Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, January 17, 2014

The Brilliance of Nature

I feel grateful for the incredible world where the combination of clouds and a setting sun can make art so brilliant that I cannot find words to describe it.
One evening recently, Shyla and I stayed out through sunset, watching the entire sky light up in vivid colors. It gradually morphed from orange, to pink, to purple, and finally to dusky gray. We gave thanks for Nature's beauty.
We walked home through the shadowy meadow with nighttime nipping at our heels.

Happy Friday. And, thank you so much for all the well wishes.


  1. We don't think there are words to describe it! Just gorgeous doesn't cover it.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  2. Breath taking beauty. And sweet Shyla enhances the beauty.

  3. I can say for sure, your eye infection has not changed your stunning photography, that is the most gorgeous sky I have seen. And the rock, I love its outline against the sky. I sent you an email, big, BIG error, Josh is 5'11"... NOT 6'11", he might be 6 feet tall now, as I'm sure he has grown since December. Hope all things are improving, and delayed surgery is all for the best. Greetings from Jean

  4. Hi Y'all!

    Y'all have the most magnificent sunsets. We've had some beauties, but nothing so dramatic as y'all have!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  5. Due to the fire in our area yesterday, we had an amazing sunset this evening. I love Shyla giving thanks!

  6. Spectacular! Love Shyla !
    Barb and etnie and the crew

  7. I can not begin to imagine seeing this breathtaking sight in person. The awe and wonder....

  8. Like 24 Paws, I cannot even imagine looking skyward and seeing what you photographed! Someday I want to though.

    Cheers and hugs,


  9. Such beauty! There was a beautiful sunset here tonight, too. And a beautiful full moon followed.

  10. What an incredible photo! It's just beautiful!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  11. Wow, wow, wow, wow!!!!! That's what we call beauty at its finest!

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  12. What a beautiful sky. We hope you are recovering comfortably.

  13. There are no words to tell you how beautiful your sky is!!!


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