Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, February 23, 2014

International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day

I found out that today is "International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day". So, of course, we celebrated it in our house.

Shyla was a very cooperative model for this special day that our Duo holds near and dear to their hearts.
I really wanted R to be a model for our photos honoring dog biscuits. However, he figured out that he could snarf the biscuit as soon as I raised my camera to my eye. Rascal!

It's hard to believe that a dog with such innocent eyes could be so devious!


  1. made me laugh! it's always the boys... :)

  2. So cute and funny! I've found Miss Nola's nose is too narrow to balance treats. :/

  3. Will have to give some extra treats tonight to celebrate. Hailey would argue everyday is biscuit appreciation day!

  4. If we tried that here, Lightning would be stealing the one one on the other two's snooters:) Off to treat them all to a milkbone.

  5. I think I need to let my mom know so we can celebrate! R is one smart cookie!

  6. Good job Shyla,,,
    and R,,
    yousa- little stink pot like me!

  7. Oh yeah, Hunter would gobble it up to quickly!!! We need to work on her patience!

  8. I have been trying to tell her all day to give me more treats
    Lily & Edward

  9. Ooh Shyla,

    I know how you feel cuz our mom makes me do dat trick too, Max snarfs just like R! ;) Happy Sunday!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  10. Such a sweet face. It's a surprise R didn't grab Shyla's treat as well.

  11. We only found out today that it was "International Dog Biscuit Day." We've just had our usual ones though. BUT we didn't have to hold them on our noses or anything.

    XXXOOO Bella & Roxy

  12. That beautiful doggie with the mouton chocolate eyes?!? We don't believe it!

    Bart, Ruby and Otto

  13. hehehehe R you are one smart pup. I find if I do that I get an extra cookie for MOM to try to take my photo.

  14. A long time ago I saw a cartoon with a dog saying "If she puts a biscuit on my nose one more time, I'm gonna bite her." So thats when we quit that trick.

    R looks like a little puppy in that pic and Shyla is gorgeous as always.


  15. We girls are so much smarter!

    Love ya lots♥

  16. Wow...look at Shyla! R .... you are too funny! Always the BOYS!!

  17. So good! I keep trying to get Torrey to do that trick. So far, not so good.

  18. I spent so much time teaching Mr. Wilson that trick that he now has me doing it for him.

    Dog biscuits aren't bad, once you get used to them.

  19. Our mom says it's always the innocent-looking ones that you have to watch. Isn't that crazy? And why does she keep looking at me?!?!
    Yours sincerely,
    Maggie T.

  20. Our mom says it's always the innocent-looking ones that you have to watch. Isn't that crazy? And why does she keep looking at me?!?!
    Yours sincerely,
    Maggie T.

  21. What a great trick and how she does that.....Very talented....that would my dogs not manage I Think :-)

  22. I had a good laugh at this one! It's good to know that R hasn't completely outgrown his penchant for mischief!

  23. Ha! By an odd coincidence, I bought two new kinds of dog treats today (both little biscuit-shapes)...let the celebration begin! ;)

  24. Hehehe, R is a sneaky one, isn't he?


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