Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Delay, delay, delay

This was supposed to be my "night-before-surgery" but it's not. I woke up this morning with a very irritated eye. Late this afternoon, my opthamologist said that I shouldn't have surgery tomorrow because the risk of my eye causing a post-surgical infection is too high. 

While my eye recovers, I can get more mentally ready for surgery than I am now. I felt rushed leading up to it because I had so many test results to consider. Now, I can slow down and accept what's going to happen. So, there's a silver lining.

The delay will also give me time to continue to help R recuperate. He's still doing stunningly well, doing his short and slow walks with almost no limp.
If my eye heals on schedule, my shoulder surgery will be a week from tomorrow. Unfortunately, that's a big "if". Due to an autoimmune disease, my immune system and eyes don't always respond to medications like the doctors expect. My doctor today quipped, "As we well know, your immune system operates by its own unique rules".

This is one time that I'd rather be "normal" than "unique" so I can be on the road to recovery very soon, just like R! He's a great example for me!


  1. Well, this also gives me time for more practice at sending healing vibes back to CO. I was having trouble deciding on the northern or southern route :)
    So happy to hear R is doing nicely!. What a fine portrait of that handsome boyo.
    I hope your eye clears up quickly, not just for the surgery but because eye irritations can be awfully hard to ignore as you go about your day.
    A hug to Shyla :)

  2. Here's hoping the eye will heal quickly. So glad R is doing so well. We're still sending our positive vibes to all of you.

  3. KB, be as unique as you like, time to prepare, for R to heal a little more, for maybe some snow to go away, all good things, and for your eye, maybe a blessing all along. Enjoy the days ahead with everyone by your side, inside by the fire, and out in the snow. Greetings from Jean

  4. Hi KB
    W e like silver linings!
    So we hope your eyes heals in its own time,, and that way everything will be perfect..
    And yes more time with R to get him better too!

  5. i'm glad you're getting more time to prepare but do hope your eye cooperates with the new schedule. :)

  6. Oh well, as you say, you've got longer to help R recuperate. Hope the eye heals so you can get this surgery behind you.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  7. It's kind of a two-sided way, isn't it? For one, your irritated eye has given you some time to prepare better for your surgery, but since it is unclear whether it will heal in the expected time you don't really know whether the surgery will take place when planned. So - I just hope for you that your eye heals in time and you will be ready for the surgery, and that after that the healing and recovery process will be a quick one.

  8. Oh dear ~ sorry to hear abouts your eye! I hopes it gets better real quick. I thinks maybe the extra time is a good thing like you said....recovery is often most successful when you're mentally prepared. Definitely a silver lining!
    R looks FABulous! I'm so glad to hear he's doin' so well.
    Ruby ♥

  9. I hope this turns out to be a hidden blessing and that next Friday, you wake up feeling ready to face the surgery and that everything goes well!

  10. Very fine photo of the Handsome Prince! All best luck from me to you for everything working out the way it should,eye-wise.

    We'll be watching for bulletins and keeping you close!

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  11. I love that you have time to prepare yourself for what's to come. And hang out with the duo!

  12. Enjoy the added time to prepare. Hope your eye heals quickly, so as to not throw you too far off course.

    Glad to hear R is doing so great. Wonderful news. Don't you wish humans could recuperate as well as a dog? :)

  13. Oh, wow! I hope the healing goes well, for both your eye and R.

  14. Here's hoping your eye heals quickly...I, too, have several autoimmune diseases and it is not easy living with them.

    I am sure R appreciates your helping him recover!

  15. Maybe this is sort of a blessing in disguise, KB. We hope your eye heals quickly.
    We are so happy for you, R!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  16. Oh how annoying! Let's hope there will be no more delays! In the meantime, enjoy the pups and the weekend!

  17. I'm sorry your eye is irritated, but it is good you can spend more time with R. That will get him further around the healing bend and that way the Runner won't be as overwhelmed with two patients. And as you say, more mental prep time for you.

    Take care!

  18. We know first hand about those auto-immune disease problems. It seems this has worked out for the best on your end.

    Still sending prayers..


  19. Sounds like it's all going to work out in the end. We know that R will be happy that his nurse is with him.

    Hope your eye is not too bothersome and scratchy.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  20. Oh KB - just what you need-----well, maybe it is, God sometimes has a funny way of giving us what we need, even when we may not agree. More time is a good thing - especially when preparing for surgery. My husband recently had surgery on his shoulder (it happened very quickly) and now is recovering. Indy is right there by his side all day long - best medicine ever.
    We hope R continues to heal, he looks so good in that picture. I love his shining eyes.

    Have a great weekend!

    ~Diane and Indy Bones~

  21. Well crap. Good and bad news. I hope your eye heals fast. That must be bothersome.

  22. Oh no. These winds here are causing allergies and eye irritations. Just ask mom

  23. Ahh the silver lining. Glad you can find one. And very happy to hear Mr. Cracker Dog is doing so well.

  24. Hang in there...sending you well wishes~

  25. Glad you've decided to make lemonade from the lemons! Rest and stay calm. I think worry/stress puts our immune systems into a tizzy.

  26. Hey KB, I am glad you can see the silver lining - it certainly sounds like there is one, I'd say the biggest plus is having a bit more time to keep an eye on R. He certainly does look handsome! Now knowing your immune system runs by its own rules we will send even more healing vibes when you've had your operation so that recovery goes smoothly.
    Best wishes.

  27. Well, it will happen when it is supposed to happen and when it is safe. Hugs from all of us!

  28. Hi KB, So glad R is doing better. I also think this delay will give your body time to heal and to get a bit stronger. It is hard when other things hinder our healing-such as another issue. Sending prayers up for you right now.
    Hugs, Noreen

  29. Oh....hope you will recover soon so you can do the operation as planned.
    Keep up!

  30. Seems that your body is wise and knew your psyche needed a few more beautiful days with R and Shyla to truly be ready. I can see from the following posts that you have been using the extra time to the fullest and gaining confidence in the outcome. Best wishes with your eye infection and the following surgery!

  31. good luck with the eye!! Positive thoughts


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