Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, February 24, 2014

A good day!

We had a busy but good day. R had his 6 week post-surgery checkup. We were a bit worried about it because he still limps sometimes, especially when he gets up after snoozing. The surgeon says that is perfectly normal at this stage, and he can increase his activity more, including a little bit of running!

I had physical therapy,  which always leaves me sore. I have an ice bag on my shoulder right now. However, my PT is thrilled with my range of motion just 2 weeks post-surgery. I think I'm going to be back on my mountain bike before I know it!

We arrived home after our appointments and headed out for a quick hike as the "next" storm front was oozing up from the east. I could see the clouds advancing up the canyons toward our perch on the mountainside while we hiked.

The sunset was muted due to the impending storm but still painted a beautiful pastel picture in the sky.
A good day all around! Snow tomorrow...


  1. KB, this makes us sooo happy!
    It won't be long and you and R will be feeling so much better and more betters!

  2. A lovely day indeed. Beautiful sunset shot.

  3. Wonderful news, and your photo, Shyla loves those rocks that stand out so far, she is a brave girl.( in my opinion, as I do not like heights or looking down far below) A good day down here too, just more scorching heat tomorrow!!! Cheers ,Jean.

  4. Spectacular of Shyla, on the rock and the sky. Good to hear you and R are doing well.
    Petrie, the furkid crew and Barb

  5. Great news about you and about R!! Those pastels are beautiful :-)

  6. Your spirits sound as good as that report:0 Now don't overdo it, one day at a time:)

  7. gorgeous shot! yay for you and R both!

  8. So happy for the both of you! What a lovely picture.

  9. Just what we have been waiting to hear! Good news for both you and R!

    A wonderful picture of Shyla against that beautiful sky!

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  10. Glad to hear so much good news and that you and R are recovering so well.

    Hang in there!

  11. Yay! Good news all around. Hope you continue with your speedy recovery!

  12. We are so happy for both you and R, KB! Your sunsets are the best!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  13. So glad both you and R had such good appointments!

    The colors may have been muted by the coming storm, but that is actually one of my favorites of your sunset series.

    Jimmy and I had our first agility practice last Friday since I broke my kneecap. He was beyond ecstatic to be back in the ring. I still can't get past a fast walk, so I was very re-motivated to keep up with my PT exercises. They are quite boring at this point but I want to RUN!

  14. Good news for both of you! Yay!

    Monty and Harlow

  15. What an amazing picture!!!!!

    Both of you are making great progress! Keep up the good work..


  16. Awesome news for both of you. I am sure it helps that you are in good physical shape
    Lily & Edward

  17. Thank you for sharing this good news with us. We look forward to you and both pups romping together soon!

  18. Yay for the good day! Let's hope there are many more in store for all of you!

  19. That is wonderful news and here's to more better days!

  20. You'll be back on your bike to enjoy the last of winter and beginning of Spring. Keep up the good work.

    XXXOOO Bella & Roxy

  21. Stunning Picture!
    Great that R is doing good. Oh be careful while hiking now to you are really ok.

  22. Great news for R and for you!
    I like the image of an "oozing" storm front, and I can picture it easily. Big shy, you've got out there! Here, I don't have the kind of long-distance view I had in CO, so by the time I see a storm coming, it's already "looming ominously"!

  23. Of course I meant big SKY! Although Shy(la) is pretty big, too ;)

  24. Is that an Elton John song I hear slowly building in the background?

  25. Yea! Sounds like a good report for both of you!

  26. What an absolutely gorgeous photo! And congrats on doing so well on PT. Keep up the good work!

  27. Just excellent news - so happy to hear it :) Soon it will be Spring, you'll both be in good shape to enjoy it, and that will lift your spirits even more - I know it will mine! It's been a rough winter all over...


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