Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, January 3, 2014

Wild Kitties

It was another glorious winter day, with alpenglow to start the day. This is the only time of year when I can get up early enough to see the glow of the nascent sunrise on the snowy mountains.
The windswept clouds told the story of a breezy day with a storm front moving in.
Shyla really doesn't like our winter winds so we stayed back in the trees where we were protected from the wind a bit.
Later in the day, I checked a trail camera that pointed at a bear tree, waiting for the first bears to wake up in a few months. In the meantime, there's been some fun action by other animals at the base of it.

First, a cute rabbit has been hogging the limelight, getting his photo taken hundreds of times.
One of his main predators, a bobcat, has been passing the camera almost daily. I get more photos of bobcats than almost any other kind of animal but this one looks distinctive. His/her spots are much more pronounced, against lighter background fur than most bobcats around here have.
Check out those spots!
Given that this bobcat has been passing the trail camera almost daily, I wonder if it might be a mother with kittens stashed nearby. Bobcats can have kittens at any time of year, although spring is most common. I'll keep an eye on this spot to see if any kittens appear over time.

Just for contrast, here's an earlier photo of a mother mountain lion and her kitten in the same place. Look how much bigger they are than a bobcat!
I haven't captured many mountain lion photos lately. I had a flurry in late October and early November, and very few thereafter. I'm hoping for more, especially when the elk herd is in the area. I have seen lion tracks in the snow pretty regularly but they haven't passed my cameras.

Happy Friday to all of you from R and Shyla!


  1. We love barking at kitties...but we think we'd leave those alone!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Belal & Roxy

  2. I was watching the weather on the east coast and heard rumors that your area is due for a significant snowfall. I know I am selfish but I love your snow pictures so I am hoping you get some snow. (But hope you can avoid those terrible temps they are getting in the east.) Love the first two photos of the clouds. But then I love all your pics. Have a nice weekend

  3. Love that last pic of the "chums!" In one of the photos, Shyla is doing a downward dog (which I also do every morning).

  4. such lovely colors in your mountains and skies!

    so fun to see your wild cats, spots and not.

    lovely new year to you!

  5. I always loved this particular cloud formation and your pictures are really gorgeous. As well the 'kitties', but in a very different sense. :)

  6. Look at those big cats - we have to agree with Scotsmad, we don't think we want to mess with those kitties either.

    The pic of Shyla and R with paws crossed is so much like the one of Ciara and Lightning in our last post - great pals.

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  7. your two babies are adorable. the big cats would be worrisome.

  8. Oh the photos are so magnificent!
    The big kitties- wow!!!
    and the sky! wow!
    and Shyla and R !!

  9. I just adore that last picture!

    I envy you a little with the trail cameras to watch right now. We are stuck in the house for the next week, it seems, and I already feel cabin fever. There is definitely a size difference in your cats! :)

  10. Those first 2 pictures look like paintings! So gorgeous!
    Just getting caught up and wanted to wish you a Happy New Year. I'm sorry to learn about R's elbow and hoping he is doing better.

  11. Love the pic of the dynamic duo holding paws!

    The big cats were fun to see but how I dislike all the junk they have to wear around neck, in ears, what have you.

    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  12. As much as I adore all of your pics...that last one really warms my heart!! The spots on that cat are very pronounced!!

    Happy Saturday!

  13. We love the last picture best!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  14. Our bobcats here are so much grayer - I think to blend in with the desert more. We have mountain lion too that I've spotted from time to time but they are also thinner and their colors aren't as bright.

    Love the last photo!

    Monty and Harlow

  15. We so enjoy seeing the pictures from your trail cameras. We have bobcats here in Florida too but only see them once in a while. We keeping going back to look at that beautiful picture of R & Shyla. We love how their paws are together. We give that picture a 8 paws up!

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  16. Beautiful bobcat. (and I love the bunny camera hog!)

  17. Howdy mates. Oh how we love your photos. The bob cat looks amazing. Thanks for sharing them. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  18. Beautiful animals! Especially the pups. Looks like the mountain lion is being tracked judging by its collar.

  19. Great Pictures of the lions...so exotic it is. In credible that you have them so near.


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