Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Day After

I am wondering something. Is getting a migraine on Christmas like getting coal in your stocking? Shyla says it's not but this is only her second Christmas with us so she may not know for certain.

We went out for a gentle ride this morning - I felt as if I was nursing a hangover even though I didn't drink any alcohol yesterday. The morning light is almost unbelievable these days, turning my chocolate girl into a fiery red Lab. Around here, this kind of sunrise light is unique to the month around the winter solstice.
There was a small slot of clear sky on the eastern horizon. After a short time in the sun, we pedaled through a dusky early morning light that was blocked by clouds to our east.

As the sun slipped behind the clouds, Shyla stopped to gnaw on a stick, and she made such a funny face! I laughed when I saw this photo.
Then a wind kicked off of the Divide, and the clouds covered our sun.
Then, we just rode. We pedaled up high to Hug Hill, and I enjoyed the sight of a high peak spotlighted by the sun. Everywhere around it was in the shade.
The mountains look different to me every single day. I'll never tire of gazing at them, especially with a Labrador or three by my side.


  1. she is adorable. glad you were able to get out and enjoy today.

  2. what a beautiful view! hope you are feeling better!

  3. Such a view! Hope you're feeling better.

  4. shyla looks like one of those old comedians telling a joke with her big cigar! And yes, migraines or any illness on Christmas is kinda like getting coal in your stocking :-(( Glad you could get out today and enjoy the beauty around you!

  5. The view, the sunlight, and then there is Shyla, together a wonderful combination for a ride up high. hope the head has cleared, by any chance has the barometer dropped?? Thunderstorm weather is a real trigger. Take care, fond greetings, Jean

  6. Bummer about the migraine....hope that beautiful scenery (and labs) helped ease it.

    XXXOOO Daisy, bella & Roxy

  7. Love that photo with the stick, and the view....to die for!

  8. Shyla is such a fun loving little girl! Gosh she really charges with those sticks in her mouth!

    We hope that bad migraine is gone!

  9. Love the funny-face picture of Shyla and hope that you RODE that migrane away!

  10. Wonderful views and who better to share the experience. Shyla looks so funny with the stick.

  11. You are making us laugh, Shyla! We hope your mom's migraine left quickly and didn't hang around long!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  12. Magical mountains and a magical mountain - something of a cure for migraine?

  13. Shyla looks like somebody just told her a VERY funny joke!! *lol*

    Hope you're feeling better by now, KB. Oh my....a migraine on Christmas. That is sooooo not fair. Course, a lot of things aren't "fair", are they. :( Your need for an upcoming surgery is just one of them.


  14. I have shared in the pain of having a Christmas migraine before and it is never (at any time) fun! I sure hope by now it has gone away. I know how they can linger on for days.

    We too will NEVER tire of your beautiful photo's of life in the rockies!!

    Mommy Kim

  15. No matter what happens to you, KB, you never cease to express it well. As an aspiring writer (sort of!) I admire that.
    Lovely photos of Shyla today. I'm also amazed that the mountains look different to you every single day. I think it is a gift, you have, to appreciate your environment so.
    Best wishes, Melon

  16. Those are some gorgeous photos! I'm jealous of your view of the beautiful mountains.

  17. I just love the sky in that last photo! And Shyla's face did make me laugh! :) What a gorgeous, funny girl!

  18. Came by to see how your holiday was - sounds like you were a bit under the weather. I agree that the views of the mountains are ever-changing. Yesterday morning, a cow moose and her calf (the same ones who visited my yard in Nov) were on the trail that we use to ski into the resort. Luckily, they moved so we could pass! Wishing you and your family all the best in 2014! Keep pedaling.

  19. The migraine hangover is a terrible thing! Ugh! I think it is like getting coal! Love the gnawing picture!

  20. You had three labs this holiday season?!? What a treat that must have been!

    Hope you are feeling better today...

  21. Love the Shyla-stick photo! Yes, we love looking at the mountain too. Especially as the weather changes!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  22. Lovely Pictures!
    Wow, Beautiful mountins!

  23. Hi Y'all,

    My Human sympathizes with your migraine. She had one of those week long headaches and still had to show for the family gathering Christmas day.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog


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