Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Wordless Wednesday: The shadows versus the sunlight

The eternal battle between the shadows and the light.
As the sun rose, it bathed everything in its warm light. Each sunrise and sunset feels like a metaphor for life.


  1. Oh, but when that light shines on Shyla, it's beautiful!

  2. I see it as more of a dance that a battle, I think. Hmmm. Like the tides. Only with light instead of water. Light-tides?
    Hope you're having a peaceful evening :)

  3. Beautiful!! Have a wonderful day!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  4. So beautiful, no words fit that photo, expressive, stunning, eyes that shine, beauty within, greetings from Jean

  5. As Quinn said it's a dance.
    Your grace, and devotion to Shyla
    is a reflection of your love not only for her, but all the wild animals who cross your path and the mountain you live on.

  6. It is indeed a metaphor for life. Still sending positive vibes from my mountains to yours.

  7. I can't think of anything else to say besides that this is simply gorgeous and incredible!

  8. What a beautiful post--- and we see beautiful Shyla,, who feels your every emotion,, and every emotion the universe is sharing too.

    we are with you,,, its all gonna be okay.

  9. I hope I see that beauty one day too.

  10. Such a stunning photo :) Milo & Jet

  11. You are such a beauty, Shyla!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  12. That sure is a gorgeous picture. What a great looking girl you are. Hope all of you have a super day.

  13. Your wise philosophy allows each of us to share with you or such experiences.

  14. Hi Y'all!

    Catchin' up with y'all! What a beautiful expression!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  15. Hi there, I love your girls expression-pure love. What joy to have her in your life, what a blessing for her that you found her.
    Sending hugs your way.

  16. Best of luck as you prepare for surgery. I know your labs and The Runner will take good care of you when you get to come back home!

  17. In case you don't post tonight, we all wanted to wish you good luck tomorrow with your surgery! We'll keep you in our good thoughts and prayers.

    Lily Belle, Muffin & Mommy Kim

  18. Oh, you are so beautifuls Shyla!!
    I loves all the contrasts!
    Ruby ♥

  19. Thinking of you as you go back into surgery - look forward to hearing your voice on here again soon. I admire your spirit and love of life xxx

  20. Best of luck tomorrow, I'll be thinking about you and sending all good vibes your way...

  21. Just coming back to say I'm thinking of you tonight and will be keeping a good thought for you throughout the day tomorrow. Here's to a smooth surgical procedure, a rapid recovery, and healthy healing! My very best wishes to you and your loving clan...Quinn

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