. Were happy too about the results for R and his blood work!
    I have a feeling he will recoop very fast from his surgery.

  13. We know she'll be a great nurse. Hopefully, both you and R will recover quickly from upcoming ops.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  14. I'm looking forward to stories about Nurse Shyla on duty! I'm giggling just thinking about it. I'm also sending all my best thoughts to you and R for safe surgeries and speedy recoveries. Something tells me that while Shyla may be an excellent nurse, you and R might not be the best patients....

  15. Good news, bad news for sure. Here's hoping R's surgery is minimally invasive with a rapid recovery. Thinking of you and your health as well. Take care.

  16. So sorry he needs surgery! But glad his blood is normal!

  17. Very happy to hear about the blood test results...but not happy to hear about the duo surgeries!! We just know that the Runner and Shyla will be excellent caretakers!! Jeanne, Chloe and LadyBug

  18. You'll be the best nurse ever, Shyla! Paws will be crossed for both of your surgeries.

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  19. Good luck, R, Need to be in tip top shape to enjoy your adventures.


  20. Well goodness gracious! Poor R!! Again, we are sorry to hear that news. But it is GREAT that his blood cells have returned to normal.

    We think that Shyla is gonna be the BEST nurse ever! That is of course, under the Runner's supervision. Their sure gonna have their hands and paws full for a while over there.

    Got our paws crossed for you both.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  21. We are so glad that R's blood tests came back clean. While we know elbow surgery is not a dream, we are sure he will be fine.

  22. The idea of Shyla being nurse to both you and R made us smile. It's not great that both of you need surgery, but it might as well happen at the same time, and with such a willing nurse!

  23. Poor R! I hope the surgery helps!

    Also, I feel for the runner. He will have his hands full with TWO patients. I know John here at home will be very happy when I can return to being the primary dog walker! I will as well, as I really, really miss my walks!

  24. Hi!
    Oh my....R is doing surgery too....Hope he will like you recover great together.
    Hugs from us!

  25. Everything is going to great for the both of you. Shyla will take good care, and recovery will be fast and easy.

  26. Well, the really good news is really, really good!

  27. We are sure Shyla 'r'aised her paw to help all and any of WOO!!!


  28. Shyla! What a sweetheart! Take good care of your pack!
    Glad to hear about R's blood work - and will be praying that his and your surgeries go well!
    Play bows,

  29. Aw, Shyla would make a great nurse! I hope that R's elbow surgery goes smoothly.

  30. Hi Y'all!

    Oh it seems more positive than negative on R's news front!

    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog


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