Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, February 10, 2014

Let the healing begin...

I wrote this post on Sunday so that I'd just have to press "publish" after surgery. I felt scared that I might be jinxing myself by writing it ahead of time. Then, I realized that jinxes and luck have nothing to do with this... so here's the quick message:

"Made it. Let the healing begin."
And please don't hold me responsible for my hazy brain and inability to type. The Runner just told me to "be careful" what I type due too the pain meds!


  1. HOORAY!!! hope you can get back to your pups soon!

  2. Consider yourself forgiven ahead of time for any drug/pain-induced blunders. Although it might be kind of funny for us! ;)

  3. WHEW! Tons of AireZen and healing vibes coming your way, KB!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  4. Glad that is behind you and the hard stuff can begin. Take it easy.

  5. You are a sweetheart to arrange a way to let us all know the surgery is over and that one big hurdle (or one big multicolored hoop) is now behind you! Hurray and huzzah! I hope you will rest well tonight, and indeed, let the healing begin :)

  6. The first step on the road to recovery. Hope it is a smooth and easy trip back to riding your bike with Shyla.

  7. Glad you are up and taking nourishment. And definitely do not use any autocorrect while taking the pain meds. Can lead to some interesting words. Still thinking of you.

  8. Glad it's behind you! Vibes for a speedy recovery!

  9. Blessings and speedy recovery from us to you.
    Here's to chasing all your dreams and finding out they all came true.
    Happy Thoughts only.
    Oh and Kiss the Duo for us too.

    xo Cinnamon and Linda

  10. Awesome that you're home! We just know that the duo and the Runner will be taking very good care of you. Relax, take your pain med's and enjoy the "purple haze" :)

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  11. So glad to hear this is all behind you now. Sending prayers for a quick recovery but I think you have some pretty good caregivers right there with you.

  12. That second photo is....brilliant.

    Blogging might be the least of your worries when you get home. Just relax and enjoy those dogs.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

    All of our best wishes for an easy op.

  13. Wonderful, thankful, and grateful that all is well, let those meds do their work, keep pain to the lowest, and enjoy all TLC from the Duo and Runner. Hugs and much love, Jean.

  14. Yea!!! I'm also sendin' you tons on healin' AireZens and some ice cream!! That is always a FAV after surgery!!! Yummers...I'll be right overs...hehehe
    Ruby ♥

  15. I hope this means you're home instead of in a hospital! Even if you do have a hazy brain, what a magnificent sunset photo of Shyla! May healing come quickly, and may the future be as beautiful as that gorgeous shot!

  16. hello,

    i just read back through your post to learn of your shoulder surgery. I send you light and healing vibes as you recover!

  17. Yay!

    We is doin' da boxer wiggle butt happy dance!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  18. Let the healing begin our KB!!
    We are here-- and we cheer you on..!
    Magic healing bubbles going your way!
    tweedles and moms

  19. Yes, let the healing begin and please don't overdo it:)

  20. Yes indeed let the healing begin. I know you have the bestest nurse anyone can have. Nurse Shyla you take good care of your mom.

  21. I heeled today on my walk!

    Rottie kisses,


  22. Happy that you made it through and that you are home. Spend some of your days being inspired by athletes of the world, even though its my feeling the coverage stinks! Spend the rest of it cuddled with your pups. We will all be thinking of your quick recovery!

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  23. Soft woos of happiness that all went well. Sending our strongest White Dog healing energies that the recovery is pain-free, quick, and complete. Let the healing begin...indeed!

  24. Hope your back in the saddle soon, enjoying your bike adventures with the pups.

  25. Take good care of yourself. And that second photo is absolutely magical!

  26. Ah yes, never type on medication (or at least get a proof reader). Glad it's over and it went well.

    Mango Momma

  27. We wish you a very speedy recovery!

    Monty and Harlow

  28. Positive on your part and we are sending positive vibes your way. Like your comment "let the healing begin". Love it. You are our "hero" with your attitude and pisitiveness.
    Barb and the furkids

  29. Speedy recovery to you so that you can get back to what you love to do!


  30. Hi Y'all!

    You have been constantly in my Humans thoughts these last couple of days. Our Internet connection has been spotty here at the shore, so know that you will continue to be in our prayers even if we are unable to connect.

    Hawk aka BrownDog and his Humans

  31. Glad all went well!! Yes, let the healing begin!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  32. Thanks for letting us know you're through the surgery. And yes, be careful what you type, take your pain meds as prescribed, and I know your canine nurses will help you feel better very soon!


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