Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, January 2, 2014

A Good Day...

Today was the kind of day that I like for kicking off the new year. Shyla and I were out before sunrise, pedaling up to the plateau where we can see a long distance to the east and west. Alpenglow lit up the snowy mountains.
And then the sun peeked over the eastern rocky hills.
Shyla and I sat on K's Boulder to soak up the first rays of sunshine.
Shyla is such a graceful athlete. I grin as I watch her leap and run.
And, she was off at warp speed!!!!
Then, we visited Shyla's favorite sunrise spot in the forest. It is "Shyla's Rock" in my mind. She has a certain way that she likes to lie on it to watch over the eastern meadows.
It's very important to me to find joy in this time of year with Shyla. Two years ago, we got K's osteosarcoma diagnosis on Christmas Eve. The true battle couldn't start until the new year due to the holidays. Since K has been gone, I find that I am prone to getting dragged into the abyss of thinking too much about that tough time when we hit this time of year.

I'm so glad to have my Shyla to keep me smiling! She glows with the energy and health of youth.
And, she's becoming a closer companion with every passing day. Life is good.


  1. I'm so glad you have Shyla to enjoy, she is a beauty.

  2. Keep you mom smiling Shyla, and enjoy those wonderful sunrises and sunsets and beautiful clouds!
    You are medicine for the soul!

  3. Beautiful, golden, and white snow for a little contrast. Greetings from Jean

  4. I love that last "glowing Shyla" picture.

  5. From my heart to yours, KB, happy New Year. May your days be filled with peace, joy, love, strength as you go through your next medical challenge and moments of joy with your duo and the runner. Sending thoughts of healing to you.
    Hugs, Noreen

  6. Beautiful pictures.

    I am getting old enough to have too many great dogs in my past, but I have also learned more and more from dogs to live in the present with those around you. I miss the old dogs, but love the current pack - both at the same time.

  7. I like the way Shyla puts her head between her paws and looks up and out at the landscape. She's aglow! I hope 2014 is a great one for you, KB.

  8. The views you have take my breath away.


  9. So glad you have the sun after the storms. I can feel the warmth between you and sweet Shyla. And now she even has her very own rock, forever to be Shyla's Rock.

  10. I don't think I have ever seen that first picture and the description "Alpenglow". Takes my breath away!

    Both you and Shyla have great companions, you deserve each other!


    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  11. Shyla certainly looks like she thinks 2014 is off to a good start! I'm glad the two of you have each other. Keep enjoying the things you love!

  12. I'm so glad you have Shyla. I am so jealous of your mountain scenery and light!
    Nola's Mom

  13. Love to watch the relationship between you and Shyla. It is so beautiful. Thanks for the comments on molly. I pray she finds a loving and caring home like Shyla's :)

  14. Happy new year to you and the pups! Shyla really is glowing in the last picture :)

  15. Those sunrises are breathtaking, but Shyla being washed by the light at K's rock is my favorite. She looks like she fits right there, just like she does in your heart.

    Simply beautiful.

  16. Shyla always makes us smile, too.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  17. You and Shyla are a very special team and we love you both ♥

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  18. The views that you have are truly awesome!! The photos you take of Shyla and all of the beauty that surrounds you...amazing. Thanks for sharing and Happy New Year to you!!

  19. On our recent trip to the Grand Canyon we experienced that light. Amazing

  20. Hi KB
    Happy New year to you! I hope it's going to be a healthy and vital one too.
    Always love your beautiful photos - especially today because I'm aware of sunrises and sunsets.
    Hugs to Shyla, and lotsaluv to you too.

  21. Shyla is without doubt a wonderful family member and share with K and treasured memories.

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