Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, January 4, 2014

A Snowstorm!

Last night, we had the gorgeous skies that often come before a storm. The four of us went for an easy stroll on the trails as the sun set. The clouds sat thick and heavy over the Divide but the sky to the east lit up beautifully.
The rocky peaks sat, unimpressed, from where they've watched sunsets for eons.
We awakened to single digits, snow plummeting out of the sky, and a power outage. I burrowed further under the covers, choosing to stay toasty for longer rather than brave the cold. Soon, I felt Shyla leap onto the bed. Then, she gently lay directly on top of me. I peeked out from under heavy eyelids, and she was holding one of my slippers a few inches from my nose. She made me laugh and got me out of bed with a smile on my face.

I was so grateful for the invention of the Fat Bike this morning. It made it possible for Shyla and I to pedal blissfully and silently through the forest. I sometimes get sad on "powder days", since the doctors have made telemark skiing off-limits to my fragile spine. Before I was banned from skiing, I used to log about 100 days a year on skis.
Shyla's enthusiasm was infectious! She is the perfect snowbiking partner.
By the end of our ride, snow was still falling at an incredible rate. No doubt, we are now having real winter after a short sunny and warm break!
Now, we are ready for our evening walk through the snow, using snowshoes to pack down a trail. This photo is from last night as the storm was moving in - I am looking forward to somewhat clear skies again soon!
All in good time.


  1. The Bearded Snow Dog…another of those rare species in your neck of the woods!!

    Otto wakes me up laughing more mornings than I can count. Silly dogs are the best!!

  2. What a wonderful start to your day, and the last photo, the familiar rock that Shyla poses on so well. I see that the storm is widespread, and in many places, warnings about going outdoors, keeping pets inside, and beware of hypothermia for all. Stay warm , all of you. Greetings from Jean. p.s. Max paid us a daytime visit, he was walking out from his "breakfast bar" when we arrived home about 11.30 a.m. !!!

  3. that looks like a great snow fall!

  4. You paint a fun wake up picture with silly Shyla. We are often amused at the antics Walter will go to to get us out of bed. How does that boy know when it is 8am every day?


  5. Hi there, I bet you've gotten so much snow-we've had at least 6"+ today. It is cold and although it looks like the storm is passing, more snow is predicted for tomorrow. It was slippery when we were shoveling-so be careful my friend.
    Stay warm and enjoy your pups.
    Hugs, Noreen

  6. Great photos! But we always say that cuz it's true!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  7. Beautiful pics but be careful out there. That snow and frigid temps combination isn't the greatest.

    The photo of Shyla on the cliff is breathtaking.

  8. I am with you on those mornings, would rather stay cozy in bed!

  9. Beautiful photos both pre-storm and storm ones. We have another 2-3 inches coming in overnight. Nothing big but at least the pups are happy. Bitter cold too.

  10. It's my first time swinging by and man I'm glad I did. Those photos are wonderful, particularly the last one. I'll definitely be back!

    Dina Mom

  11. Shyla certainly knows how to get you going on such a cold day. I cannot imagine riding any kind of bike in that weather. But give me some cross-country skiis or snowshoes...

  12. You take the most beautiful photos! That sunset is fantastic! I love to watch it snow. And I love seeing deep, not walked through snow. We haven't really had much so far this year....just a couple inches. I know you must tire of it but it is so beautiful.

  13. I just knew I was in for a snow post. lvoe it

  14. That first photo is so beautiful! The sunset almost looks like the ocean.

  15. Snow, glorious snow. I now want a fat/snow bike.

    I absolutely love that final photo. Stunning!

  16. Looks cold to us.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  17. I love how in any weather and season, you are always enjoying your life and your beautiful world.

  18. I'm glad Shyla is such a joyful snow bike partner! Your pictures are so very lovely (as always. But I don't get tired of saying it)!

  19. I think snow smells good- and we can smell you snow! And those skys- oh gosh! How beautiful!

  20. Wow! Your photos are amazing! I too have a silly dog that wakes me up smiling!

  21. That fourth picture of Shyla is a doozie. She looks so determined and the sepia toned background makes it all that prettier.

    We don't have a huge amount of snow, plenty enough, but the sub-zero temps are keeping me inside.

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  22. Wow impressive and Shyla certainly is a great wake up call.

  23. You make us laugh, Shyla! Good job getting your mom out of bed so you can start your fun day!
    Your photos are stunning, KB!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  24. Pretty as always! Does she get cold in the snow?

    Monty and Harlow

  25. You are one tough woman. I would look at that snow and hunker down with tea and a fire. Beautiful sunset photos.

  26. Absolutely gorgeous skies....the sunrises and sunsets are what i love most about winter...lovely fluffy snow. I got a big smile picturing Shyla w your slipper in her mouth.
    Madi and mom

  27. Oh how you made my MOM smile with the image of Shyla on the bed with you. We dogs are great motivators. MOM and I spend the night in the mountains camping Saturday in ti Sunday. Can you believe it, she took a Sunday off!!!! I have been begging for something like this. She is working over 80 hours a week between the shelter and church for 9 months now. It takes it toll. But be assured she always takes good care of me with walks, and snuggles, a hike or two even if it is at a loss of sleep. Hope you and your pack have a wonderfully beautiful day.

  28. We have snow also, but not like yours, I am sure. I am glad you can get out with Shyla. She looks so happy all snowy.

    Anne and Sasha

  29. I was describing your snow bike tires to someone just last week. I had never heard of such a bike before reading your blog. :)

  30. Beautiful Pictures, the last one is awsome.
    Lots of skiing you did. You have a lot of snow already. Heard about the Cold you have in the US on our news...

  31. Wow, that last photo is just gorgeous! Another post card!!!


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